Writing A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-New Chapter 9/2


been here forevs yo
Well, here we are again. So, in case you guys aren't veterans of the first volume, you can find it here. Don't post in it, or else I will be upset with you.

For those of you who have already read that, and know me to well by now as I promised, I am back. And it's summer. So a large portion of the promise was kept.

Other things will be explained within the chapter, so...enjoy.

High School

Dictionary Version: A path between rows of seats
My Version: An example of how stupid the English language is

Hey guys. After a long hiatus, I’m back. I’m sure you’re all overjoyed. (You can imagine my oozing sarcasm.) And to start us off on this journey, I feel the need to explain things, such as characters in my life and how I intend on writing these stories.

First of all, now that I have to write a thousand words-at least-per chapter, you guys get to hear the gory details of my life. Isn’t that fun? Between using the restroom and yelling at my siblings…by the end of the summer you’ll know everything about me. So stalkers, take your notebooks! This is going to be a long lesson.

Second of all, at the moment, my life is incredibly boring. It was boring before, but for some reason you guys didn’t think so. That made me incredibly worried about you all, because if you think my life is exciting, then your lives must suck. (No offense intended…I’m just worrying about you guys. I don’t want you guys to have sucky lives.) So, instead of talking about me staying home all day and using the computer, I’ll simply take a few exciting moments from my life and talk about them. There’s going to be a lot of talking in this story, people.

Third, my views will be expressed in this book! So, trolls, George W. Bush lovers, game cheaters, and others…BEWARE, since I’m totally against your views.

Also, I WILL UPDATE THIS WHENEVER I WANT. Honestly, you can complain all you want if I only update once a year. I don’t care about your negative comments nearly as much as the positive ones. I don’t know why. That’s just how I roll, party trolls.

Oh, and now I’m in the mood to make many rhymes—in small amounts of time—so, BEWARE.

Now, since I’m only at three-hundred-twenty words, I spend the next six-hundred-eighty words describing people in my life, so that you don’t get confused later.

Me-Most of the time called Gwyn, sometimes “Gwynzilla” or “Gwyncita” by certain relatives. I think you all know me too well the way it is, so I’ll just leave it at that.

Mom-Also called “Erin”. Mom looks nothing like me, but shares the same views. (I got her brains.) She works. I don’t think I need to say anything else.

Dad-Also called “Ned”. I look almost exactly like him—except I’m female—and have similar views, but different ideas of parenting. He lives in a nearby apartment building, but works in a travelling job, so he’s gone most of the time.

Jack-Also called “Dad”. My mother’s husband, my step-dad. He’s nice. Makes airplane parts for a living and is the go-to man for technology in the house.

Ian-My “blood” brother. Sometimes annoying, mostly strange—yes, for me to call someone else strange is hypocritical, I know.—and is eleven years old. He sucks his thumb. Has a very hot and dramatic temper.

Henry-Another “blood” brother. Hilarious nine year old boy. Most of the time he’s my favorite sibling. Although, he can be annoying. Sometimes. Oh, and he’s mentally disabled.

Kelby-My step-brother. Most of the time annoying and lazy, but shares his moment to shine in sports. He is fourteen years old.

Gabby-My step-sister. Neat-freak who talks. Sometimes we fight, but most of the time we’re in agreement. She is eleven years old.
Annie-My best friend, we met in sixth grade, but never really talked until 7th. She’s a few weeks older than me, and is mostly calm and negative. She is the greatest diss-creator that I have ever come to know. Seriously, her insults sting as you hear them. Sometimes she can be positive if the other person is down, which I like.
Abbie-Annie’s older sister, pretty much perfect school wise, but not very good social wise. According to what Annie tells me, she’s not very good at the house either. I kind of like Abigail, but sometimes her perfect-ness is annoying. She’ll be a senior next year. And my drum major.

Ian-Another best friend that I met when I was ten in a pokemon tournament. Little did I know that we would see each other again in sixth grade, and almost immediately become best friends. We dated for about a month, but when it didn’t work out, both of us didn’t really care. He moved before eighth grade to Edmond, but we still keep in touch.

