My feedback scores are based on a 5 point scale! Follow all the below rules and receive a Positive Plus (4.0) at minimum!
1. Currently, I only trade within the 48 States. No international trades, and none to Alaska or Hawaii.
2. Make sure to put tracking on your package. Since this costs a minimum of $2.67, low value trades may be rejected.
3. Put high valued cards in a sleeve and toploader. Do not put more than 1 card in a sleeve and no more than 2 sleeved cards within a top loader. Do not tape the opening of the toploader. You are responsible if cards are damaged by mail for not following these instructions. Wrapping the toploader(s) with paper will help prevent cards from slipping out. If trading less valuable cards, you may "sandwich" them in between 2 toploaders instead.
4. Do not trade me any cards that are not Near Mint or better Condition. If you are unsure about the condition of a card, please ask me!
5. If any problems arise, communicate with me immediately.
6. After addresses are exchanged, trades are considered final. Backing out will result in a negative feedback and a dispute which will get you a temporary ban.
7. I do not accept cards with World Championship backs, signatures on it, or fake cards. Only English cards are accepted unless specified.
8. If you have not left feedback from a previous trade, I will refuse to trade with you until you do so.
9. My values are based on TCGPlayer lowest selling price. Please make fair offers or you'll just be wasting everyone's time.
10. Be prompt and curtieous in communication. Disrespectful messages will be reported and ignoring messages will lower the possibility of a successful trade.
11. Do not hesitate to ask questions! More questions is more clarification, which is better for everyone.
1. Currently, I only trade within the 48 States. No international trades, and none to Alaska or Hawaii.
2. Make sure to put tracking on your package. Since this costs a minimum of $2.67, low value trades may be rejected.
3. Put high valued cards in a sleeve and toploader. Do not put more than 1 card in a sleeve and no more than 2 sleeved cards within a top loader. Do not tape the opening of the toploader. You are responsible if cards are damaged by mail for not following these instructions. Wrapping the toploader(s) with paper will help prevent cards from slipping out. If trading less valuable cards, you may "sandwich" them in between 2 toploaders instead.
4. Do not trade me any cards that are not Near Mint or better Condition. If you are unsure about the condition of a card, please ask me!
5. If any problems arise, communicate with me immediately.
6. After addresses are exchanged, trades are considered final. Backing out will result in a negative feedback and a dispute which will get you a temporary ban.
7. I do not accept cards with World Championship backs, signatures on it, or fake cards. Only English cards are accepted unless specified.
8. If you have not left feedback from a previous trade, I will refuse to trade with you until you do so.
9. My values are based on TCGPlayer lowest selling price. Please make fair offers or you'll just be wasting everyone's time.
10. Be prompt and curtieous in communication. Disrespectful messages will be reported and ignoring messages will lower the possibility of a successful trade.
11. Do not hesitate to ask questions! More questions is more clarification, which is better for everyone.
- this is a summary, a lot more details if you open the full list
- 48 inner continental state trades only
- make sure to put tracking
- make sure cards are well protected
- update me frequently with what is going on
- english cards only unless specified; no world championship cards/fakes
- backing out results in negative feedback and temporary ban on beach
- will not trade with you if you have not left feedback from previous trade
- values based on lowest tcgplayer price
Bulk Trading Corner:
2 - XY Breakthrough Booster Pack - 120 points
1 - Japanese BW Cold Flare Booster Pack - 100 points
