Discussion Winners of December's TCG Cup Crowned! Deck Lists and Interview!

grantm1999 won vs. Game_Loss (thats the actual username he didn't actually get a game loss)
Tuesday ~8:15 PM EST-9 PM EST
I managed to beat Rippin717 2-0!

Thanks for the games :)

Games were played at the following times:

G1: 5:00 - 5:16 PM Pacific
G2: 5:17 - 5:33 PM Pacific
ironcladmerc vs scourge188

ironcladmerc won 2-1

games were played between 8:10 - 9:10pm Eastern.

Good game, scourge188. That first game went down to the last card in both decks.
If you have an issue viewing the Challonge bracket in FireFox, the Chrome, Edge and Safari browsers seem to display the brackets just fine.
Match: Serpens vs Gabking5458. Played today, between 8.05 PM GMT and 8.20 PM GMT
Game 1: Serpens
Game 2: Serpens
Conclusion: I win.
Good games both of them.
Round 4 : My Little Keldeo vs Wil Yates

My Little Keldeo wins 2-1

Games played on March 25 from 9:10 PM to 10:00 PM

Very close match, good game!
SaliosGnome vs. TheUltimateAbsol
TheUltimateAbsol Wins 2-1
Games played 8:00AM - 8:40 AM EDT.

I forgot to report them yesterday :p