Writing Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! Fin.

RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 2 is on it's way!!

Well the smileys cause me to misunderstand. Okay let's stop all this.
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 2 is on it's way!!

yay!!! NIGHTSHADE IS ON A ROLL, BUT MAx i ent you an urgent pm concerning my charcter Ricky(no don't worry everything here is correct,other matter at hand)

just check ur pm box quick or pm or sumthing....
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 2 is on it's way!!

Fallen: Something about your character I liked, that's why I put you there.

Boracay: You are getting bumped to forth sooner than you think, meaning Fallen is getting bumped to co-leader:(

Tobi: I read your message. A lot of what you said doesn't mesh well with my story, and I explained in my reply to your p/m.

I will be at school most of tonight, but i have transfered my story to a floppy disc, and will work on chapter three there;)
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 2 is on it's way!!

Great new story Max. I can't wait to see where Jay pops up.
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 2 is on it's way!!

GAH! In my absence, I never saw this, and I most likely missed a chance at one of Max's uber fan fics T_T

Well, chapter one is good, even if Im not in it XD Keep it up, ill be intently reading this story just as much as your previous adventure :)

Dang, these fanfics of yours are Uber. UBER!!!!!!!
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 2 is on it's way!!

Wow! You really appreciated my character Max,thanks.
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 2 is on it's way!!

Chapter Three will be up later tonight.
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 3 is on it's way!!

COOL cant wait untill there up!!
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 3 is on it's way!!

Chapter Three: Shade Family Reunion!

The Shade triplets followed the directions Jason had given them. They needed to go to Pyrite Town and see a fortune teller there.
They approached the building and entered, and inside was a rather young woman, maybe about thirty-five?
“Maddie, Hope, Emma,” she said.
“How do you know us?” asked Hope.
“Over the past years, I’ve developed great psychic powers, I know almost all there is to know. But I know you three more than anyone…I delivered you.”
“You mean,” said Maddie, “You were mom’s midwife?”
“Pretty much… My name is Shadow Song. I met your father about five years before your birth.
“A lot of people knew him,” said Emma, “But can I ask why you people remain so loyal to him? He left you and the world is like this…”
“Your father was a kind man. He had a lot of mishaps in his life, and yes, he wasn’t perfect, but he led us all in the greatest battles the world has ever seen. We are loyal to him because he’d do the same for us.”
“Wow,” said Hope, “He must’ve really been something.”
“He was! But shortly before he left, he was in so much pain. His family didn’t make his life very easy. But you three can learn about him later. I’ve asked you here for a reason.
“I had a vision many years ago of me reading your fortunes. That time is now. So, please hold hands in a circle with me.”
They gathered into a circle, and Shadow’s eyes began glowing a bright blue!
“Oh my,” said Shadow.
“What?” asked Maddie.
“Soon, the world will return to peace, but only if the Shade family reunites, and I’m talking everyone related to you, not just the Shade blood.”
“Does that mean?” asked Emma.
“Yes…the LPC!” her eyes stopped glowing, “Go outside. Wait there until a man comes to take you to the resistance base.”
They followed her instructions. Hope said, “Why are we listening to these people? We’ve never met them and we’re acting as though they’re our parents!”
“Listen,” said Maddie, “We’ve only ever known one side of the story…and from what both sides say, the world was at peace before dad left…if he comes back, we can get the truth, I know it!”
“And what makes you think he’ll come back?” asked Emma, “Even when grandpa was the Master, he found time to come back and visit Max.”
“Those were his missions, Emma!”
“You must be Max’s kids,” said a man walking up to them.
“What’s it to you?” asked Emma.
“Name’s Jay Nercinator. Friend of your father’s. Welcome to one of the last free cities.”
“Free?” asked Hope.
“I assume Cody hasn’t told you how he really obtained all the areas of the world he owns?”
“Apparently not,” said Maddie.
“Well, come with me. Time to go to the Under!”

He led them to the Under, where they met up with the Masters.
“No way!” exclaimed Abad when he saw the girls, “Are these the same little runts who terrorized the PMC when they were little?”
“We lived with you?” asked Hope.
“For about four years, until Cody came along.”
“Abad,” said Jay, “Nice to see you again, it’s been a while. Shadow contacted me in my dreams…I hate when she does that.”
“Well, it’s the easiest way to get messages out,” said Crash.
“All we’re missing is Rich and J.C., but they may have to be cut out of the plan with Rich’s little escapade,” said Abad.
“Abad,” said Emma, “Shadow said something about the LPC, you know, our family?”
“What about them?”
“We need them to bring the world to peace again,” said Hope, “Our whole family must join together.”
“Makes sense we’d need them,” said Jason, “They were skilled trainers, and smart too.”
“Where are they?” asked Abad.
“No one knows,” said Ricky, “Cody locked them up somewhere secret.”
“Time to show you guys what Ricky can do…Find them,” Abad opened a secret compartment in the wall, revealing sixteen stone slabs.
“The plates of Arceus?” asked Ricky.
“After a bit of research,” said Crash, “We found that Max’s mother’s side of the family’s ancestors created the plates eons ago. They are important to them, and if your old machine works, they should be able to locate them.”
Ricky immediately began the tracking process. Using items cherished by a person or Pokémon, he could locate anything!
While he was doing that, Sam came up to the triplets, and said, “So, you three are triplets, huh?” with some suggestive tone.
“Back off,” said Jay. Abad and Jason came up behind them.
“Dudes, they’re young women, they can decide for themselves!”
“Not when their godfathers are here,” said Abad, “Be careful, there’s seven of us.”
“Wow,” said Emma, “Dad went all out to protect us, huh?”
“Actually,” said Jason, “Your father doesn’t know about you…”
“What?” asked Maddie.
“He left before your mother knew she was pregnant…but he went to great lengths to protect her…each of your Pokémon belonged to him at one point.”
Ricky came barging in.
“I’ve got a lock on Psych!” he exclaimed.
“Figures,” said Jason.
“Masters!” yelled Abad, “Let’s roll!”

