Pokemon Spin-Off Sequels

Tsukeo said:
Pinball X and Y for 3DS. :<

Already thought no one mentioned it yet.

RS Pinball was fun as heck.

Now since there was no Pinball DP, Pinball BW... Instead of going Pinball XY now, Id suggest something bigger.

A pinball game, that involves all regions.

Youd start with a few gens and be able to unlock the rest by catching enough pokemon from certain pinball fields.

For example:
0 - Red and Green fields
50 gen I - Gold and Silver fields
75 gen I/II - Ruby and Sapphire fields
50 gen III - extra Emerald stage
100 gen I/II/III - Diamond and Pearl fields
25 gen IV - extra Platinum stage
0 - Black and White fields
50 gen V - extra BW2 stage
25 gen V - X and Y fields

They'd all have their own regional dexes, and any shared pokemon caught in one are registered in all.

Of course each gen featuring its own bonus and boss stages.

Itd be a lot of pinball fields, but the game would feel like it has proper content and less repetitive.
I'd love Pokémon Channel 2, on the 3DS & Wii U. I loved that game, on the Game Cube, only problem was not enough Pokémon. The Tv Channels were fun, it was fun to buy things, and collecting the Pokémon cards. Meeting new Pokémon, exploring new areas. You get Pikachu, PIKACHU !!!.