Writing Life of a Pokemon Freak-Here we go. The last chapter.

RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 5

I don't go out on halloween, I still dress up though...

..To scare toddlers...
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 5

Fine. And Ostrich does me more justice.

Loved that chapter. It reminds me of the group I had when I was 8, called the Eggy Men. Eggs and so on. We had a mascot mouse named Deathzard the Destroyer of small branches. He died sadly, and we tributes him in the next soccer lesson through a double Nazi salute after scoring a fifty yard thriller... Happy times.

I don't celebrate Halloween, so don't come near me with any of that rubbish or I shall call in qmaster dmaster to do a QMASTER SMASH!!! DMASTER SMASH!
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 5

So you ARENT from Cali after all! Lol.
Interesting stories. You are a good writter! I try to write sometimes, but I fail at dialogue and character development. I see some real potential with you though! =]

And if you feel you are running out of interesting things to write about in your life, you can always add zombies. Zombies make everything more interesting.
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 5

AUSA-I'm being a specific ninja though. I'm going to be Shiek.
Also, I strongly advise(hence the word "advise") you to not steal my idea.

Jayj4-It wasn't supposed to be nice...
And no. I'm bein' Shiek.

Kaiserchu-Yah, I'm only passing out candy, but I have a costume, and I wanna wear it.

I give my condolences?

shampoothief-You see, if I gave out my location, then all of my fans would immediately start trying to find me. I would be interested in meeting some of you, but not at my house. That would be wierd.
Also, zombies are a bit violent for my taste.

(aw-tuh m)
The season between summer and winter; fall. In the Northern Hemisphere it is from the Setember Equinox to the December solstice; in the Southern Hemisphere it is from the March equinox to the June solstice.

I have no idea how this wee-I mean three days have gone by so fast. Well, yah, actually I do.

During the weekend, there was this party that Henry, my little brother, was invited to. We were somewhat shocked, because generally Henry is not invited to parties. (The reason will be shown why)

Well, of course we went, and it was only a few blocks away from our house, so I was able to walk back and forth. My job was too watch Henry, but I took this chance as more of a nice way to update my artistic skill. I did watch as I was drawing though. I know multi-tasking can be somewhat bad for the brain, but my brain compared to Henry’s safety…

Let’s just say it wasn’t much of a contest.

So, my lead in my pencil starts to get pretty dull, and I was too stupid to remember to bring a sharpener with me. So, I followed Henry around, kind of like some misleading guardian angel.

The party was in the kid’s backyard, and there were some kids riding on this wagon that this eleven year old boy was pulling. He didn’t make up the rules, his sister did. She let everyone have a turn at riding the wagon, as long as she rose with them. The sister looked to be around seven, which was only one year younger than Henry. Henry got held back a grade, so I assumed that they were in the same grade.

As I said, she let everyone had a turn on the wagon. One flaw in that sentence, and it has nothing to do with grammar or spelling.

She let everyone on except Henry. She wasn’t letting Henry on because Henry wasn’t as social as everyone else, he hung out by himself a lot. She wasn’t letting him ride because Henry talked to himself. She wasn’t letting him have a turn because Henry wasn’t as bright as everyone else.

She was mistreated my brother because he was autistic.

Of course, with my outraged self, I immediately plopped Henry in that wagon, despite the girl’s complaints. He got his ride and nothing went wrong. But, I still didn’t feel good about the situation. I thought over it again and again throughout the party and realized something.

No matter how hard I tried to protect Henry from how he is treated by others, it will never be enough. Henry will always be autistic and different. He may never fit in. All I could do is help him out through his life.

Now that that is off of my chest, I can get to other things.

It’s Fall Break for me. (That’s the only reason I was able to write this on a Wednesday)

Yah, I’m not going on any super awesome trip to Cuba or anything like that, but I am going to visit my grandparents in Arkansas on Friday. I’m not really looking forward to this. I would much rather stay home. It’s not like I don’t like my grandparents, it’s just that I am socially impaired with relatives of mine who are not part of my immediate family. It always feel like they know so much more about me than I know about them, which generally isn’t the case, but hey, you can’t stop me from being paranoid…

I drew this AWESOME picture of Dratini and this other character from a different anime. I was working on the masterpiece after my science exam, and Dr. Death saw me working on it. She didn’t see the drawing, but she did see how I was the only one drawing in the classroom. She decided to put me to work this weekend by making me draw this stupid poster.

Basically, I need to put
“Don’t Touch!
Talk Nice!
Assigned Area!”

I don’t know why she assumed someone creative was meant to make a poster that sounded like a boot-camp catchphrase. You don’t really need to know how to draw to do this.

