The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

Which decks? I don't use it for my Gyarados deck, but I might start using it in my Dialga G/Garchomp C deck.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members

Well guys, I had a deck idea on the Toilet. xP I like to call it Don't Fly with Scissors. As you could probably guess It's Flygon Scizor. Help would be awesome!

3-2-3-1 Flygon X Sw-Rr-Rr-Rr
2-2 Scizor Md
2-2 Claydol
1-0-1 DuskNoir
1 Chatot Md
4 Spiritomb
1 Azelf

4 Bebe's
4 Roseanne's
4 Candy
3 Bts
2 Warp Point
2 NM
1 premiere ball
1 Luxury Ball
3 Pokemon communicator

4 Call
3 Dce
4 basic {M}

Thoughts? It's just rough draft.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

faceplant said:
Which decks? I don't use it for my Gyarados deck, but I might start using it in my Dialga G/Garchomp C deck.

Why not in Gyarados? That's one of the decks that I would run at the very least 3. If you get a Magikarp start and no Call, you pretty much got an auto loss unless your opponent gets dead draws.

@Zangoose It seems like a good idea, with all the call and DCE running around you're bound to get some early knockouts with Scizor. You might want to add nidoqueen though.

Do you guys think Shuckle SW will see more play for the same reasons Scizor MD might be good?
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CyndaquilMaster said:
I think you could get away with 3 call in flygon and other decks that aren't gyarados. At least 3 works for me, I rarely put 4 call in and like I said, it works for me.
Uh no offense but you're 12-11 so it depends on your idea of "works". Flygon definitely should run 4 Call, as should any deck that it doesn't hurt (like Kingdra shouldn't run it for example).

I stopped playing SP because if your opponent sets up you lose 70% of the time and I want to lose because I messed up or was outplayed, not because my opponent setup.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

Celebi23 said:
Uh no offense but you're 12-11

No I'm not, I'm 14.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

CyndaquilMaster said:
I think he meant that most cards that aren't normal type don't have {C}{C}{C} in their attack cost, and you can't use call then attach a DCE otherwise they can't use their attacks. Plox is a good example as it needs {P}{C}{C} for psychic lock so you can't call then DCE.


Zangoose said:
Well guys, I had a deck idea on the Toilet. xP I like to call it Don't Fly with Scissors(Especially in the bathroom lol). As you could probably guess It's Flygon Scizor. Help would be awesome!

3-2-3-1 Flygon X Sw-Rr-Rr-Rr
2-2 Scizor Md
2-2 Claydol
1-0-1 DuskNoir
1 Chatot Md
4 Spiritomb
1 Azelf

4 Bebe's
4 Roseanne's
4 Candy
3 Bts
2 Warp Point
2 NM
1 premiere ball
1 Luxury Ball
3 Pokemon communicator

4 Call
3 Dce
4 basic {M}

Thoughts? It's just rough draft.

I thought that we werenot supposed to post decks on here???? ANd IDK if that will work

RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

I´m pretty sure Celebi23 meant the Premier Record, not the age.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

Blaine said:
I´m pretty sure Celebi23 meant the Premier Record, not the age.

Oh I thought he meant age sorry

I will edit that

RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

Oh I thought age. Well I've been donked like 4 times for those losses because I only have 1 Call energy and can't afford more. And I checked my profile on and my record is actually 11-9, still not good but I recently got another call.

Anyways on topic, like I said before do you guys think that shuckle SW will be worth playing now with DCE and Call or will it be not good enough to see play.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

I like Warp energy in Gyarados more, but I think I will start playing call for the reason you stated. I don't like getting donked.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

Warp energy is only good in like Dialga/Chomp or something. If anything, run Cyclone, to get rid of opponents Spiritomb. In any case, 4 call is a MUST for Gyrados. You think 30HP is gonna survive long? Like-for realz? Yeah. Donking got a lot easier with X2 weaknesses, and 30HP isn't the greatest thing in the world.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

CyndaquilMaster said:
Oh I thought age. Well I've been donked like 4 times for those losses because I only have 1 Call energy and can't afford more. And I checked my profile on and my record is actually 11-9, still not good but I recently got another call.

Anyways on topic, like I said before do you guys think that shuckle SW will be worth playing now with DCE and Call or will it be not good enough to see play.
Yeah, I meant record not age. Sorry, I should have made that more clear. And your post is case and point. :X You got donked 4 times very possibly because you didn't run max calls. Not being able to afford them isn't something you can control but perhaps you should try trading?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

No one in my area plays calls because they're not competitive, and the ones that do have them won't trade them since they don't have enough either.

EDIT: In decks I always proxied 3 Calls and they worked fine. I replaced two of the proxied calls with Cynthia's Feelings so that I had 2 Cynthia's and 1 Call. Out of those 4 donks I got a Cynthia's 3 times.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

Wow, I'm not the only one who cant find any calls... But for my place, it's more of hoarding than anything else... For some reason the guys at my league are selfish and ask outragous prices for cards... I dont mean money wise either...

Best thing you can do is...well... I guess buy them from somebody off the net. That's your only option. Well that and ripping off the newbies, but that really tarneshes your rep.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

Call aren't too hard to come by. If you know how to get them. Most of the people in my area have enough Calls for their deck, so I don't see a lack of Call here in Maryland. Most just buy/trade a Call off the internet, so that is a good way to really get some Call.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

I'm thinking running Shuppet Donk for the heck of it at States.

Call around Maryland, is pretty hard for me to find. Like at league, no one has one for trade.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

I have no clue what I'm going to use...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

If I asked this already, forgive me, but if I go against Shuppet Donk with DialgaChomp and I go second, isnt it an almost auto win for me?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

@Shadow: Yeah you probably would seeing as the other deck is a Donk deck.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the Revived Legends discussion!* *Members: Do you want Hamachi tournaments?*

Unless you´re incredibly unlucky and your starting hand is horrible, yes, it´s almost an autowin. Not even Dunsparce saves the Shuppet. At least that´s what I´ve seen.
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