They traveled by the police van that Ricky had stolen. Ricky was driving to the prison where the LPC was.
“It’s amazing,” said Ricky, “After fifteen years, I never knew they made a prison in Agate Village.”
“Even peaceful towns have succumb to this tragedy,” said Crash, “It’s sad…”
“Very,” said Abad, “But let’s focus! We have never been given a reason to doubt Shadow’s predictions. That means we need these sixteen loons to help us.”
“Excuse me,” said Hope, “That’s our family you’re talking about!”
“Sorry, those nice people…who happen to be loons!”
“Your family nearly killed your father and us,” said Jason, “They may have changed their ways, but we still begrudge them for that. You three were almost never born because of them.”
Suddenly, the van was slammed into the air!
“WE’RE GONNA DIE!” Ricky exclaimed in tears.
But, claws then crushed through the walls of the van and they were flying.
“Rayquaza!” yelled Abad.
They looked below to see a massive Steelix, larger than most, charging up a Dragonbreath.
“Whose is that?” asked Maddie.
“Jon!” yelled Crash.
“Spence?” asked Hope.
“Yeah!” said Ricky, “Who else would be attacking us?”
“Jon always seemed so nice…” said Hope.
“Excuse me while I barf,” said Abad.
“Airsick?” asked Emma.
“No, just sick of how you and your mother perceive these creeps.”
“Rayquaza!” yelled Jason, “Get us to Agate Vill-”
Rayquaza was hit and couldn’t stay airborne, and they plummeted to the sand below.
As they got out, Jon stood there with his Steelix.
“Well, well…” said Jon, “The “Masters””
“Back off before I kill you,” said Abad.
“Harsh words from someone who’s spent over a decade running!”
“Bring it on! Go Dusknoir!”
“Fire Punch!”
The two Pokémon charged each other, but Dusknoir got the hit!
“Go!” yelled Abad, “Find the LPC! I’ll hold him off!”
Jason threw a PokéBall at Rayquaza, who gladly was captured.

They arrived in Agate, and were immediately greeted by police who were not on their side.
“Can’t we just settle this like gentlemen?” asked Jason.
They threw out a dozen Arcanine.
“Guess not,” said Ricky, “Go Feraligatr!”
Ricky’s number one Pokémon came out, still wearing his sunglasses.
“Empoleon, I choose you!” yelled Hope.
“Hydro Pump!” they yelled together.
They doused the opponents.
“Go, Rukario !” yelled Jason as his gold-colored Lucario sprang out of his PokéBall.
“Track the LPC’s aura and find them!” Jason commanded.
Rukario ran off. Now, it seemed every law official in the village had come for a battle.
“Oh boy,” said Crash.
“Any ideas?” asked Ricky.
“You’re the genius, you figure it out!” yelled Jason.
A slew of all different typed Pokémon came flooding out of a nearby building with Rukario leading them.
“Behold!” yelled Whiro, “The power of the LPC!”
“Never thought I’d be happy to see him,” said Jason.
“I feel your pain,” said Ricky.
“Now my family!” yelled Whiro, “ATTACK!”
There were explosions of every shape and size, and when the smoke cleared, the LPC stood victorious!
“Uncle Whiro!” exclaimed the girls as they hugged him.
“How’s your grandfather?” asked Whiro.
“Pretty stupid,” said Ricky, “Cody has him eating out of the palm of his hand!”
Whiro got a disgusted look on his face.
“How much longer do we wait?” asked Spike.
“Not much,” said Jason, “Once we get the resistance together, we will be taking them out.”
“Excellent,” said Coffin.
“And where is Abad?” asked Whiro.
“We don’t know,” said Jason, “But I’m in charge of the resistance now. Starting tomorrow, we will begin training for battle against them. The Great War is about to begin.”
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 3 is on it's way!!

Pretty nice chapter but Crash does not fight... But nevermind. Keep your fanfics UBER ok?
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 3 is on it's way!!

Nice chapter,I see Abad got caught.Hope the next chapter comes out,I'm getting excited on what will happen next.Especially when Jason will be the Resistance Leader and the LPC are back.
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 3 is on it's way!!

nice!...cant wait to see my (if u changed his name and have already put him in, plz notify me) char!

RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 3 is on it's way!!

Urm, oh yeah, I forgot to ask, how old is my character ? I dont know if youve decided but I didnt mention it.

Nice chapter by the way, I almost forgot to do that, looking up for guitar chords is making me forgetful now >.>
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 3 is on it's way!!

SvN, your character had small talking parts, but nothing big yet. Each of the characters i've introduced will have at least one chapter for themselves.

Working on Chapter Four. If some of my readers are really intuitive, they can already figure out what it's about ;)
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 3 is on it's way!!

My character wasnt in it but thats ok cause the chapter was AWESOME!!! really good, ur really good at this just KEEP IT UP!!
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 3 is on it's way!!

Max, is it too late for a spot in the story? I asked before, but you didnt seem to take notice. :/
RE: Pokémon Nightshade: Birth Of A Master! PG-13 WARNING! Chapter 3 is on it's way!!

YEs, Shard, it is. sorry:(

Anyways, i'm currently working on Chapter four. may not be up til tomorrow.