Eric E.-Ian’s older brother. He is sometimes annoying and sometimes admirable, it really just depends on what mood he’s in. He’ll be a junior next year.

Eric-A sort-of-kind-of friend of mine. He has had a hard-on crush on Annie since kindergarten, but won’t admit it, and nowadays has been to annoying and frustrating to be called “best friend” anymore. He’s my age, and is a complete redneck. He likes nascar, sings country music, worships Larry the Cable Guy…everything.

Luis-A friend that moved away after seventh grade. He had a huge crush on me in seventh grade-why? How? I have no idea—and after much pleading, I promised him I would go on a date with him in my sophomore year. Between that time and now, Luis have moved, grown bisexual—but prefers men--, and I have grown tired of dating at all in the first place. So, with those problems in hand, I’m not sure I can keep my promise. Although, I do have some feeling for Luis. They’re very tiny, but they’re there.

Jonathan-an ex-boyfriend who I sparred my first kiss with. Those of you who have never kissed before, you’re not missing much.

River-He was never really my boyfriend, but we did go on a date—even though I didn’t like him—and it turned out to be a disaster. After the movie, we had some time to talk and he was completely silent. So…that was short. Now, he’s a class clown….no, he’s more like a troll.

Michael-One of Eric’s best friends, and one of the most annoying males. He has a new girlfriend for each week—none of those weeks, however, have I been the “special”—and he makes jokes about everyone, but when you make jokes about him, it’s a “serious offense”.

Casey-An ex from the fifth grade. He is also a best friend of Eric and Michael, but Casey is my favorite out of the “Three Stooges” because he is more…quiet than the others. Michael and Eric always yell and fight, when most of the time, Casey argues with simple logic and in a normal tone. It’s like as if he doesn’t have a temper—which actually, I have proven wrong by scooting a book off my desk and accidently hitting Casey’s face, in which he threw a pen at my arm that gave me a small bruise for weeks—which is why I can talk to him without actually arguing with him.

Hayle and Holly-Twins that I am great friends with. The moved last year, so I will have to get their number to stay in touch, but words can’t describe how well a person can be friends with look-alikes. Hayle is often considered the prettier one, however, I find it to be a tie. Even though Holly has acne, she also has a larger rise in her chest than Hayle. Hayle has no acne, but is almost flat-chested. So, I guess I should be happy that guys care more about the face than the chest, but that still leaves Holly rejected. So, I try to pay more attention to Holly when I can.

Sally-A small Vietnamese girl that I used to bully when I was—okay, sometimes I still am—a jerk. In the eighth grade, I tried to make it up to her by basically worshipping her all year. It seemed to work, since now we’re good friends. Unfortunately, I won’t see her in high school since she moved.

Toan-Jonathan’s best friend of all time and perhaps the most perverted person I have ever met. I won’t be able to mention Toan often, since this a child forum and almost everything that comes from his mouth will have to be censored. So…yah.

Others-I’ll try to explain them as I go.

Hey, I made it past a thousand words. I guess now I have an excuse to not write something down about my life at the moment, so…feel free to wait till the next chapter.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-(rember life of a pokemon freak?)

Before I even read this, I'll let you know one of the rules in the corner:
PMJ said:
10. No abusing colors or tags.
So... yeah, I know it looks cool, but it really does bother some readers with your current layout.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-(rember life of a pokemon freak?)

Zyflair said:
Before I even read this, I'll let you know one of the rules in the corner:
PMJ said:
10. No abusing colors or tags.
So... yeah, I know it looks cool, but it really does bother some readers with your current layout.

Whoops, forgot about that one. Fixed it.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-(rember life of a pokemon freak?)

How do you write 1000 words about characters? Nonetheless, I expect that you will have a bunch of people following this story, who liked the previous one. Good luck with this, and have fun. I didn't see the whole point of defining "aisle", but oh well.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-(rember life of a pokemon freak?)

aggiegwyn said:
I'm feeling very betrayed right now. When it came to an autobiography that I spent ZERO effort on, I got tons of comments, now, nothing...

