Toads and Penguins and Elephants.... Yup.


I put the "laughter" in "slaughter&
So I was just kind of doing the twaddle waddle around the house, trying to think of a neat deck idea. I think Empoleon could really work in this format, except that {L} decks are rampant. So, I asked myself some questions.
How much bacon is left?

Is that cancer!?!?
....Oh, no, thank goodness...
I'm bored, I'm going to go build pokemon decks.

Anyways, so I then asked more questions.

What's something that would work well with Empoleon? I know some people use Terrakion, and the thought crossed my mind a while back, but decided it wasn't worth running all the different energies for it. So, this is just kind of a random idea. Tell me what you guys think.

Pokemon: 16
4-2-3 Palpitoad ({G} Weakness and can swing for some decent damage.)
3-1-3 Empoleon (Drawpower and fast, heavy damage.)

T/S/S: 32
4 Dual Ball (Use as much as you can, then use a draw supporter for more.)
4 Cheren (Couple with Empoleon's Diving Draw for epic drawpower.)
4 Communication
4 Junk Arm
4 Rare Candy
3 Juniper
2 Catcher
1 Plus Power (To hit that 130 that is sometimes necessary.)
1 Exp. Share (Attach to Palpitoad with 1 {W}.)
1 Max Potion (Completely heal Empoleon for 1 {W} energy.)
1 Super Rod

Energies: 12
10 {W}

Each attacker benefits from having a full bench. You can use Empoleon early game and Palpitoad late game against non-{L} decks, but against ZekEels you just have to go straight for the Palpitoad. Not sure how great this will work, but why not?

I'm open for comments on the strategy, list, etc.

An additional thought, what about running Empoleon with a 4-4 Donphan and the {F} energy? Just seems faster and more damaging than Palpitoad.
I personally like the idea of going with 4-4 Donphan line as well. Donphan can attack sooner, and he's got Exoskeleton too! Thanks to that low energy cost of Earthquake, he's more compatible with Max Potion, too. Giving Eli the benefit of the doubt though, I would certainly say having a grass weakness is slightly safer than a water weakness, but the difference is somewhat negligible IMO.
Phanpy is donked easier, Earthquake damages the bench for easier OHKOs by your opponent, and Terrakion hits harder. It also takes up less than half as much space, which is tight in Empoleon, or stage two decks in general.
EliGagerNorris said:
Phanpy is donked easier, Earthquake damages the bench for easier OHKOs by your opponent, and Terrakion hits harder. It also takes up less than half as much space, which is tight in Empoleon, or stage two decks in general.

I wouldn't say it takes that much less space since with Terrakion you also need EXP Share, so 4 Terrakion and 3/4 EXP Share isn't really much better for space. I do agree that it's better for the deck, though.
Cinema said:
I wouldn't say it takes that much less space since with Terrakion you also need EXP Share, so 4 Terrakion and 3/4 EXP Share isn't really much better for space. I do agree that it's better for the deck, though.

But in a Donphan varient, 2-3 Max Potions would be used.

Anyway though, the point is that we both agree Terrakion outclasses Donphan.
The problem with Terrakion is that first something has to happen before you can do serious damage.. or load up 3 Energies which is a pain in this format. It also has no lightning resistance. The chance of hitting for 90 with only two energies is still worth using it, but to say it "outclasses" Donphan is in my opinion just wrong. While Donphan can do better early pressure on Zeel (OHKO on Thundurus and Eels for one Energy) and Darkness toolboxes (Zoroark dies against it) Terrakion might fit in a little bit better (being Basic). I think it only depends on what you like more, and having a Tankphan with the possibility of using Max potion (which does also work good with Empoleon) might be te prefered possibility for some people.
Furthermore, you have to sacrifice a KO in order to get a KO if you wanna do anything with Retaliate. That being said, Donphan at least can do something with a single Energy. Exoskeleton is nice. Earthquake and a PlusPower KOs Zekrom. So yeah. I lean towards Donphan a little bit.
The main problem with Donphan is 60 damage isn't enough in this format. You are only doing 120 to Darkrai and you need a PP to ko an eviolite krom.
You need one PlusPower for an uneviolited, 2 PlusPower for an Eviolited Zekrom assuming no damage.

Exp. Share makes the deck work a lot better then you guys make it out to be.

Donphan hurts your own bench, does less damage, and is a Stage one.
Am I really the first person to actually give advice on your deck. Really?

Anyway. I think it'd be a good idea to add another DCE or 2, Maybe increase the Seismitoad line a little. 4-3-3 at least. Another Max Potion could help too. And 1 more catcher would probably be a good idea. It wouldn't hurt to take out a few water energies. And I think DCE's do EXP Share's job a little better.

By the way, It's Seismitoad. Palpitoad is the stage 1.
Donphan is much better than Terrakion here. I pretty much abandoned the toad after a couple games and switched to a 3-3 Donphan (should really up it to 4-4). Against Eels and Dark you go aggro Donphan, but against other things you'll actually want to use Empoleon first. Use it while you set up things on your bench, with the aid of Diving Draw. Donphan comes out when you have nothing but Donphan left on the field, so you take no recoil damage and just mop up anything left with damage on it. You can also take cheap prizes on any unevolved basics or something fat without energy.
EliGagerNorris said:
You need one PlusPower for an uneviolited, 2 PlusPower for an Eviolited Zekrom assuming no damage.

Exp. Share makes the deck work a lot better then you guys make it out to be.

Donphan hurts your own bench, does less damage, and is a Stage one.

I'm assuming it used bolt strike.