Pokemon Is battling a man-made concept?

Frost Mage

Now I made a thread a while back called, "Are Pokemon meant for battling?". This time, I want to broaden the horizons and explore whether or not Pokemon, 1. Enjoy battling, and 2. Would do it without trainers helping them. What do you think?
Frost Mage said:
Now I mead a thread a while back called, "Are Pokemon meant for battling?". This time, I want to broaden the horizons and explore whether or not Pokemon, 1. Enjoy battling, and 2. Would do it without trainers helping them. What do you think?

Yes, and yes.

1. Pokémon overpower humans one hundred fold, times 10 plus 999999999. They literally have a god pokemon. if they didn't want to battle, trainers would be extinct, and we would all be hiding under our beds.

2. Many anime episodes show wild pokemon battling, and wild pokemon can be different levels. They start out level 1 after getting out of their eggs. How do you find a level 36 magikarp if they don't get the experience.
That is a very true point. Though one might ask, how does a level 36 Magikarp gain any experience when it only knows Splash? ;)
Frost Mage said:
That is a very true point. Though one might ask, how does a level 36 Magikarp gain any experience when it only knows Splash? ;)

It battled an arceus that used Perish Song, and ran away, coming back just to get the XP
Yes, because Pokemon is man-made.

I would say so, to an extent. Man tends to use other creatures, big or small, to do their bidding, whether it be for good or bad. The controlled or organized form of battling is probably man-made, but Pokemon, like animals in our world, fight in the wild for territory or for food.
Frost Mage said:
That is a very true point. Though one might ask, how does a level 36 Magikarp gain any experience when it only knows Splash? ;)

So you're telling me that a Magikarp cannot swim into something with its tail?
Battling was not invented by humans (Animal fighting will go on whether humans are present or not), but maybe moves were invented by humans so it could be an easier way to tell a Pokemon what to do.

It is much easier to say
"Swampert use Earthquake!"
instead of:
"Swampert hit your feet on the ground so the dirt trembles below your opponent so they injure themselves. Be sure that your attack never misses unless the Pokemon you use it against has an evasion modifier and hit with approx a base power of 100!!!!!"
PsychedelicBreakfast said:
Yes, because Pokemon is man-made.

I would say so, to an extent. Man tends to use other creatures, big or small, to do their bidding, whether it be for good or bad. The controlled or organized form of battling is probably man-made, but Pokemon, like animals in our world, fight in the wild for territory or for food.

But aren't Pokemon and humans, regardless of whether or not they are trainers, in a mutually-beneficial relationship that strengthens both?
There's an NPC in X/Y, that says Pokemon battling was once a ritual for settling disputes.
Clearly this must have evolved into Pokemon battling as we know today.