Someone's missing the glory. :p

Just wanna point that out, I usually don't comment on the stuff I read. Mainly because I have nothing constructive to say. Only thing is, it looks like you really didn't start yet, just list characters. So let's get a move on.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-(rember life of a pokemon freak?)

nabby-Yah, there will be no point to the defnitions this time. They're just for fun.

HL-Yes, I do miss the attention. Q_Q

Real Definition: Someone who loses or is fating to lose.
My Definition: me

Hey, so now that you guys know all the characters, or at least most of them, I’m going to start babbling about psychological views! So, prepared to be offended, rednecks!

Anyways, let’s start off with my iScribble experience. In the fall, I NEVER go on iScribble. However, in the summer, sometimes I go, maybe like once a month or something like that. So, you know, I’ve already drawn an Ampharos on the PokeBeach board, and since no one else was on there—like usual—I moved on to look for other stuff.

So, I was looking around, like “herp-derp, need to find a page, herp-derp” when I see this page titled “Wanna become a reg?” and of course, I was like “**** yes I want to be a reg!” so I clicked on the page. You see, it turns out that to become a reg and get all the bells and whistles that a reg does, you have to do a collab with an actual reg and other people who want to be regs. I work on TONS of these, but never get “reg’d”. Don’t ask why, because I don’t know. But that won’t stop me from trying. ;)

Anyways, so I go on the page and there are a few people sketching out a tiger. And of course, I’m all like “LOLZ, do you guyz need helpz?” and they are all like “LOLZ, sure!”

So, I start coloring the background and all that jazz, when this person enters the board and colors the whole darn thing pink with a big brush, covering all of our art. Immediately, the chatbox fills with “TROLL! TROLL! MODS!!! GET KITTY2447”

I’m not sure if Kitty2447 was the actual username, since it happened so fast, but I remember there being a “kitty” in it. Anyways, the mods fixed it and everything, but that part of iScribble clings to me for some strange reason, so…yah.

Also, I get a lot of watches from iScribble. Like, if you join the pages that says like “Deviant Artists” or something like that, and make yourself seem appealing, then they’re all like “Let’s exchange watches!”

It’s fantastic.

Speaking of DeviantART, I found a poll in my messages today, and saw that it was a troll magnet. The poll was about people’s opinions on gay marriage, and you would vote on it/comment on it to express your feelings or whatever. Of course I voted “Yes, gay marriage should be totally legal”, but there was only ONE dude who posted against it, saying it was against his religion, and therefore he didn’t support it.

Honestly, I’m pretty jazz about people having their own opinions about things like this, and I don’t meddle, because if people don’t have different opinions, then we’re not really people, are we? So, instead, I enjoyed reading the replies to this guy’s comment.

First, the haters prowled on him, with comments such as “Well, your religion is stupid!” and “Can’t you just accept different forms of love?” I felt sorry for him, but the sadistic side of me let me laugh anyways. Then, the trolls pounced on the haters AND that one dude, posting inappropriate pictures of all sorts of love that I can’t even describe to you without breaking the forum rules, so don’t bother asking. I literally ran to the bathroom just to check if throwing up was possible.

Beyond that, after a long struggle of downloading GIMP, I can now create animations! It makes me so happy, since it’s one step closer to my dream, which is to be a worker in Pixar, whether it be in animation or character design, learning how to animate will definitely help the cause.

If you’re wondering why a sadistic person like me want to work in an innocent company like Pixar, well, that’s because I have a soft spot for Disney movies. But only the Pixar animated ones, with the exception of Tangled. Like, next year, there is going to be a Pixar movie called “Brave” about a Scottish Princess who runs away from her throne to learn about to become an archer. I love the idea of the story already.

