New Player

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Me and some friends are going to start playing for a fun guys night once a week, to start out we are not too worried about using decks that are tournament legal because we are not sure if we are even going to enter any tournaments. I just want to know what set will be the most fun for us to start buying from, like where do we begin, i was thinking maybe just starting with B&W cards but there are so many Pokemon that we think would be fun to play with but are not in the newer sets.

Long Question in short: What pre-B&W sets are the best for new players to the game who just want to have fun?
Little_Chris said:
Me and some friends are going to start playing for a fun guys night once a week, to start out we are not too worried about using decks that are tournament legal because we are not sure if we are even going to enter any tournaments. I just want to know what set will be the most fun for us to start buying from, like where do we begin, i was thinking maybe just starting with B&W cards but there are so many Pokemon that we think would be fun to play with but are not in the newer sets.

Long Question in short: What pre-B&W sets are the best for new players to the game who just want to have fun?

New players should start off with theme decks. I'd recommend the Zoroark Theme Deck from Dark Explorers. Buying some boosters can help your deck grow as well.
Since you're looking for pre-B&W cards, I would see if any local card shop or big box retailer is selling HGSS era cards. They are from the expansion prior to B&W and will be rotated out of the modified formart that legal tournaments use on September 1st, however they will probably contain a lot of the Pokemon you would like to play with.

You could also do search for set lists from previous sets to get an idea of which Pokemon will be found in the set.

I'll add this: I started much like you back in June, wanting to play casually with my girlfriend and our friend, and bought packs from any set that I could find. I quickly determined that I would like to play competitively and realized that I had just spent a lot of money on cards that I wouldn't be able to play. It didn't bother me because I also like to collect cards, but it's something to consider if you don't want to spend too much money on the game.

I hope that helps! Welcome to the game and I hope you enjoy it!
How much money are you willing to spend?
For about $30, you can get a Zoroark Theme Deck as mentioned above (~$12(I'm from the UK, So prices are different)) and a few boosters.($4.50 a pack)
About 100 cards. For boosters I would get a few dragons exalted, one dark explorers, and a next destinies, if they have them.

Also, Welcome!
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