The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Mespirts very helpful in Gyarados. I find Sableye better then Smeargle though, especially in Gyarados. Once I had a perfect hand with my DialgaChomp, but when I used Smeargle power, my opponent had just a PONT, making me get rid of 2 Sp metals, 2 poketurns, a Powerspray, GCX, etc. I choose not to run Smeargle in Gyarados because I often use my one Unown q on Sableye.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Yeah, but Smeargle is SOOOO much better than Sableye against Mirror, since you can Warp Energy to it, use their Seeker to heal, and retreat. Also, you won't use Unown Q on Sableye when you start with Smeargle. Plus, I play 3 Call Energy, which means you can portrait and Call in the same turn. Epic combo.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I quit this team, I didn't feel welcomed.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Sorry. You posted once prior to quitting, which was only to say hello. Even that post was in the middle of another conversation and I am sorry that it went unnoticed. If you decide to stick around then just post more and keep in touch with fellow members.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

i got 2 more(maybe 1 more) CC left, i have played luxchomp for the first two and keep getting so close to cutting
1st one i went 2-3 but if had a dce in both mirror matches i would've won(i never was able to draw into any of the four in both games and lost both by 1 prize :(

2nd one i was 3-2 and paired up(top 8 cut) and then would've been able to donk w/ Uxie but after setup, PONT and and then another setup(i portraited and got to use seeker) but couldn't get energy :(

Hoping 3rd time's the charm, but every time i go North Olmstead i get 5th(this is my 4th tourney there)
so hoping for a good day, also playing around w/ Drifblim FB which is beast, also hoping to get the rest of the stuff i need ;)

Good luck guys and for pretty much for sure this year(2011) i'll be going to either ontario or georgia marathon cuz i'm getting my license soon :)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Yeah it is pretty beast, I love it against Gyarados since it can take a hit if you hold a spray and can easily take two prizes late game.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Went 3-3 last Saturday. I lost to a Regigas that power locked me 12 turns in a row. Portraits for my seeker, his ssu's and his seekers along with vs seekers, and junk arm. He let loosed me and i didn't draw anything when the lock was over. =\ I got donked by Sp's. Crobat plus an earthquake on my machop, and i lost a wired down game vs gyarados.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

^Wow. 12 turns of Power-locking.

I'm going to a cities Sunday with my Gyarados. If I would have had more experience with DialgaChomp, I would of ran that.

Everyone make sure to respond to my "poll". Its under my name.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I won my cities on Saturday 5-0 (w/Arceus). it was our weakest one (with only a top 2 cut in masters) and not really the cleanest wins ever.
Going to miss tomorrow's, so its time to prep for states (after the pre-release, I guess)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I got 10th, 2-2, with Gyarados. I got 1 place ahead of Gliscor ;p
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Testing a rogue for states. It's BlazeBox with Absol Prime. It has good match ups versus everything but LuxChomp. Which seems bad but my meta's different.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I did not do that well at Cities today. I went 2-2 with Regigigas. In my first round, I had a Regice start for five turns while my opponent got fully setup and got Umbreon UD out. In round two, I won against a Meganium Prime rogue. Round three against Scizor, and round four I lost to Gengar/Vileplume/Machamp by a T2 donk.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I'm starting to test with different variants of Vilegar, to see which deck is best for now, and which one will do best against possible future decks.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Congrats on becoming a mod Gliscor!
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

^What Glaceon said (second one).

Also played in a cities yesterday and realized Gengar can kill a G-Dos with Shadow Room and it doesn't come back. And I thought Combee was useless.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Pokemon Rescue works also.

It reallys against eevee's LostGar/Spread LostGar and VileGar.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

i got top 4 sunday w/ luxchomp after barely missing top8(our cut) three tourneys in a row, my losses were against a TURBO g-dos and vilegar, but i went 2-1 v. VileGar despite not playing DGX.

for states it's me testing LostGar and LuxSol

based on how our metagame usually is it will be lostgar all day for masters, so yay.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I also expect to see quite a bit of LostGar, and will be testing DialgaChomp

1000th Post!!!!
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I don't like D-chomp b/c(in my area) we've got ourselves a supah sekret tech to beat everything :p
I will be sad once lost world(if it does) comes out cuz then i lose all the effort i put into luxchomp :(
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

And my effort for Gyarados. With TS-2 and Gengar Prime, Gyarados gets all of its Magikarp LZ'd. I'm working on a Chenlock deck with Absol G X and Umbreon. Just finished today.
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