VileGar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

If you get Dialga X out, you'd wasted your Cyrus chain. Keeping it out and setting up after that is kinda hard. You won't do very well versus a deck designed to work well under trainer lock.

I like how everyone's trying to systematically [dis]prove all of the other persons' points.

RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

wanna hear an easy fix to Vileplume? Frosslass GL or Blaziken FB or whatever. then take your time with 2 to 3 Psychic Restores. Nobody better say warp energy because the Gengar deck is too busy setting up the Gengar with its no trainer hand.
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

Wanna hear how many Warp Energy Gengar Vileplume should be running? 4 ^__^ Wanna hear the new anti-Blazi tech for Vileplume? Unown [Q] :3

RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

my vilegar destroyed luxchomp and dialgachomp =) if you play it smart its really easy to beat any SP deck. SP decks run alot of trainers. and even if they get a Dialga lv.x out they are really easy to take out, with such things and Gengar lv.x or even mewtwo lv.x. and if they are trainer locked there are still things in their hand that will have no effect. which means they cant play them. since you get to look at their hand every turn with poltergeist you can make sure they do or dont have any sprays. if they do dont bother with gengar lv.x and keep that powerspray in thier hand for another 30 dmg. this deck is really good, and can beat every top tier deck. ive tested it against almost every top tier deck and it can beat ALL of them. alot of people really underestimate vilegar.
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

could yo post your deck here ? whenyouwe won with these good deck i would like to see how was the deckbuild :D
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

it can beat every top teir deck now. But if this deck gets huge, people will shy away from huge amounts of trainers and stick to supportersl
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

well the thing is its not huge. as you can tell by these forums people hate this deck. everywhere people are saying that this is a terrible deck. and even if that happens you can only play one supporter per turn so it makes its so eventually they pile up. I wont post my deck list right now because im trying to keep the combination of techs secret. but i will tell you i run 21 supporters and 6 trainers. call and warp energy make this deck amazing and are a huge part of it to make sure your vileplume doesnt die and to get spiritombs out. another good thing for this deck is i run 2 bench shield. if i dont get it on my first oddish or gloom. i usually have it by the time it gets knocked out by a garchomp or something. so i can put it on another plume and theyre good for most of the game. the thing about playing vilegar, is you have to play smart. you cant just go in expecting to just win because they cant play trainers. you have to make sure if you do pull out a poltergeist make sure you look really well at their hand. you can basically tell what theyre going to do next turn. make sure that you get a gengar out ASAP to start attacking with. even with his first attack you can kill one of thier main attackers in 2-3 turns. run 4 lookers. so if theyre running dialgachomp you can get that thing out of their hand.
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

Good analysis. If only you didn't present me with a wall of text...
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

Maybe we'll see a return of Palkia G. Doesn't have a great Luxchomp match, but it easily beats Vileplume the same way Dialga G does. I was able to switch out Spiritomb and use trainers with Regice and/or Froslass. Lost Cyclone is pretty amazing against Vileplume, imho.
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

1. I would be stupid to lost zone my Vileplume instead of my Uxie, Gastly or Spiritomb.
2. And you suggest I would be so stupid as to only use 1 Spiritomb when I see a Regice?
3. Who even uses Froslass GL as a tech in Legoes...and there is always Warp Energy. Same case as Blaziken FB.
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

I think this deck is great but, it locks ALL trainers, which is broken, but it loses to Dialga G X.
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

it does NOT lose to dialga G lv.x. trust me. ive played dialgachomp with vilegar. and its really hard for them to get a dialga out when theyre trainer locked all game. ive never lost to dialgachomp with vilegar
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

i have played many games against LGG and my opponent was able to play diagla... easily
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

Dialga G, they may be able to get out.
Dialga G X, not so easily. It could get Level Down'ed, it could be Fainting Spelled, or Poltergeist might catch them off-guard. Power Spray can be Looker'ed away, btw.

I never lost to Dialga G X despite them able to get Dialga G X out. It takes a lot of resources to get the X out under trainer lock, and while they've been wasting their resources I have been building up slowly. They often run aground.
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

i do believe smeargle is a nice tech. If gengar dies, this allows you to be able to get him back up in one turn easier... also say youre playing sp and you need the energy portrait a cyrus... idk just saying

Also i found that running 2 cyrus is helpful. you get the psychic energy you may need and also you can get a supporter that will help you next turn.

oh one deck that does well against this deck is scizor prime/ skarmory. they dont need trainers to set up
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

hamsword said:
it does NOT lose to dialga G lv.x. trust me. ive played dialgachomp with vilegar. and its really hard for them to get a dialga out when theyre trainer locked all game. ive never lost to dialgachomp with vilegar

I would think Bebe's Search is easily available to find Dialga G Lv.X.

dmaster out.
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

how many bebe's search can you fit in a dialgachomp list? I would say at most 2. you need a bebe's search to search the first X out. after it is leveled down, you need the second one. so how about the third one? are you counting on a top deck?
I am personally a fan of dialgachomp , but experience told me that it is pretty hard to beat genplume.

as a side note, it seems Smeargle can be a good tech in dialgachomp. after one is being level down-ed, just send up smeargle for a bebe's search which is usually included in your opponent's hand. the only problem is the 1 retreat cost....
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

There's Warp Energy to fix Smeargle. It's a really neat idea, but highly situational. They might not have a Bebe's, or they burn it away fearing a Smeargle. :F Bebe's Search is very easily put in (it's practically mandatory, without it, it is an autoloss no doubt). Power Sprays can delay the time needed to search it out after Level Down, so that can buy you a couple turns needed to search out Bebe's with Cyrus as well.

dmaster out.
RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

Dialga+smart player tech has a positive matchup versus Gengar Vileplume. If the Dialga rushes it out, there is no way to keep the Dialga X in play. Poltergeist needs to be controlled, which is ultra-hard for SP. 2-2 Dialga sounds like the best play for me because it puts a use to SP radars in that matchup.

RE: SF-Gar [ Gengar / Spiritomb / Vileplume ]

2-2 Dialga G would turn Dialgachomp to a unfavourable matchup. 3-1 is pretty easy to beat though.