But, the job was assigned to me, and I have to do it, no matter how much my playful side wants to have a temper tantrum.

I was SO happy in sixth hour today! Mr. Coyne, my English teacher, decided to let us use the laptops freely, as long as we stayed on appropriate sites.

Oh man, it was like Willy Wonka telling me to eat whatever I want at his factory.

I was immediately on PokeBeach. It was the very first site I went to. There is something about being able to use PokeBeach at school that just gets me pumped. I yelled as I got off the bus, and ran home.

My long awaited fall break has finally started to pay up it’s joy.
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

That was a very nice chapter. It's so rude to hear about your brother being treated like that. I'm happy that you just put him on the wagon, despite the girl complaining.

I hate it when somebody is treated rudely just because they're different. I know my brothers and sisters (including me) weren't (and aren't) treated nicely in school because we are smarter than the average student.

Oh, I know that this has nothing to do with this chapter, but what animal am I a part of?
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

Pokemon Champion- Yes, it was pretty upsetting. And thanks.

I'm thinking part Otter, just because of your avvy though.
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

I can feel your little brother's pain. I am autistic and so are some friends in my 4th block class. The best part about it though is usually you have the freinds to back you up and when your in a class like mine you get to go on cool feild trips like eating out. That's the only up side that I can think of but other then that it's not the best thing in the world being autistic.
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

Pokebeach isn't blocked at your school? Its blocked at mine.

Sorry about Henry, but at least he will always have you to support him and treat him fairly =]

And, lol, your fans? xD
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

Culex77-knuckle pound!
shampoothief-Ah, it's all right. The only reason pokebeach isn't blocked from my school is because I am the onl ne in the school wh uses it, do it's hard to find in the computer history...
You guys constatly stalk this story
I would consider you as fans, yes.
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

OMG you had to make it emotional :'(
It's so sad that we can access Serebii but not Pokebeach....... >:|
Like all the other chapters I really like this chapter!
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

Thank you. I deserve them.

Sorry to hear your brother is mistreated like that. I however am mistreated for my intelligence. I'm not allowed to do some stupid stuff, like jump off the bus, as apparently I'm too sensible. And once, we did a test, and anyone who got over 70 percent wasn't allowed to have sweets. I was the only one with over 70, and got 100.

No where near bad the stuff that happens to your brother though. I feel sorry for him.

To tell the truth, the reason that I can get on P B is because I hacked the system to allow a certain computer to go wherever it wants. :)
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

Hmm, what a mean thing to do, but if I was in Henry's situation, I wouldn't care less of what happened...

...And I know what it's like to be in that sort of situation...
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6


Thanks! I actually really like that I'm part otter.:p (Since otters are one of my favorite animals)

Oh, and our school computers don't even have internet. . .
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

Its classified and Video Games/forums.
And, fine, I guess I will be your fan xP
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

oh, trust me aggs, i'm not stealing anyone's idea. i was a ninja last year, and i couldn't think of anthing else. Well, i was going to be Kagamine Rin, vocaloid, but we couldn't get my costume. So ima ninja again. Nice chapter though!

poor Henry, :( people can be real jerks sometimes. Me and my friends get bullied a LOT because we're "nerds" and we are smart, and we play pokemon.
@Shampoo-Thief: Pokebeach's not blocked at our school, mabey it has to do with the site creator company,MyBB?
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

^ That's exactly the same with me!!!

Just because I don't watch TV 24/7 doesn't make me deserve to be bullied. They bully me for

a) Reading
b) Wearing glasses
c) Being clever
d) Answering questions
e) Not agreeing with the fact that TV better than books.

There are more, but you'd get bored.
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

i know! Though i'm a gamer, i chose books over tv. Just because i can read well and have a very, er, exstensive vocabulary, even though i don't use it online, people consider me a nerd. I don't give a bidoof about all that "love" crud that middle schoolers get into. Again, you get called weird because you're smart. what is this world coming to?!
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

My guess is insanity but who knows to be honest.
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

@Chiraami: To Number C,a guy tries to bully me thinking he's smarter,but i always outsmart him =P I mostly test things like yesterday: LOOK! IT SNOWS!!! And he really looked through the window at school. Then he says: Yeh,it snows leaves. Which is simply not right,right?
RE: Life of a Pokemon Freak-Now with Chap 6

Wow, where do you guys live??
In my school none of the sort happens, unless your not 'safe' meaning if you don't help someone out, or if you don't give them a bit of your lunch when they are hungry, then your fine. If your not 'safe' then everyone hates you. So if a nerd is safe then they don't get bullied, it's simple really. So I am really clever, don't watch T.V too much and read books, just like you guys, I haven't been bullied for 8 years ( I am in Year 10 btw)