Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I know why.
Banned because barely anyone uses their own work in avatars/banners... Is it just me, Xous and de?
Banned because I'm going now...
Doubly banned because I can't believe that urbandictionary is one of your favourite sites. :p
It's useful, but still…
Snivylover555 said:
Banned because I'm now going on chat. :3
Banned because awesome! :3

Banned because bye, P0KEVORTEX, double banned because will you be back later? (The world may never know o_O)
Doubly banned because I can't believe that urbandictionary is one of your favourite sites. :p
It's useful, but still…

Banned because how is it useful? It's for comedy purposes only.
Banned because it's useful if you're not familiar with chat speak. (And maybe some other things...)
Banned because I'm back from a sammich break, double banned because I'm sorry I can't entertain you Snivy, D: triple banned because I'm going to PM you in a little Nizolka33.
Banned because thanks for the heads up, Afro-G
Double banned to hatman, poetry is awesome. If your a poet and you know it hone your skillz and show us your best online so everyone can admire your poetic ability.
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