The Topic of Ghosts.

Can your Cat/Dog sence a presence of a ghost?

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I agree with meaty but to some degree I kind of agree that that crazy logic is right.EXPLAINING:You see santa claus as an illusion so it is real, to you.[That logic is pretty much the little kids bible.]
@JacobeTheElf. An illusion is false perception of reality. Illusion are in a certain sense real. Concluding that therefore ghosts must be real is not valid however, that is a reasoning error. Illusions also don't create ghosts, ghosts are illusions. An illusion is a false perception of reality, so therefore ghosts are a false perception of reality.
Oh dear god, this poll is hilarious.

Anyways, I gotta side with Meaty/Pokequaza. Their logic pretty much dmaster smashes your unsupported/unreliable stories & opinions.

Also, @Unseen Psyco Poke-Fan I suggest that you read out loud what you type because it seriously either makes no sense or just sounds awfully strange. Also, the point of a forum is to comment on certain topics and debate your thoughts with other members in a civil manner so it's perfectly fine that Pokequaza debunks your "story".
Meanie.I just don't take being debunked while tired very well,and I was half asleep writing all of those posts so sorry if I sounded odd.
If you've been that tired for the past five days straight you reallly need to improve on your sleeping habits. I'm not being a "meanie". I'm just telling it like it is because it's not that hard to make a decent post.

ANYWAYS. Back on these "ghosts". I'm still not understanding what the poll had to do with the topic, but no. Although I picked the "pmj was here" option (xD), I have to say that no, my dog cannot sense a ghost. I'm not sure how I would come to such a conclusion just based on observations, however.
^I don't see how people can assume that if their dog barks and acts scared it must mean there's a ghost. Do they speak dog?
@Sinnoh Trainer17
Well FYI the have better hearing than us humans so thats what the pool stands for...
( I know this thread sucks. So if you dont want to post in it, dont post in it. I makes me fell like a jerk that you say that it does stink. :()
I never said that it sucks, or that you're a jerk. I just thought that the poll was a bit silly- that's all.
When you think about it we don't really know what is fact or fiction. Just years ago the giant squid was thought to be a mere legend, but they exist. Therefore, whether you believe in ghosts or not, you cannot argue that no one really knows what is out there. For all we know, aliens could be real, same with cryptids! Only time can unravel this mystery. Cutting to the chase, I do believe in ghosts.
Who said aliens don't exist? Also, people have been finding giant squid bodies for years, but nobody had seen a live one until recently. Pick another example.
@toille12345. To be even more annoying; giant squids don't live among us but live a few hundred miles under the surface of the ocean. Ghosts however are supposed to be dead people, it should swarm of ghosts here.

@shiny umbreon. You keep avoiding the real question though. How do you come to the conclusion that you pet sees a ghost while they're barking (or whatever they do in that situation), why can't it be something else scaring your pets?
Fine.... I just randomly included all of that other nonsense to sound cool, anyway I can't prove anything. (That was a terrible example) xD
Well it could be the rain that my dog hates... but she does it in the day when its not raining to.
@SinnohTrainer17 "No I ment certian people that I wont name on this thread."
One of the topics that the Bible vaguely discusses isn't just Animals but Ghosts as well. It's said that ghosts are masquerades of the devil and we should not conform to it. Much like how alchemy is a taboo topic as well in terms of gene splicing human DNA with animal DNA, it's just wrong.

So If Judeo Christian beliefs tend to avoid the subject of Ghosts like the plague then what makes people so fascinated about them in the first place? Why do religions warn us about not to go deep into the subject of ghosts? I never really understood why. The more you try to understand about ghosts the less we know about them, same idealogy with aliens from outer space and also theories regarding ancient monuments from the past and how they were built.

The only difference between ghosts and aliens is that with aliens the government doesn't want us to know too much about them because they don't want us to panic and change the way we live as with ghosts religions avoid it because it is associated with evil and the occult most of the time and whether that it's universal is unknown.
Should I respond to this? Probably not. I'll do it anyway.

Alchemy is not about 'gene splicing'. Biology talks about DNA. Anyway fusing human and fish DNA won't the possible either, I hardly doubt if that even produces something. Fusing human DNA with DNA of another primate could be interesting. And why would it be wrong? Fusing two different DNA sequences happens all the time, every little second to every living thing that has sex or reproduces in another way. It's just that doing this in a lab creates environments in which much more is possible than in nature.

Actually we do have a pretty clear idea how buildings in the past were built, it's just that some people have to throw nonsense around and that is what creates all the misunderstanding.

And, no aliens have never visited us. Think about it, travel all those light years to this place to do what? Mess with the crops and abduct some (already) crazy and mentally limited people?
Pokequaza said:
And, no aliens have never visited us. Think about it, travel all those light years to this place to do what? Mess with the crops and abduct some (already) crazy and mentally limited people?

Aliens have visited us before, governments around the world including the U.S. have been keeping it a secret from the public because there's something that they don't want us to know about apparently or they might be planning some kind of secret agenda.

I take it you haven't heard about the Roswell incident years ago when the U.S. Government told eye witness accounts to keep their mouths shut about what happened and probably killed them on the spot? Sorry If I went off-topic but yeah.