Thread disappeared?


Aspiring Trainer
I posted a thread last night in TCG gen and I am pretty sure it didn't violate any rules but I woke up this morning and refreshed the page but it said that it does not exist and i cant find it in my user cp either. Anyone know why this may be?
More likely than not, one of the staff probably deleted or moved it for some reason - either because a thread like it already existed, or it wasn't a good enough thread to have as a discussion topic, or whatever.

Usually the mod who did it will leave a courtesy notice of some kind, be it on your profile wall or in your PM inbox, explaining why. Did you get such a message?
That is rather odd. I know most of the mods tend to do so, but some either choose not to or forget entirely, for whatever reason.
Unfortunately, since I'm not staff I can't find out myself, but it shouldn't be too hard for one of the staff to find out.

/me stares, hoping/waiting to get an answer of some kind from the guy who did it.
I'm going to ask why it was removed, but I'm restoring the thread for now. I see nothing wrong with it at the moment.
I'm willing to wager it was removed because you have no avatar or signature and your name makes no quickly discernible sense. Basically, you look like a spam bot. Whoever saw your thread probably thought same and just deleted what they figured was a spam thread.
Thank you Shining Raikou. PMJ, wierd I would imagine they'd at least look at it. I will have to add an ava lol.
Next time you have a question you could contact one of Moderators of the section it was in. And this question could have been posted in