I also wouldn’t mind making an animated movie or show myself. Probably a movie though, since I don’t have a high level of commitment. The movie would probably have a girl as a main character, and too be honest, I already have an idea. The issue is, it’s a princess movie, and by the time I’m an adult ready to work there, they’ll be all like “been there done that”. So, that will have to be part of the long line of plain old Disney movies. But, you know, whatever.

In case you haven’t noticed, I would consider myself an artist. However, I am only blooming and hope to get much better, since I’m not very good now. I’m learning new anatomy tricks at the moment, but they aren’t working at the moment, so I’ll just keep trying until they finally do. I guess that’s just how I roll. Trying things over and over again until they work. But only with art. When it comes to everything else, as soon as it gets hard I feel like taking a break. That’s how lazy I am, peoples.

Oh, and ANNIE IS HOME FROM HER TRIP, AND IAN WANTS TO COME OVER!!! That means we can have a lot of fun at my house and play games and talk since we haven’t done that in forever and we can play Mario Kart and share art and talk about school and the people we’re annoyed with and everything!!!!

It. Will. Be. Amazing.

Oh, and as soon as I can finish cleaning out my room, I CAN PAINT MY WALL!!! I’m way excited. I just have to get rid of a lot of stuff so that I can make room. Definitely a bunch of clothes. I way to many clothes, since every mom feels sorry for a blond child who decides to draw and read and write in her room all day rather than show off her “gorgeous” hair to “begging” boys. For some reason, older women think I’m attractive. Not only does this weird me out, but it’s a total lie. Sure, without the layer of acne maybe I would look good. Sure, maybe without that layer of baby fat, but people, I am not attractive.

I was only saying to those of you who are ladies about 40+ so…try not to be offended.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-(rember life of a pokemon freak?)

I read your original when I saw this. I finished reading this yesterday and your something about your reading about your life is so... funny I guess? It's not that I have a sucky life that makes stories of yours so great it's just that it's interesting. I can't wait to see more.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-(rember life of a pokemon freak?)

Your style sticks on as well as it has ever been, Aggie. I'd never go for such a casual tone, but we both know it's for you. My major complaint is a concerning lack of fluidity between topics. For example, your subject matter of iScribble and Deviantart had a pretty weak bridge, and made the conversation a bit rambling. Honestly, I'd rather stick to a more narrow topic, as in JUST iScribble, and stick with it for a full chapter, probably speaking of two or even three cool events in detail. It wouldn't be a true-to-life conversation in that case, but as long as you have something interesting, it can work.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-(rember life of a pokemon freak?)

Zyflair said:
Your style sticks on as well as it has ever been, Aggie. I'd never go for such a casual tone, but we both know it's for you. My major complaint is a concerning lack of fluidity between topics. For example, your subject matter of iScribble and Deviantart had a pretty weak bridge, and made the conversation a bit rambling. Honestly, I'd rather stick to a more narrow topic, as in JUST iScribble, and stick with it for a full chapter, probably speaking of two or even three cool events in detail. It wouldn't be a true-to-life conversation in that case, but as long as you have something interesting, it can work.

Okay, sounds good. I'll try it out with the next chapter.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-(rember life of a pokemon freak?)

Sorry guys, my computer committed suicide, so it may be a while before I update.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-(rember life of a pokemon freak?)

That's a first. Computer committing suicide. The next thing you know, lawn mowers will profess love.

Before Apollo speaks, it's fine. Writers are under no obligation to get in their chapters under a timely manner.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-(rember life of a pokemon freak?)

Zyflair said:
That's a first. Computer committing suicide. The next thing you know, lawn mowers will profess love.

Before Apollo speaks, it's fine. Writers are under no obligation to get in their chapters under a timely manner.

Lol, thanks Zyflair. Well, turns out it was only faking--"SIKE"--so here's a new chapter.

Dictionary Version: A group of instrumentalists playing music of a specialized type, such as “rock bands”, “calypso band” or “mariachi band”.
My Version: The excitement of my high school life so far.

Hi. In case you haven’t been paying attention to this thread, my computer was broken, or at least I thought it was, and now it’s “fixed”.

