How have YOU changed as a member?

Pandamore said:
Well when I came here, I played pokemon. Now obviously I don't, but the people on this site are way too sexy for me to leave. I think it's funny how my first posts were stupid, especially in the trading corner. I'd say something like "I'll trade you blah for blah if I don't trade it to blah first" or something n00bish like that xD I'd also like to think my sarcastic and wee pervy side has come about, too.

Holy crapp, ^THIS. Looking back, I find it COMPLETELY idiotic to be spending so much money on the cards. I've paid $60 for silver shaymin sleeves and $50 for maroon pokeball sleeves because of my lost obsession. I regret everything from pokemon; The driving hours to tourneys, spending tons of $$$ for the latest deck, and wasting my whole day playing for prizes like a couple pack of cards. The only positive thing I've gained were meeting amazing friends there <'3
Yes. Like, no offense to any one else who plays pokemon, but once you finally get a decent reality check, the regret of all the spent money hits you pretty hard. I mean i have zero idea how many hundreds of dollars i have spent on pieces of cardboard that now litter my basement. I believe i even have a deck that has a whole bunch of metagame cards like luxray lv.x plus all the metagame trainers and what not. And the thing is i will probably never use them again. Dam, im still kicking myself on those cards.
^ Im am kinda in the same position as you and pandamore. I do regret buying pokemon cards. Biggest waste of my life.

However, why dont you do what I did and sell those cards? Luxray will easily fetch you $70-$80
When I came here, I was a total n00b, just starting the game and not knowing anything besides the basic rules. Now, after nearly 2 years, I am a much more experienced player who knows about the metagame and all that.

Also, the forums have made me feel more liked as I'm surrounded by people who share my interests, even if I don't actually know most of you :p. I am also more responsible and mature, though I still silently beg to be a mod sometimes :p.
Well I've never used my pokeball sleeves, so I'm hoping to sell them in a couple of years when pokeball sleeves are wiped off the face of the earth. They'll earn me a quite big amount of money =3= I gave all my cards and prof. mats to my friends after I left, but I kept one deck to remember everything so I kinda don't want to sell it :L
Haha, you guys should really specify you're talking about the Pokémon TCG when you are. Cards may be outgrown, but video games are forever!

Yeah, so I was a total and complete noob when I joined, now I'm somewhere in the middle of "noob" and "popular." Personally, I'm not trying to raise my popularity (yes I am look at my sig) in any way. ;D I'm more like a combination of bacon and PokeChamp now, whereas I used to be a combination of bacon boy and SONICMOJ.
At first I only came here to trade in VG, but now I am doing a lot more here, and I don't do stu[id things anymore, like spam.
Time for an honest reponse. When I came here, I was a loser. I was a terrible player, just terrible. I though I could get a rating invite hahahaha. I was nowhere near that skill level. Pathetic. Since that time i'd like to say I became more humble. I'm not as obnoxious anyways. Overall, I feel like i've gotten better at this game, by a lot. My deckbuilding has gotten a lot better. My actual playskill isn't perfect, I autopilot too much when I should be focusing :p.
I came here to host a Video Game clan, and be serious about it. Now I joke around, but I am still somewhat useful. In a few months, i bet i'll be a nightmare to everyone :D
At first I was a n00b who annoyed people.

Now, I'm a normal dude who annoys people. Huh....
I was a total n00b when I first joined. I've made entire posts of spam back then. Like 3 or less words. <__< Or sentences in all caps and a bunch of Exclamation/1's.

Now I'm better at battling, and at the TCG. And I don't spam [on purpose]
I used to be a stupid little girl who believed in Disney and girl power because of a excess of fairytales. In short, I was an immature nub. *nods* I am soooo embarrased to look at my old posts. Really. Spammimg used to be my hobby, lol.
Started out all soft, like bread
my first mistake was a trade thread

then I got on trade council, yo
dont even know what i was there fo

met some awesome dudies
though some of 'em were moodies

my skill with handlin' drama, yada yada
got me to be a Moda, moda moda (rater or something)

had a good time and junk
but got called out a few times (doesn't rhyme. I know. Shut up.)

got taken off the mod list
at the time i was drinking rocky nevada mist (or whatever that Sprite knockoff is named, don't judge me)

went all inactive, didn't post
felt kinda alone, kinda lost (lost and post DO rhyme, god, learn some American, this is America >>)

now it's me todaay with my fabulouzly-chic Sunflora avatar and signature ensemble and the only thing that can stop me is a ban. I don't recommend it, though

Translation: I haven't. CHANGED. A BIT.

Oh sheesh y'all. Twas a dreaaaammmm~
MylesPrower said:
Started out all soft, like bread
my first mistake was a trade thread

then I got on trade council, yo
don't even know what i was there fo

met some awesome dudies
though some of 'em were moodies

my skill with handlin' drama, yada yada
got me to be a Moda, moda moda (rater or something)

had a good time and junk
but got called out a few times (doesn't rhyme. I know. Shut up.)

got taken off the mod list
at the time i was drinking rocky nevada mist (or whatever that Sprite knockoff is named, don't judge me)

went all inactive, didn't post
felt kinda alone, kinda lost (lost and post DO rhyme, god, learn some American, this is America >>)

now it's me todaay with my fabulouzly-chic Sunflora avatar and signature ensemble and the only thing that can stop me is a ban. I don't recommend it, though

Translation: I haven't. CHANGED. A BIT.

Oh sheesh y'all. Twas a dreaaaammmm~

Bread can be hard (crispy too) if it's French.
The cards you traded always got off the bench (only TCG nubs wouldn't understand that)

You were a legend in the trade council so-
Get back on it yo

Wait why am I copying and praising you so much?
I should be going on chat and such.
Ahh whatever.

Lol, nice one Myles. ;3

Another thing to add about what I posted earlier- "I'm still on my journey on improving. ^_^"
When I first joined, I used to talk like this:how r u doin;i lyk pizza; btw rmo lmao I can't believe I've changed that much....lmao L:Laughing M:My A:Arceus O:Off

I'll leave this open for more discussion. Don't report this post.

dmaster out.