1 - BW Plasma Storm 3 Card Sampling Pack - 80 points
2 - Japanese XY Cruel Traitor Booster Pack - 70 points
1 - Japanese BW Cold Flare Booster Pack - 100 points
1 - BW Plasma Storm 3 Card Sampling Pack - 80 points
2 - Japanese XY Cruel Traitor Booster Pack - 70 points
1 - Aegislash EX PHF 65 - 100 points
1 - Aggron EX PRC 93 - 100 points
1 - Alakazam EX FA FCO 117 - 170 points
1 - Altaria EX FCO 83 - 100 points
2 - Blastoise EX XP-P 30 - 100 points
1 - Blaziken EX XY-P 54 - 100 points
1 - Camerupt EX PRC 29 - 100 points
1 - Carbink BREAK FCO 51 - 250 points
1 - Charizard EX XY-P 29 - 250 points
1 - Charizard EX FLF 11 - 250 points
5 - Charizard EX XY-P 17 - 250 points
3 - Charizard EX XY-P 121 - 500 points
1 - Flareon EX FA GEN RC28 - 170 points
1 - Gallade EX ROS 34 - 100 points
1 - Gallade EX XY-P 45 - 100 points
1 - Gardevoir EX PRC 105 - 100 points
2 - Giratina EX AOR 57 - 170 points
1 - Glalie EX BKT 34 - 100 points
1 - Glalie EX FA BKT 155 - 140 points
2 - Groudon EX PRC 85 - 120 points
1 - Hawlucha EX FFI 64 - 100 points
1 - Heracross EX FFI 4 - 100 points
3 - Hoopa EX XY-P 71 - 170 points
2 - Hydreigon EX FA ROS 103 - 150 points
1 - Jolteon EX FA GEN 28a - 400 points
2 - Latios EX XY-P 72 - 100 points
2 - M Altaria EX FCO 69 - 150 points
2 - M Blastoise EX EVO 22 - 250 points
1 - M Charizard EX FLF 69 - 3000 points
7 - M Charizard EX EVO 13 - 1000 points
1 - M Lucario EX FA FFI 55a - 190 points
2 - M Manectric EX PHF 24 - 190 points
1 - M Manectric EX FA PHF 24a - 200 points
1 - M Mewtwo EX BKT 64 - 390 points
1 - M Rayquaza EX ROS 61 - 750 points
1 - M Venusaur EX FA EVO 100 - 350 points
1 - Machamp EX AOR 37 - 100 points
1 - Magearna EX XY-P 175 - 120 points
1 - Magearna FA XY-P 186 - 140 points
2 - Manectric EX PHF 23 - 100 points
1 - Mewtwo EX BKT 62 - 150 points
1 - Misty's Determination FA EVO 108 - 200 points
2 - Noivern BREAK BKT 113 - 50 points
1 - Pikachu EX FA XY-P 124 - 750 points
1 - Pikachu EX XY-P 174 - 180 points
1 - Primal Groudon EX PRC 86 - 330 points
1 - Raichu BREAK BKT 50 - 100 points
1 - Rayquaza EX ROS 60 - 100 points
3 - Sceptile EX AOR 7 - 120 points
1 - Sceptile EX XP-P 53 - 120 points
2 - Skarmory EX FA XY 145 - 200 points
1 - Solgaleo GX SUM 89 - 250 points
1 - Swampert EX XY-P 55 - 120 points
1 - Tapu Lele GX FA GUR 137 - 2000 points
1 - Togekiss EX BKP 83 - 100 points
1 - Tyranitar EX AOR 42 - 100 points
1 - Tyrantrum EX XY-P 70 - 140 points
1 - Volcanion FA XY-P 185 - 110 points
1 - Xerneas EX XY 97 - 130 points
2 - Yveltal EX XY-P 8 - 210 points
1 - Zygarde EX FA FCO 54a - 250 points
1 - Aggron EX PRC 93 - 100 points
1 - Alakazam EX FA FCO 117 - 170 points
1 - Altaria EX FCO 83 - 100 points
2 - Blastoise EX XP-P 30 - 100 points
1 - Blaziken EX XY-P 54 - 100 points
1 - Camerupt EX PRC 29 - 100 points
1 - Carbink BREAK FCO 51 - 250 points
1 - Charizard EX XY-P 29 - 250 points
1 - Charizard EX FLF 11 - 250 points
5 - Charizard EX XY-P 17 - 250 points
3 - Charizard EX XY-P 121 - 500 points
1 - Flareon EX FA GEN RC28 - 170 points
1 - Gallade EX ROS 34 - 100 points
1 - Gallade EX XY-P 45 - 100 points
1 - Gardevoir EX PRC 105 - 100 points
2 - Giratina EX AOR 57 - 170 points
1 - Glalie EX BKT 34 - 100 points
1 - Glalie EX FA BKT 155 - 140 points
2 - Groudon EX PRC 85 - 120 points
1 - Hawlucha EX FFI 64 - 100 points
1 - Heracross EX FFI 4 - 100 points
3 - Hoopa EX XY-P 71 - 170 points
2 - Hydreigon EX FA ROS 103 - 150 points
1 - Jolteon EX FA GEN 28a - 400 points
2 - Latios EX XY-P 72 - 100 points
2 - M Altaria EX FCO 69 - 150 points
2 - M Blastoise EX EVO 22 - 250 points
1 - M Charizard EX FLF 69 - 3000 points
7 - M Charizard EX EVO 13 - 1000 points
1 - M Lucario EX FA FFI 55a - 190 points
2 - M Manectric EX PHF 24 - 190 points
1 - M Manectric EX FA PHF 24a - 200 points
1 - M Mewtwo EX BKT 64 - 390 points
1 - M Rayquaza EX ROS 61 - 750 points
1 - M Venusaur EX FA EVO 100 - 350 points
1 - Machamp EX AOR 37 - 100 points
1 - Magearna EX XY-P 175 - 120 points
1 - Magearna FA XY-P 186 - 140 points