In all reality the charger was broken, and all I needed to do was borrow Jack’s. It made me feel as blonde as I naturally am. Oh, and I’m a natural blondie, in case you didn’t know. I sometimes die it strawberry blonde though, since it makes me look like a ginger. 

Anyways, I start high school on August 19. I don’t know whether to be excited for band or scared for everything else. You see, I’ve been in band for three years. I play percussion, which is basically all of the instruments that you hit in order to create sound. So, I play things like the snare drum and the xylophone.

Band turns into marching band as middle school turns into high school. I’m going to be a freshman this year, and in marching band. In early July, I got a letter with my marching music. Thank goodness it was for marimba, since I love playing keyboards.

You see, unlike the normal band member, when I joined band in sixth grade, I didn’t know what I wanted to play. All I knew where the things that I didn’t want to play, and the things that I couldn’t play.

I wanted to play saxophone, but saxophone is a reed instrument, which means you have to have straight teeth in order to play it. My teeth look like the Rocky Mountains after an 8.5 earthquake, so that wasn’t going to happen. That also takes out clarinet, but I didn’t want to play clarinet anyways, since some very mean girls decided to join clarinet, and I learned later that they would be the biggest jerk-faces in middle school.

There was no way I was going to play flute, since I had to keep my tom-boy act up. Brass instruments are disgusting, seeing as how they drop their spit pretty much anywhere. Although, I did hear that brass playing turn out to be good kissers since they have lip-muscles or something messed up like that. However, at the age of eleven, I wasn’t really interested in that junk.

Well, that left me with percussion. I loved playing piano, and xylophone was the closest thing. So, I spent my days loving keyboards, and hating the drums.

At first, there were ten of us. Ten percussionists. I was the only girl. In the middle of sixth grade year, a kid got expelled and left. Seventh grade year, one kid moved and five others simply quit, leaving only three for seventh grade year. By eight grade year, it was only me and another boy. And by now, I am the only freshman percussionist coming to the high school. Yah, commitment guys. You gotta love it.

Anyways, on August 1, marching practice came around and Mrs. Bruce, the band Director, stopped me in the hallway and surprised me with completely new music. It was for the Vibraphone, so there wasn’t too much of a difference, but it still made me feel like crud for spending half of my summer learning music I would never play.

So, on the first two days, it’s only drumline and guard—the percussionists and the people who wave flags around, for those of you who won’t bother to look these things up—and that was easy. My music wasn’t too challenging, so I could play it pretty well soon enough. The third day, everybody else comes, including the woodwinds and the brass, so now real practice starts.

On that day, we spent three hours in one-hundred and ten degree weather learning how to march in a parking lot. I have been working out, eating well, and losing weight all summer—thirteen pounds lost, last time I checked—so I was pretty confident that I would do well in this.

Wrong. Working out all summer didn’t do anything for me. After half an hour of marching, my vision started fading. I ignored it, thinking it would go away. And just a few seconds later, I couldn’t see anything. I was walking around in the dark. And I couldn’t think straight, because I was just in this blackness, and I didn’t know what to do. I think someone told Abby, the Drum Major, that I was stumbling because soon enough someone was leading my blind crazy self to the water.

I drank two full cups of water, and I felt good again, and starting marching. I starting losing sight, so I went back to drink more water. This happened three more times, up until the point where they just told me to stay there and drink all the water I could.

I felt like crud. First of all, the more water I drank, the more sick in the stomach I got. And the more I didn’t drink water, the less I could see. So basically I had to choose between fainting and throwing up. I chose throwing up. Luckily, I never did. I just felt really sick.

Second, I didn’t get to march. I could feel Destinee and Chelsea staring at me, thinking I was faking it, or trying to get out of the work. And that wasn’t the case. I was just trying to not throw up or faint. I wanted to be out there, I wanted to march with everyone else. I just couldn’t.

