Finished Dunsparce and Dragonites II

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Are we planning to go anywhere or are we stopping to check things out? *spoink spoink spoink spoink spoink*
I'm going.

@Keeper of Night
I go straight to the direction of the mountain, path or no path.
@Keeper of Night Mitsh taps on a few of the rocks in search for any runes.
I'll do that! @Keeper of Night I check the rocks
While the others continued to march ahead, some Pokemon stayed behind to check out the rocks in the area. As they began turning them over, nothing of note happened. But they did notice a small pile of rocks, purposefully formed, a small way out of the path of the others. But not wanting to be left behind, they ignored it and caught up to those moving forward.

I don't know how hopeful I am that this will work (Spoinks are known more for their bouncing abilities than their mechanical ones), but @Keeper of Night I would like to try to fix the compass. I can use my... psychic powers for the job. I just want to use it to find cupcakes. :rolleyes:
Spoink tries to fix the compass. But regardless of whatever she attempted, nothing happened. The needle inside was disconnected, and the mechanisms seemed to have stuck inside. Whatever use the compass had may never be known now.

The group continued onward toward the mountain. They had their minds made up, this was their destination. Maybe, from the top, they'd better understand where they were, and how to get home. ...Wherever home was. But the mountain was still some distance away, and the sun was warm above them. They hadn't had sight of water since the lake, and who knows how long they'd been passed out for.

Fortunately (or unfortunately?) clouds had begun to gather overhead. The sun peeked through them as it left its highest point, slowly moving toward the horizon once again. As the group dragged on the clouds continued to gather, leaving the land around them in a dull, murky light. The mountain looming before them in the distance started to seem much more menacing.
And now having left the path, they no longer had their one indicator of direction. Save their chosen destination before them, they were truly lost.


The grass beneath their feet turned to rock. The earth around them rose, elevated. They had reached the base of the mountain range. Stone hills rose on the left and right. They'd need to start climbing to reach the mountain in the center.

There was nothing particularly interesting about the area around them, or the mountains they faced, but a ways to their right, a gaping hole was open in the earth. They couldn't get a good look at it from where they were, but it may be worth investigating.
To their left and behind them, pine trees dotted the area. Different from the more seasonal trees of the forest. Colder.

The clouds darkened overhead. It was impossible to see the sun's location now, but it hadn't become completely dark yet.
Just want to say that I never expected the coming things to happen. Like, so much so that I'm having to finish half-baked ideas because I never actually thought they'd come to light. You guys make weird choices.

Also Pyukumuku has gone missing. PP is modkilled.

Okay bye.

anyways, how about we don't aim for the background scenery mountain the DM set up, and aim for the gaping chasm worth investigating instead?'s a chasm implying it leads to a cave...
sorry but you're going into that cave because of the power of democracy it's a huge step up from the monarchy you're using
While the others continued to march ahead, some Pokemon stayed behind to check out the rocks in the area. As they began turning them over, nothing of note happened. But they did notice a small pile of rocks, purposefully formed, a small way out of the path of the others. But not wanting to be left behind, they ignored it and caught up to those moving forward.

Oh look it was more rocks- well never mind.

*bouncing exhaustedly*

@Keeper of Night I'll go check out the chasm.
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