Search results

  1. HolyMackerel

    Flower Girl

    This is a piece that I have always liked and wondered about, since I made it a while ago. I feel that if I've set this as a standard, maybe some critic on it from you guys could help raise it. So in case it hasn't been made obvious, I would like some thoughts and comments!
  2. HolyMackerel

    Writing Friends [Poetry]

    So this is just a short poem that I wrote. It's something that has been in my head for a while, I got a lot of my inspiration from the Pixar movie "UP" which will be easy to tell. I hope you all like it, since it's a new style for me. Feel free to comment, question, and give suggestions...
  3. HolyMackerel

    Joseph Kony

    Joseph Kony is one of the top criminals in the world....yet hardly anyone knows about him. Please watch this video, it's thirty minutes long but I hope you can make the time in this case, and spread the word. Make comments and suggestions here talking about how we can stop Kony! If everyone...
  4. HolyMackerel

    Writing 9/11

    So, this is a poem I created about 9/11. I've recently learned more about that day, and I felt so...moved by this situation. I needed to put it out in something, so I did. I don't think I'll be doing many more of these. Suicide Impact, hitting us. Ceiling crashing into us. Breath...
  5. HolyMackerel

    Adventure Time

    Hey, this is the Adventure Time thread, where you can talk about the show, characters, places...and all that jazz. So, yah. Oh, so I really enjoy adventure time, mostly because of all the weird junk in it, and my favorite character would have to be Marceline, but I find myself laughing at...
  6. HolyMackerel

    Mario Kart Wii-Tourney on Saturday and Sunday!

    Hello, this is the discussion for Mario Kart Wii, the video game. I was wondering how many people played, and if they did, would they do so wirelessly? To be honest, I think it'd be kind of cool to play in a tournament with other PokeBeach members. But first, I need to know who's interested...
  7. HolyMackerel

    Writing A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-New Chapter 9/2

    Well, here we are again. So, in case you guys aren't veterans of the first volume, you can find it here. Don't post in it, or else I will be upset with you. For those of you who have already read that, and know me to well by now as I promised, I am back. And it's summer. So a large portion...
  8. HolyMackerel

    The Mushroom Legacy~A Mario Kart Challenge

    Hello! I'm Toad, and I have been invited to the Mario Kart challenge by PokeBeach member aggiegwyn! As I race throughout the game, she will create comics of my adventure! So, here we are. Oh, and here's some stuff preluding the comic! Thanks to one of my favorite users on this website...
  9. HolyMackerel

    The Angels-CLOSED

    The Betrayed Angels Before I begin, I mean no religious offense in this RPG. Any religious reference in this game is NOT meant to hurt feelings in any way. So, if you feel that you may be uncomfortable in playing this due to your religion, please DON’T sign up. I do not want any players...
  10. HolyMackerel

    (The Better Version of) Mt. Everest-My Comic

    N00b comic. YAAY! Anyways, this a comic that I have recently started, and NO. It has nothing to do with pokemon. If you were looking for a pokemon comic, well, you might as well leace right now. Actually, please stay. I need support to life self-confidence you can understand that, right...
  11. HolyMackerel

    Agg's Art Thread: Sprite

    Hey, my name is HolyMackerel, but most call me by my old name; aggiegwyn, or aggs for short. I make banners, avatars, doodles, and paintings. And for the time being, I'm happy to announce that I will be actively accepting requests for drawings--nothing big, just silly doodles and such. I don't...
  12. HolyMackerel

    Log Out? Please?

    So, I'm trying to log off so that my brother can get on, and it's not working. Fix? Please? Oh, also, he hasn't been active for a while, so it may just be that the code has made me like "permenant user" or something like that. I don't really know.
  13. HolyMackerel

    Writing The Traveler

    So, this is the fiction I have been working on for a while. I hope you guys like it, and feel free to give critique. Special thanks to DNA, who helped me a lot with fixing up this chapter(and probably the future others. Oh an yes. I will be taking advantage of spoiler tags. Chapters...
  14. HolyMackerel

    The Most Typical Face

    So, I was messing around with Yahoo, and saw this. The most typical face. I thought it was interesting, and the video was cute. You guys feel free to comment and possibly predict future expected faces. The Most Typical Face(On Earth)
  15. HolyMackerel

    Valentines Day

    I figure since the holiday is coming up, you guys can discuss your valentines, your plans for the holiday, gifts you prefer.... You know, the usual. Guys, just some advice, girls love chocolate. It almost never fails. Girls...well, I can't give advice on guys. :D
  16. HolyMackerel

    -The Doodle Contest- Judging

    Welcome to the Doodle Contest! We welcome all artist who have skills with the pen. Now that we have eliminated all of the GFX'ers, we have some more room to talk about guidlines. -Simple Guidlines- -You may work on paper or with tablet, quality of scanned images should not apply- -If you...
  17. HolyMackerel

    Finished .:The Guild: A Roleplayer's Paradise:.Participate in the New Directions Project

    Welcome to the Guild, a club for role-players. Here, we share ideas, characters, and sometimes just chat. Joining is easy, just fill out the form and PM it to me. Rules -PM all applications to me. -You do not have to be a super-experienced roleplayer to join! We welcome all who wish...
  18. HolyMackerel

    Agg's Trade Thread-She had DA cards!

    USA (The United States of Ampharos, I mean...America...-cough.) ~RULEZ~ -Please send cards that are in good condition -Be nice. -I am a n00b with cards. Expect me too sound like one. -I trade cards because I like playing. I just don't play very competitively. -Enjoy yourself while you're...
  19. HolyMackerel

    Aggycove Art Museum-Unfortunatley for you guys, I'm back!

    Welcome to my art thread, here you can observe my art. I will not take requests here, if you would like to request art from me, you need to go to Cherrim Days and ask for me to be the artist. Yes, Roa, I count this as advertising For those of you DA users, here is my account. Comments, new...
  20. HolyMackerel


    Explanation for those of you who don't know what this is about... I plan on going. Anyone else? Maybe we can meet up or something... I will probably ending bringing myself in a ninja costume or such. Anyone?