Then, they got a water break, and me and my sick stomach got the pleasure of watching my friend, Eric, throw up in the grass right beside me. If it weren’t for amazing willpower, I would have thrown up myself.

Eventually, I tried again, and this time I didn’t have to sit down, so I did well for the rest of the practice. So, I guess things ended well, but started awful.

For the rest of the week, Drumline didn’t have to march since we didn’t march in the show anyways. We only had to learn marching because in this one parade, we had to march forward. And that was easy. On Monday, however, we have to stand outside with our instruments, because we will be doing that in the show. And we also get to wear thick black uniforms, which I’m sure my eyes and stomach will love. My eyes will probably just give up on me, and turn me blind, and my stomach will probably give up on me and just throw up everything I eat forever.

Even though I’m sure this chapter sounds negative, I really like marching band, and I’m excited for that part of high school. It’s just….everything else in high school seems so…dangerous.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-NEW CHAPTER 8/7

Trust me high school isn't that dangerous despit how stereo typical any T.V. show these days can make it. I'm gonna be a junior next year so you can trust me on this. Other then walking up and down a bunch of stairs all day (at least for me anyway) high school is pretty much painless. Oh and one more thing hope you do well in marching band
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-NEW CHAPTER 8/7

^This here. In Canada we do it differently, High School is Grade/Year 8-12, so I started last year. It's a lot of walking if you're in a big school, but other than that it's just... school... boring...

Interesting chapter.
RE: A Second Volume of Teenage Complaints-NEW CHAPTER 8/7

Okay, so sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I'm tired guys.

High School
Dictionary Version- A school generally attended to after elementary and junior high; students go through grades 9 or 10 through 12
My Version- Not as bad as I thought it would be.

Yup, high school is actually okay. All of those movies are wrong, I guess. I’m not too sure what to say in this chapter, so I guess I will thoroughly explain the average Thursday that I have.

At 5:40 in the morning, I wake up to my alarm and get out of bed to get ready. During that time, I make my lunch, eat breakfast, and do chores. At 6:40 I leave to get on the early bus to school. Then, I get to school around 7:20 or so, and I go to band practice outside in the parking lot behind the football field. There, I stand in the pit and/or lug around a bass drum until 9:20, when I go off to second hour.

Second hour is by far the worst hour of school. It’s Oklahoma History, and let me tell you: NOTHING HAPPENS IN OKLAHOMA. Our biggest thing is Native Americans, since our state used to be Indian Territory, and that’s it. Also, it’s the guy’s first year of teaching. He seems particularly fond of the girls in the classroom, but that’s not all. He doesn’t know how to punish kids. So when students like Destinee or those three annoying boys come around and do something stupid, nothing happens to them. It’s extremely aggravating, since you can guess who their favorite target is. Yep, it’s Casey, Annie, and myself.

We all huddle in the front part of the classroom where no one sits by will, and hope to not be annoyed, but that obviously didn’t work yesterday.

So, Casey, Annie, and I have finished our work, so I started telling them about a funny blog post I read. (It’s too inappropriate for this forum so don’t bother asking) In the middle of my story, one of the three annoying boys—whose names I will never bother to remember—ask Casey “Hey, do you play soccer?”

I was only slightly annoyed with this, after all, few boys this age seemed to learn how to wait until someone was finished talking, so I went ahead and kept my mouth shut as Casey answered with a yes. I continue my story, and they interrupt again.
“Dude, you should totally join our team.” They guy says. Casey replies with a no, explaining that he’s too busy with other activities.

“All that stuff is lame man, just quit and join soccer.”

Okay, that was when it was very hard to keep my mouth shut. You see, I wasn’t even in one of the activities that Casey was, but I definitely knew that they weren’t lame. Especially if they weren’t sports. The only thing lame in this school is the sports, because we constantly lose. None of our teams are good. I wouldn’t be surprised if we won a record for losing by the most points! The only that does win is the band, but of course no one notices that.

Anyhow, I simply turn to Casey and say “Just ignore them. We’ll be their bosses one day.”