2 - Manectric EX PHF 23 - 100 points
1 - Mewtwo EX BKT 62 - 150 points
1 - Misty's Determination FA EVO 108 - 200 points
2 - Noivern BREAK BKT 113 - 50 points
1 - Pikachu EX FA XY-P 124 - 750 points
1 - Pikachu EX XY-P 174 - 180 points
1 - Primal Groudon EX PRC 86 - 330 points
1 - Raichu BREAK BKT 50 - 100 points
1 - Rayquaza EX ROS 60 - 100 points
3 - Sceptile EX AOR 7 - 120 points
1 - Sceptile EX XP-P 53 - 120 points
2 - Skarmory EX FA XY 145 - 200 points
1 - Solgaleo GX SUM 89 - 250 points
1 - Swampert EX XY-P 55 - 120 points
1 - Tapu Lele GX FA GUR 137 - 2000 points
1 - Togekiss EX BKP 83 - 100 points
1 - Tyranitar EX AOR 42 - 100 points
1 - Tyrantrum EX XY-P 70 - 140 points
1 - Volcanion FA XY-P 185 - 110 points
1 - Xerneas EX XY 97 - 130 points
2 - Yveltal EX XY-P 8 - 210 points
1 - Zygarde EX FA FCO 54a - 250 points
1 - Arceus AR - AR6
1 - Darkrai EX LTR 88
1 - Entei Shiny HS-P 20
1 - Genesect EX PLB 11
2 - Keldeo EX LTR 45
3 - Keldeo EX (Battle Arena Ver) BCR 49 - 100 points
1 - Kyogre SL COL SL9
1 - Kyurem SR DRV 21
1 - Mewtwo EX BW-P 45 EXC
1 - Mewtwo EX (Battle Arena Ver) NXD 54
4 - Rayquaza EX (Battle Arena Ver) DRX 85 - 100 points
1 - Darkrai EX LTR 88
1 - Entei Shiny HS-P 20
1 - Genesect EX PLB 11
2 - Keldeo EX LTR 45
3 - Keldeo EX (Battle Arena Ver) BCR 49 - 100 points
1 - Kyogre SL COL SL9
1 - Kyurem SR DRV 21
1 - Mewtwo EX BW-P 45 EXC
1 - Mewtwo EX (Battle Arena Ver) NXD 54
4 - Rayquaza EX (Battle Arena Ver) DRX 85 - 100 points
You can also trade bulk for other things listed on my spreadsheet! Please ask for more information!
*Please note I only accept Near Mint or better condition Bulk!
Trainers - 3 points
Common & Uncommon - 3 points
Non Foil Rare - 10 points
Holofoil Rare - 15 points
BREAKs - 25 points
Holofoil EX or GX - 100 points
Holofoil Mega EXs - 150 points
Full Arts of Supporters, EXs or GXs - 150 points
Common & Uncommon - 3 points
Non Foil Rare - 10 points
Holofoil Rare - 15 points
BREAKs - 25 points
Holofoil EX or GX - 100 points
Holofoil Mega EXs - 150 points
Full Arts of Supporters, EXs or GXs - 150 points
Trainers - 5 points
Common & Uncommon - 6 points
Non Foil Rare - 15 points
Holofoil Rare - 25 points
Pokemon Primes - 100 points
Holofoil Pokemon ex - 125 points
Common & Uncommon - 6 points
Non Foil Rare - 15 points
Holofoil Rare - 25 points
Pokemon Primes - 100 points
Holofoil Pokemon ex - 125 points
Common & Uncommon - 1 point
Mirror Foils - 2 points
Holofoil Rare - 6 points
Holofoil BREAKs - 15 points
Holofoil EX or GX - 40 points
Holofoil Mega EXs - 75 points
Full Art of Supporters, EXs, or GXs - 100 points
Mirror Foils - 2 points
Holofoil Rare - 6 points
Holofoil BREAKs - 15 points
Holofoil EX or GX - 40 points
Holofoil Mega EXs - 75 points
Full Art of Supporters, EXs, or GXs - 100 points
Common & Uncommon - 2 points
Com & Unc Reverse Foil - 4 points
Non Foil Rare - 4 points
Holofoil Rare - 10 points
Rare Reverse Foil - 10 points
Holofoil Pokemon ex - 40 points
Com & Unc Reverse Foil - 4 points
Non Foil Rare - 4 points
Holofoil Rare - 10 points
Rare Reverse Foil - 10 points
Holofoil Pokemon ex - 40 points
Burning Shadows:
The following are all my notable goodies for Burning Shadows. I will only keep the Commons/Uncommons for a month before chucking the majority of them into bulk, so if you are into C/U for some reason, act accordingly!

There are over 200 cards currently on my Wants List, both Japanese and English, new and old, so the assortment should hopefully match up with at least a few cards that you'll have for trade! (Wants list is on same spreadsheet as trades).
A tip for navigating: use the scroll bar on the bottom right hand corner, not the arrows on the left. If confused check the visual in the spoiler below:

Thank you for checking out my thread! I am looking to trading with y'all in the upcoming future!
- Celty (x4)
- Lt_tatter (x1)
- It2Zoroark (x1)
- TheSceptileMaster (x1)
- Mr-Mooster (x1)
- Jgreen (x1)
- F4H_Jay (x1)
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