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  • Drohn, finding out that someone at my dad's apartment complex has a router w/o a password. Yay for 3DS posting!

    As for my weekend, it was sweet! It involved a lot of Reshiram. I posted about it in the forums somewhere too.
    Drohn, Great you found what you were looking for finally! Drohn take care, of that shiny Gengar and train it well! Because one day I'm gonna battle that shiny Gengar of yours! ;)
    Drohn, Hey, how's it goin'? It's been a while, I haven't replied to you! I know you've been working on breeding Pokemons. I'll post an amazing thread soon in the forums so stop by my thread! :D
    I sent the prologue to Ice Arceus so he could read it. After that, I'll come up with a title for the story and a name for the male character. Then it'll be posted on TWC!
    Oh, certainly. I'd forgotten I needed to notify somebody about my second code. Thanks for reminding me.
    Hey Drohn, can I PM you the Prologue to another story I'll be doing so I can get your opinion? I'll go ahead and tell you that there is an explosion scene, but it's completely relevant to the plot.
    Hey, how long does it usually take for a name change to happen? I'm just wondering because almost 3 days ago now I requested a name change on the name change thread, but I don't exactly know how long it takes for it to happen. I mean, clearly it's still active with people still getting name changes, but I just don't know exactly how long it takes until it happens. That kinda worries me because of how it also says if the name change went wrong or something, I can have it fixed within 24 hours of it happening as long as I say so on the thread or something..
    Thanks, and I look forward to battling you soon! Soon...
    It's not pointless. I was asking for your help. You were online at the time and I knew you weren't just lurking so I asked you. If I thought it was going to be this big of a deal, I wouldn't have wasted my time. At least now I know.
    You do not need approval to approve a thread that meets the criteria for approval. ._.
    You cant be serious. I am pretty sure you have the authority to approve a thread, jesus.
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