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H:Registeel EX, Sleeves, Garchomp, Garbodor, Bianca W: EP, NV, DEX

RE: H: RH BTS, Smeargle, Garchomp C, RH Ninetales, RH Azelf, Holo Energy, RH Luxray GL

Hey! I need
x2 Call Energy

Can you CML?
RE: H: RH BTS, Smeargle, Garchomp C, RH Ninetales, RH Azelf, Holo Energy, RH Luxray GL

That's not exactly equivalent. Donphan Primes I can get for 10, Call for 7.
RE: H: RH BTS, Smeargle, Garchomp C, RH Ninetales, RH Azelf, Holo Energy, RH Luxray GL

Ok, shoot me a counter.
RE: H: RH BTS, Smeargle, Garchomp C, RH Ninetales, RH Azelf, Holo Energy, RH Luxray GL

What else do you like on my list?
RE: H: RH BTS, Smeargle, Garchomp C, RH Ninetales, RH Azelf, Holo Energy, RH Luxray GL

That's about it. How about if I add a Cyrus's Conspiracy?
RE: H: RH BTS, Smeargle, Garchomp C, RH Ninetales, RH Azelf, Holo Energy, RH Luxray GL

I don't really need that to complete anything though. And I don't want to trade my new stuff for stuff I can only play for one season, and maybe won't even put in the deck.
RE: H:Call Energy,Smeargle, Garchomp C, RH Ninetales, RH Azelf, Holo Energy, RH Luxray GL

I see. I'll have to pass then. Thanks for your time.
RE: Huge Update. Uxie X, Lux X, DragOff Gigas, Call NRG, Gengar, Machamp, SP Engine, BTS

Gengar Prime
Mew Prime

for your Uxie X?
RE: Huge Update. Uxie X, Lux X, DragOff Gigas, Call NRG, Gengar, Machamp, SP Engine, BTS

I'm more interested in the donphans/machamps than the mew. Let me know if they become available.
RE: Huge Update. Uxie X, Lux X, DragOff Gigas, Call NRG, Gengar, Machamp, SP Engine, BTS

I have: RR Jirachi
HS Pokemon Collector
CL Professor Elm's Training Method
UL Seadra
UD Kyogre Groudon Legend Top
TM Twins
TM Mew Prime
TM Magnezone Prime
HS Blissey Prime

I want: RR Luxray GL Lv.X

RE: Huge Update. Uxie X, Lux X, DragOff Gigas, Call NRG, Gengar, Machamp, SP Engine, BTS

Blaziken FB Lv. X
Shiny Groudon
