No more clans?

Not really, but it seems this forum is dead set on not having them, so I won't pursue this any longer. I will say this though, it is a shame that y'all won't even consider it.
I don't believe it's an issue of considering vs. not considering. We had them for five years. You signed up in '08. Did you not enjoy them during that time?
scuba steveE said:
Not really, but it seems this forum is dead set on not having them, so I won't pursue this any longer. I will say this though, it is a shame that y'all won't even consider it.
You're not even paying attention.
I'd say PMJ explained it better than anyone else in this thread, and if I didn't already know what the reason was, I'd have no idea why until he came along.

With a clan, you run the risk of excluding a few people for whatever reason...they could even just be personal reasons with no real bearing on a person's ability. We're trying to avoid that; the less barriers there will be to discussion, the better. Clans served more as barriers than they did to actually facilitate discussions. In fact, Team Black and Team White were just two giant barriers as well, in effect you could say that PB tried to bring back clans and failed at it.

I'm...not sure what you're trying to get out of this, scuba steveE. You want to bring clans back? Okay, that's fine. However, I can't help but wonder what your reasons are for this; what possible reason for bringing clans back that you have could be accomplished only by clans and not at all by general discussion threads?

I scrolled through the thread and found this as one of your reasons:
I personally think it would add depth to Pokebeach, and it would make the competitive battling section more active(I think it's the least active section here). Have you ever been in a competitive clan? It's a great way to meet people and it generates friendly competition. I personally think it's a great way to experience Pokebeach and to promote the site.
This is definitely possible, I will say that, but is it possible to only accomplish that with clans/teams? I think the answer is no, personally, but feel free to give a counter-argument.
Lately the competitive battling section has been suffering, but we're not trying to let it rot; we're attempting the exact opposite, we want it back.

I'd just like to hear your reasoning on why you want to do this, that's all.
Agh I used the word 'we' again to describe this stuff...
Zenith said:
I'm not sure what comparative battling is, but the clans and groups were beyond useless. in theory it probably made sense but in practice it was just groups of friends discussing things that could easily be discussed on the public forums.

I meant competitive my phone is dumb with its auto correct, and clans was on of the ways I gained many of my friends on poke beach they also opened me to other people. It was just something fun to do and they gave you a sense of achievement when you ranked up or got points to unlock something like a free pokemon or things like that.
BenjaminLDuco said:
ranked up or got points to unlock something like a free pokemon or things like that.

In clans for competitive battling there use to be points systems to rank up on the clan or you could spend points to get a really good ived Pokemon or a Pokemon with egg moves.
When was this? I think you are thinking of something or somewhere else.
I agree that competitive battling groups were detrimental, and should not be brought back.

Other discussion however gave a sense of community and provided certain depths and shallows that normal threads could not.
I could've sworn some clans did points systems for their ranking system. And I could've sworn that some clans had breeders and rewards and stuff like that.
PMJ said:
I don't believe it's an issue of considering vs. not considering. We had them for five years. You signed up in '08. Did you not enjoy them during that time?
I wasn't part of a clan here. The reason why I originally signed up for pokebeach was because pokebeach and another forum was in a forum war, I was on the other forum's team. I didn't start really posting here until last year I think.
Deus: Nightmare Autarch said:
You're not even paying attention.
I'd say PMJ explained it better than anyone else in this thread, and if I didn't already know what the reason was, I'd have no idea why until he came along.

With a clan, you run the risk of excluding a few people for whatever reason...they could even just be personal reasons with no real bearing on a person's ability. We're trying to avoid that; the less barriers there will be to discussion, the better. Clans served more as barriers than they did to actually facilitate discussions. In fact, Team Black and Team White were just two giant barriers as well, in effect you could say that PokéBeach tried to bring back clans and failed at it.
Well I didn't understand his comparison to the MLP thread, unless he was saying all the clans were like that, I could see why y'all removed the section.

