XY Wonder Trade Stories

People need to be sure that are not just listing/saying what Pokemon they have received, this is for stories or special happenings in regards to wonder trade. Saying "I got an awesome Lugia today from wonder trade!," as an example, is not alright. Please keep this on topic and contributory.

your friendly neighborhood mod,

xDkoYx said:
I wondertraded 2 stright boxes of Pokebank pokemon (Previous gen starters, Stantler, etc) and i got 2 5iv pokemon 5 4iv pokemon 17 3iv pokemon and the rest were poop. Not even joking. i got a Wailord name Ur Mom with a burn heal. WT Hates Me :p

You know what's funny... I got a Skitty from WT named Wailord baby. Dunno why till I found out those two can breed. Oh look WT taught me something new. :x Although I guess that would make the Wailord male so these wouldn't be connected...
Although I am not struck with as much luck as my comrades, my brother received an exceptional pokemon this morning while using the marvelous feature known as Wonder Trade. This pokemon was a Zygarde that took on the moniker of Zeus. When my brother showed me this fantastic find, I was, quite honestly, taken aback. Hopefully in the near future I may find a creature as equal in value, but for now, I settle for the little gifts I receive.
So I go through like 40 wonder trades with crap, junk, and crappy junk. Even get a Magikarp named GG No Re.

Then, I get a Mewtwo.

My faith in humanity has been restored
I've been breeding Feebas, Piplup and Mudkip to send out on WT. I usually get junk in return, but I have kept some of the starters I've gotten.

For example, I got a Cyndaquil through WT and decided to keep him. Now he helps me with shiny chaining and is at level 51. Pretty awesome.

(Plus Bank isn't out so I need my Cyndaquil fix...)
I did a couple WTs. Best results were a 4iv lavitar and a murkrow named 'SlimShady' which really cracked me up

I am also giving away mudkips on WT because junchi medusa wasted around 10 days of my life.
Just got a 5IV JPN Speed Boost Venipede. So hyped. Shiny Venipede incoming yo. I am glad to see people willing to part with something like this unlike the folks on GTS who don't even offer 5IV pokemon even though they say they are "5IV + HA + SHINY" and it is a big fat lie... Makes me glad I send something decent through WT even though I want to laugh at the little turd when I send a fletchling and he sent one too.

I also ended up getting a Treecko and Mudkip and a Jynx named IAMAHOOKUH.
Last night, someone Wonder traded me a Lickitung named Miley Cyrus. I was quite happy with it and passed it along in WT to spread the joy.
I got a Jynx named Miley Cyrus. Buddy of mine said it should have been named Nicki Minaj.
TrainerSivan said:
Last night, someone Wonder traded me a Lickitung named Miley Cyrus. I was quite happy with it and passed it along in WT to spread the joy.

I got a Spritzee with the same name, and sent it back through WT to give someone a laugh. :p
I've unapproved a couple of recent posts for not following the thread's rules.
Please remember to stay on topic by posting WT stories and happenings.

~ Dedenne :)
I started my trade thread thanks to the WT because I didn't have any Pokémon with perfect IVs, I got like 15 Pokémon with 4-5 perfect IVs, then I started using it even more, also I got 2 Phiones by the WT.

Sometimes I get Pokémon with cool or weird names and I keep them, the WT is the best thing that Nintendo could add to the game.
Man today i totally lucked out (well, in my opinion, no mews or zygardes :p)

I got a lv 50 Tyrantrum, a JPN Honedge that i can hopefully masuda with my own, as well as a JPN Deino, and a French eevee !!
( thats how masuda words right? Never been much of a big breeder before)

woooo hoooooo thank you wonder trade! most of the time its just silly weedles & fletchlings.

I wonder who ended up with my Piplup named Happy Feet :)
A couple months ago I wonder trader like half a box of Luvdiscs named Taylor Swift. I don't know why I named them that, but I did (I think I was on that T-swift kick again). I'm curious as to who got them, or my Mexican food Charmeleons. Sadly, I've actually never gotten a Pokemon through Wonder Trade with a cool/funny/stupid nickname...one day...
Yesterday, I put a Diggersby(or whatever that evolved bunny is) on Wonder Trade. His name was Bugs Bunny. I wonder who got him.
Pokemon bank's hack-proof transfer system has sorta NOT worked at all. Today I decided to wonder trade some 4IV Pokemon I don't need after breeding some 5IV Pokemon hoping for some new pokemon to breed and what do I get in return? A level 100 6IV shiny Latias (so legit) and yesterday I got a Shiny 6IV Therian forme Tornadus ( very "real") and I have no idea what to do with them. Thanks Pokemon Bank's hack-proof system! Oh yea I forgot to add they both had PokeRus :p
2 days ago I got a Latias, a common one, it seemed legit, but I have seen many hack-mons in the GTS, for example a level 5 Thundurus.... *Seems Legit* I traded it for a Togetic... no one would do that.

Also I got a Shiny Furret in the WT yesterday.