He nods, and then I start telling them my story. But then the boys call out my name. I’m surprised, because I never told my name to them, which means that they must have listened to the teacher saying roll-call. Them? Listening to their teacher? Very surprising.
“What?” I ask, turning to look at them.

“You should know your place. Woman are seen, not heard.”
Oh man oh man. I could have laughed out loud. How have these guys not dropped out yet? They were sitting there laughing, probably at another one of their stupid jokes.

“What? Do we live in the 1800’s now?” I asked sarcastically. Their laughing stopped, and they just smiled and started laughing again. They left us alone until the end of class, when our teachers asked for our papers.

The kid from before literally walks up to my desk, grabs my pencil, and starts writing his name, saying “Let me borrow this.”

I snatch is out of his hand before he could finish the first letter. I was shocked at how rude he was. What were his parents doing about this? Did they know how rude he acted in school?

“What the **** man?!” The boy cursed, raising his arms like as if it was a big shock that I didn’t let him steal my pencil.

“Seriously, if you want to write things down, bring your own junk. Also, maybe if you asked, I would give you this, but since you didn’t, you might as well go back to your little “homies” or whatever.”

The kid started laughing as he walked away, but I didn’t care. I stood up for myself, and that’s all that matters. Annie and Casey looked at me with shocked expressions, and Casey broke the silence.

“Geez Gwyn. You were a *****.” I laughed, and Annie glared at him for cursing, but everything ended well.

The next class, Geography, isn’t so bad, it’s with a teacher who knows what he’s doing, so I don’t end up dealing with idiots.

After that, I have Pre-AP English, which is a relief because suddenly I’m surrounded by people who are just as smart as me, and don’t act so rude or stupid all the time. I don’t know why, but it’s like the rest of the school never acts…civilized. Is it just normal to act like some sort of animal at this age? Anyways, then I have lunch, and I eat outside, even though it’s like one-hundred degrees. I like it, it warms me up after being in the cold air-conditioning.

Then, I go to Pre-AP Biology, which is nice. After that is Geometry, which is also an advanced class, because the average freshman at my school is taking Algebra one. I like it too, I just don’t feel like I’m learning very much. But who knows, maybe that’ll change.

After that is French, which I love because it’s so fun to pronounce things. The French are so pretty about how they say things. I wonder if kids in France have to learn French thirteen times in a row. Probably not, but for some reason US kids have to learn English thirteen times. I guess it’s because our language is so darn complicated. It really wastes our time. I hope they change it eventually, kids could be learning a lot more. Also, all-year school would help. I don’t really want to be constantly compared with a Chinese student, but because I’m part of this generation, and because I’m in this country, I have to be. We Americans are getting stupid unfortunately. It is honors kids like us who have make up for everyone else.

After school, I go back to the band room and eat an early dinner until 4:30, and then I practice until 7:30 until finally going home.

And that is why I haven’t been writing these stories. I’m exhausted and busy.
Glad that you somehow made your newest chapter as an explanation for why you're just flat out exhausted from writing this. But it's fine. We all need some sort of break. |3

I think the censored swearing was unnecessary though.
Zyflair said:
Glad that you somehow made your newest chapter as an explanation for why you're just flat out exhausted from writing this. But it's fine. We all need some sort of break. |3

I think the censored swearing was unnecessary though.

Haha, thanks. Sorry about that, but people ask me to quote them directly, and I don't want to get in trouble for swearing on the forums. :)
I just started High School a few weeks ago, and this all is pretty much exactly how i feel. The Marching Band thing - oh lord, our first practices were 8 non consecutive hours one day and 3 the next. I felt so sick towards the end of it, but I know my steps.

The guys in your History class - I know what you're going through. I haven't had any problems with them this year (I'm in a lot of honor classes XD) but in Junior High it was awful. Especially when the teacher loved them.

Geometry may seem like you aren't learning anything, but eventually it explodes and you feel like you're learning too much. Fair warning :]

I'll be keeping up with this, it's really relatable to me.