If people were being excluded, than there something very wrong there. A clan should accept anyone, no matter what their skill level is. That's the reason why I joined a clan, to get better at competitive battling. Ok That is the part I don't get, yeah there will be barriers, because their clans. Clan threads are not discussion threads, they're, well, clan threads. I mean if you don't want that big of barrier, than you could always let other people post other people's clans, which I was on a forum that did that and it worked. Tbh, having two mega clans would never work, you need at least 8 to have a healthy clan section.

I'm...not sure what you're trying to get out of this, scuba steveE. You want to bring clans back? Okay, that's fine. However, I can't help but wonder what your reasons are for this; what possible reason for bringing clans back that you have could be accomplished only by clans and not at all by general discussion threads?

I scrolled through the thread and found this as one of your reasons:
This is definitely possible, I will say that, but is it possible to only accomplish that with clans/teams? I think the answer is no, personally, but feel free to give a counter-argument.
Lately the competitive battling section has been suffering, but we're not trying to let it rot; we're attempting the exact opposite, we want it back.

I'd just like to hear your reasoning on why you want to do this, that's all.
Agh I used the word 'we' again to describe this stuff...
Ok, I'll use myself as an example. I'm not really big in the tcg and I'm no artist, so I tend to stay away from the art section, but I'm into competitive side of pokemon, so I can join a tournament or post a rmt. That's pretty much it, there's really nothing for me to do except to discuss the games themselves. I bet you I'm not the only person who thinks this. Also, I will state this again, clan threads are not discussion threads.

Yes if done correctly. I can suggest ways and rules that can be implemented to gain that, I've already said a couple(letting anyone join, no matter the skill level and letting people post in clan threads that are not theres) I mean if you want that section back, bringing back clans can do that.

Only thing is, it seems that wpm and the moderators want this to be a serious forum that promotes serious discussion, which clans don't really do that. I still think they would work, but this forum really has no wiggle room, so I really don't know.
I'm pretty sure that the point most of the anti-clan people are trying to make is that anything you can discuss in a clan, you can discuss in a non-clan thread, which allows for more participation and less intimidation to a newer or less confident member. I know that I personally haven't missed the clans very much (granted I was only in a few) because more activity in the other areas of the forum has made up for their absence. Its not even so much that clans don't accept everyone so much as the atmosphere of a members only clan promotes an idea of a more elite environment even if the clan accepts everyone, whereas a non-clan thread can feel more welcoming.

^ ~Glaceon
When forum wars happen, the VG Head ( currently Pride ) and some of the other video game moderators discuss who will respresent PB. Tryouts are normally held for this.
All clans were like that, yes. There was a rigid signup structure and hierarchies for all clans. People have been reported for posting in clans they weren't a part of.
The Writer's Haven clan was the only one I ever joined and for the sole reason that I'm more involved in fiction writing than anything else here. However, the clan also had some pretty useful projects in the works (such as a full-blown writing guide), but the group was so inactive towards the end that nothing ever got done.

Personally, I've never seen any point in having clans or clubs at all... Half the time, I couldn't join them because they were usually geared towards stuff that I wasn't interested in or know nothing about. It was easier just to build my own little group of friends outside of the clans than actually try to join a clan that I didn't fit into.
Dark Void said:
I'm pretty sure that the point most of the anti-clan people are trying to make is that anything you can discuss in a clan, you can discuss in a non-clan thread, which allows for more participation and less intimidation to a newer or less confident member. I know that I personally haven't missed the clans very much (granted I was only in a few) because more activity in the other areas of the forum has made up for their absence. Its not even so much that clans don't accept everyone so much as the atmosphere of a members only clan promotes an idea of a more elite environment even if the clan accepts everyone, whereas a non-clan thread can feel more welcoming.

^ ~Glaceon

Heck, my first staff stint in PB was to moderate those Clan Forums and it really was chaotic. Strangely enough, I haven't felt a huge enough void in my heart when the clans were nuked.
Jay said:
Other discussion however gave a sense of community and provided certain depths and shallows that normal threads could not.

Could you give some specific examples of those said groups? Just curious as I'm on the side of the current Mods and has been since I was a Mod that advocated for this change for the exact same reasons they're listing here.

dmaster out.