Introduce Yourself!

Hello, Everyone! Silvermoon here! I mainly came here to help with the "Gotta Catch 'em All" code hunt, but I also am doing Let's Plays on youtube, one of my current projects is The Game Boy Color Pokemon TCG video game! Look "Silvermoon551" on youtube if anyone is interested!
Okay, why not. Name's Chimera, obviously. Figured I might as well register so I could comment on X/Y stuff (and maybe drop a link to another site I'm on in my signature to try to bring some new people in, depending on the advertising rules here) and generally engage in a bit of discussion. Let's see...I'm a freshman in college, I've been playing Pokemon since Gen 3 (first game was Sapphire), and my favorite pokemon is Espeon (narrowly edging Golurk). Think that should cover the bases. Hello, all! It's certainly more active here than I'm used to, so this should be...interesting.
hi hello my name is holla and forums scare me but i figured it'd be funner to actually post things instead of reading everything, esp w/ x/y and around the corner. im 16, my favorite pokemon is cubone, and my first game was pokemon colosseum. thats p much it thank u
Heya! I'm Spiral; I've been stalking these boards for quite awhile now getting a lot of my news from here since before Gen5 was announced. I figured it was about time I made an account.
I have been into Pokemon since the beginning; I remember getting a promotional VHS tape in the mail about Pokemon and that's where it all began. My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Red; I spent ENDLESS hours playing that game and I've played every generation since then.

Besides Pokemon related things; I'm really into model building, I build Zoids models and things like that. I am an artist that is always striving to get better; I illustrate sci fi aliens and fantasy creatures mostly.
I'm pretty friendly though I hardly ever make the first move so if you ever have a question for me don't be shy!
Hi admin! I am an aspiring pokemon trainer! I joined because this is an awesome site!
My name is Max and my hobbies are playing,reading and even writing books. I have started writing my book the eye of ramshorn as the first book of the Horus triology. I hope it gets published! I am a very big pokemon fan!
Hey guys, I'm Jords23. Really only here to be able to view attachments while browsing through threads as I don't usually having anything of importance to add. I'm only a casual player who never really got into competitive battling so yeh :)
Been lurking on here for a minute lol. Anyway, I've been playing pokemon since the beginning so I know a bit. Nice to meet you all :-]
Hello! I'm Cal, but you can call me whatever you want to call me. I first discovered Pokebeach years ago, back when diamond and pearl were being revealed. I was but a wee lad during that time period, thus I didn't sign up then. Ever since then, Pokebeach has been one of my go-to sites for Pokemon news. I finally decided to sign up because I wanted to contribute back to the site that's given me so much cool stuff.

My favorite Pokemon is either Phanpy or Sandile. My favorite types are ground and dark. My favorite game is Crystal, and my favorite generation is II. Crystal version was actually my first Pokemon game, though I didn't complete one until Pearl version.

Anyway, yeah. Thanks for reading! I hope to become a frequent contributor to discussions on this great site!
Hi there my name is Lovely*Feraligatr which is after the nickname I always gave to my favourite Johto starter. I joined this site so I could chat with others who share my love for Pokemon. I was watch some YouTube chips and Pokebeach kept popping up so I thought I would check it out, read some forums and thought it would be fun to join in with the debates. My interests/hobbies are: Manga and Anime, reading some good fantasy or crime novels, playing games on the DS, watch Let's Plays on YouTube, drawing and singing badly. My favourite Pokemon games is Pokemon Black, before that it was Crystal. I hope that I can meet some wonderful people here.
Oh and my avatar is of my brother's stuffed Dinosaur toy
just joined beach
been using for about a year for news updates
i joined so i could enjoy the hype talk for x and y
Figured I'd join to get in on the hype with X & Y. :)
AND to view attachments, especially with the news of today. :3
Hi there! Im ScorchingShock. I joined the forum because I just love PokeBeach and it's information. I was introduced to it by a friend from a wikia site, telling me about the rumors of the Fairy-type anfd stuff. I was hooked from then-on. Im a gigantic fan of Pokemon, Zelda, Kirby, Mario and stuff like that but I love Pokemon the most. I started with Yellow and have been a fan ever since. It's such a beautiful series. Well that's pretty much all, other than I got autism and if I get confused, that's probably why. Sorry! D: Thanks for reading!~
Hello everyone! I am Tailor and I joined this forum because I always followed Pokémon news at PokéBeach and finally decided to join the forum!
I absolutely love video games, with my favorite series being: Pokémon, Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Ace Attorney and many more.
The first Pokémon game I ever played was Pokémon Red, which I discovered at my aunt's house and been in love with ever since!
My interests also is in education, I'm currently studying to become a teacher's assistent, but after that I will follow a study to become a teacher for elementary schools!
I was born and raised (and still live in) 's-Hertogenbosch, it's a beautiful city in a southern province of the Netherlands!

Feel free to ask me anything, anytime ;)

Hello all! I am ElementalEevee and I have been visiting PokéBeach for years and I just decided to make my membership official and join the forums. I first got into the games in the 2nd gen with Crystal. It goes without saying my favorite Pokémon is Eevee. I play pretty much any game that I can get my hands on, but Pokémon has been my long-time favorite. I am currently attending college ad studying Music/Saxophone performance. Please ask me anything if you guys ever want to talk, I am a pretty avid news reader about the games so I'd like to think I could have a pretty good conversation about them.
Thanks, all!
Hello, I'm Carz. I love Pokemon and I decided to join these forums because I wanted a community to discuss Pokemon with. So far, my experience has been great. I got into Pokemon starting in Gen IV, and my first ever Pokemon was a Totodile. Since I was really late to the party, I had little to no experience of what was going on. But, eventually, I got the hang of it, and now I am a great player. I am still trying to improve my strategies on Showdown, because I am horrible at it but I can't stop playing because it's just too much fun. Anyway, let's get back to some facts about me. My favourite Pokemon (as of now) is Dusknoir. Well, that's about it. Thanks for reading!