Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

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We have to keep going! I was hoping we could just get our treasure and leave. Do you agree, Eevee? Eevee!
Guys, we're disappearing left and right. Are you sure this isn't some trap? I'll go with you to the mountain, but I'm scared.
@Keeper of Night I'll go up the mountain with the rest of the group.

so many questions, like who is red s? what did we miss in the caves? will spoink ever get tired of cupcakes?

all this and more, in the mountains!!

*i float alongside the main party toward the mountain path @Keeper of Night *
Deciding on the path beside them, the group of Pokemon follow it. It seemed the only thing around that could give them any indication of where to head next. They still had no idea where they were, or how they got there. But they were working together, and that was enough to get them home. Right?

The path continued on. The mountain in the distance crept slowly closer. But all indications, that's where the path was leading them.

Then, for no apparent reason, the path stopped progressing forward. It made a sharp left turn, away from the mountain. All to their right were hills dotted with trees, and behind them was the field and the long path they had just taken. To their left, the path continued across another open field not unlike the one they were greeted to when leaving the forest.

The mountain still lay a good distance ahead of them. In their immediate area, the ground was littered with small rocks. Similar in shape to the ones forming the path.
No signs of life, however.

The sun is approaching its highest point.

@Professor Palutena @Celever Final activity check.
I'd be keen to not travel in circles again, and I suspect that if we continue along the path, that is exactly what will happen. I suggest we deviate from the path, but not before we inspect these rocks for any magical presences. They're not glowing, so I don't expect much.

@Keeper of Night Mitsh taps on a few of the rocks in search for any runes.
Litwick is right whenever a path was similar to another we would just end up going in circles I think the mountains are still our best bet plus if we do reach the mountains we will be able to see much more than from on the ground. Maybe we will find civilization from up there
*keeps bouncing*

No matter how hard I bounce I can never land on my own head! This is nothing but pain, I tell you! This is a metaphor for how we go around in circles. Ooooh I should write a novel. I will call it "The Story of Spoink". It will be a tragedy.

I miss when the compass still worked. It was like a friend that talked to Spoink, although instead of words it had numbers and spun around in circles. Ohhh, also like the path. If the compass wasn't broken maybe it could help us find directions. But it is broken. And it looks hard to fix :(

I don't know how hopeful I am that this will work (Spoinks are known more for their bouncing abilities than their mechanical ones), but @Keeper of Night I would like to try to fix the compass. I can use my... psychic powers for the job. I just want to use it to find cupcakes. :rolleyes:

or maybe the rocks are just like .. rocks? i say we follow the yellow brick road. one direction is as good as another.
Why didn't we think of this sooner all we need to do is find some ruby slippers clack the heels together three times and say there's no place like home three times and we would be home!
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