What should I play for _________?

I'd go with either Umbretar or Vilegar; those would probably be your best bets. Lostgar...eh, maybe.
Event: Ontario Provincials
Options: Zard, Blastigatr
Possibilities: Anything else I can get the cards for in time.
Meta: No idea, I haven't played since NorCal Regionals last year. >_>
event: california states
division: seinors
Meta: I don't know assuming luxchomp, lostgar, lostgar counters, and Gyarados
What I can play: Basicly any meta deck minus Charizard, but I am debating between Gyarados, and VileLostgar.
Meta: I don't know assuming luxchomp, lostgar, lostgar counters, and Gyarados
What I can play: Basicly any meta deck minus Charizard, but I am debating between Gyarados, and VileLostgar.
VileLostgar for sure, I'd say. If you don't want to go with that or Gyarados, I'd recommend Luxchomp.
The reason I am debating is manily can Gyarados beat Vilelostgar, because I don't think that vilelostgar can win in top cut with the old rules reinstated
Event:Florida States
Meta:All types of SP, Gengar variants, Gyrados, and rogues
Decks that I can play:DialgaChomp, Gyrados, CurseGar, Umbreon Stall, and Amphy Lock
@LostCyclone My choice would be DiaglaChomp because Dialga X's Time Crystal can counter Gengar Prime by stopping it from using Catastrophe, and also if damage counters are being spread across your SPs, you can use Garchomp X's Healing Breath to put all of their hard work to waste. The deck can limit your opponent's choices, and also damage them decently.
Event: Michigan States
Division: Masters
Meta: Lots of SP, probably some Lostgar, Vilegar, and Gyarados sprinkled in there
Decks I can play: Machamp/Donphan, Machamp/Umbreon, Machamp/Mightyena

I already know I have a good Luxchomp matchup, and I'm not terribly concerned about the matchup against any other SPs. My big concern lies in the other 3 decks listed; I'm not sure any of the 3 decks will be great in the Gyarados matchup, though I feel like either of the latter 2 will perform well under trainer lock and against Lostgar.
Event: Nebraska States
Meta:Random {D} types, SP Toolbox, noobish stuff
Decks I can play:DialgaChomp, Sablock/Chenlock, Blastgatr

I'll be honest, with all the lostgar hype, and the uncertainty of how well it's going to do in the metagame, I say go rogue. People are going to be SO focused on the new mainstream deck that a sly rogue deck, ESPECIALLY one that can play stealth as a LostGar build, could be scary.
@Shiny Shinx: Blastgatr. You could probably decimate about 90% of the decks at your tournament with that thing.
Event: States
Division: Seniors
Metagame: Luxchomp, Vileplume UD builds
What you can play: Anything, really. I'd much rather not play Luxchomp/Dialgachomp/Sablelock though, so I don't have too much experience with them.

I'm clueless :X
^How about Gyara? I know you have some experience with it, and it does pretty well against LuxChomp and Vile_____.
Event: Provincials
Division: Senior
Metagame: Vilegar and Lostgar (Seriously, that's all that the people here play)
What I can play: Technically anything lol

^Well, Luxchomp won't really do too well against Vilegar which is the main portion of my Metagame, so I don't think that's really the best choice for me.
