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updated mewtwo deck

iisnumber12 said:
Agreed, in theory it is a decent starter, but it isn't worth it to give up 2 Prizes. Using Smeargle or Virizion and Shaymin UL works better

yes but if you start with shay then i can start putting energy on mewtwo quicker
But you would waste a turn of attacking for that =( And with so many fast decks in the format, taking a prize on your shaymin wouldn't be hard, and would set you back on prizes very much. Smeargle is a good option here. Becomes more playable with the skyarrow bridge. Just an advice tho. If shay works for you, then good =)
smiland0711 said:
yes but if you start with shay then i can start putting energy on mewtwo quicker

But, giving up prizes isn't worth acceleration. If you play enough draw, you can get everything you need when you need it. If you want I could PM you my list so you can see what I mean