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+++++++++++++++ My Trade Thread!! H: ERL, SP +++++++++++++++

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RE: My trade thread!! H: Luxray GL X, sp stuff and more

3 cyrus's conspiracy
1 power spray
3 sp radar
1 snowpoint (RH)
Luxray Lv.X

Please CML for this stuff. Thanks.
RE: My trade thread!! H: Luxray GL X, sp stuff and more

I got a Sableye, but if you look at the front page of your thread you can see what I am interested in :)
RE: My trade thread!! H: Luxray GL X, sp stuff and more

festizzio said:
I have a Kingdra Prime, and 4x AH Rare Candies from EX Emerald. CML for Luxray GL Lv. X

allrite, if my current trade falls through I will
RE: My trade thread!! H: Luxray GL X, sp stuff and more


t-tar prime
kingdra prime
ursaring prime
x2 charizard AR


luxray x
RE: My trade thread!! H: Luxray GL X, sp stuff and more

Azelf Master said:
Make a list of what you need and I'll tell you if I have those cards.

I need:
1 Kingdra prime
3 Ursaring prime
4 charizard AR
some sort of sealed playmat
proffessor sleeves
1 pokemon communication
RE: My trade thread!! H: Luxray GL X, sp stuff and more

i will trade alot for the luxray..... just saying again.. anything you need!
RE: My trade thread!! H: Luxray GL X, sp stuff and more

Okay, I need to have everyone stop asking for the Luxray, I have a trade going on with it currently. I am putting all trades on hold that have not been confirmed yet.
RE: My trade thread!! H: Luxray GL X, sp stuff and more

hi i have
1 kingdra prime
1 rh rare candy
1 ursaring prime
1 charizard ar(i think its rh)

i want:
luxray gl lvl x

i can add more if u want just lmk in pm

btw i live in canada so i dont know if ull trade
RE: My trade thread!! H: Luxray GL X, sp stuff and more

Hey guys, sorry it turns out that I CANNOT trade lux X, sorry it's not something I can control
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