Hawaii, USA
1. Currently only trading in US
2. I only want English, non-World Championship cards.
3. Most of my cards are mint or near-mint.
4. I expect your cards to be mint or near-mint. Let me know if they aren’t and how bad they are.
5. I prefer trades of at least 3-4 cards if they are lower value cards.
6. Cards must be sent in a top loader taped shut. I will do the same.
7. If you have a negative/neutral reference, you must send first.
Emerging Powers
5 Swadloon
17 Virizion
19 Simisear
21 Darmanitan
23 Simipour
35 Thundurus
37 Swoobat
47 Gothitelle
48 Gothitelle
56 Excadrill
62 Krookodile
72 Ferrothorn
76 Klinklang
94 Max Potion
Noble Victories
13 Virizion
14 Victini
21 Volcarona
34 Kyurem
41 Eelektross
52 Reuniclus
56 Beheeyem
64 Conkeldurr
67 Archeops
73 Terrakion
79 Hydreigon
84 Cobalion
89 Druddigon
Next Destinies
98 Mewtwo EX FA
Dark Explorers
22 Volcarona
29 Empoleon x3
62 Sableye
106 Groudon EX FA
107 Darkrai EX FA
108 Tornadus EX FA
Dragons Exalted
119 Ho Oh EX FA
121 Terrakion EX FA
124 Giratina EX FA
Boundaries Crossed
134 Skyla x4
141 Celebi EX FA
142 Keldeo EX FA
143 Cresselia EX FA
144 Landorus EX FA
145 Black Kyurem EX FA
146 White Kyurem EX FA
147 Bianca FA
148 Cheren FA
149 Skyla FA
Plasma Storm
28 Mamoswine
61 Gallade
62 Giratina
67 Garbodor
90 Klinklang
107 Exploud
118 Colress x2
119 Colress Machine x2
120 Escape Rope x2
121 Ether
123 Hypnotoxic Laser
126 Virbank City Gym x3
127 Plasma Energy
129 Scramble Switch
131 Victini EX FA
132 Articuno EX FA
133 Cobalion EX FA
135 Colress FA
UD Houndoom Prime
Sealed Booster Packs:
Secret Wonders Booster Pack x2
Mysterious Treasures Booster Pack x2
Ultra Rares
Zekrom FA x3
Tornadus FA
Victini FA (Slightly damaged top left corner)
Zekrom EX Promo
Landorus FA
Ho-Oh EX
Registeel EX
Articuno EX
Cobalion EX
PLS White Kyurem EX
Prerelease Sleeves
Arceus Sleeves
Undaunted (Espeon & Umbreon) Sleeves x2
Triumphant (Celebi) Sleeves x2
Holo Energy
2006 Holo Energy Pack (1 each type, no Steel/Dark)
Energy Retrieval x8
Energy Search x12
Full Heal x3
PlusPower x6
Poke Ball x5
Pokedex x2
Potion x8
Bianca x3
Cover Fossil
Cilan x5
Exp. Share x6
Heavy Ball x5
Level Ball x2
Pokemon Center x13
Skyarrow Bridge x6
DCE x5 (1 HGSS, 4 ND)
Prism Energy x4
2 Snivy RH
4 Servine RH x2
12 Maractus
34 Simipour RH
39 Alomomola RH
41 Blitze RH x2
38 Munna RH
49 Musharna
51 Swoobat RH
52 Venipede RH
54 Scolipede RH
55 Solosis RH
59 Timburr RH
61 Throh
62 Sawk x3 (1 RH)
69 Scrafty
73 Mandibuzz
76 Klinklang RH
77 Patrat RH
79 Watchog RH
86 Unfezant x2 (1 RH)
91 Bouffalant RH
92 Energy Retrieval RH x2
93 Energy Search RH
94 Energy Switch RH x2
95 Full Heal RH x2
96 PlusPower
97 Poke Ball RH x2
98 Pokedex RH
99 Pokemon Communication RH x2
100 Potion RH
Emerging Powers
34 Galvantula RH
37 Swoobat RH
56 Excadrill RH
59 Sawk RH
63 Terrakion RH
65 Liepard
71 Ferroseed RH
Noble Victories
12 Accelgor RH
19 Larvesta RH
36 Zebstrika
37 Emolga RH
44 Yamask RH
53 Reuniclus
69 Mienfoo RH
79 Hydreigon RH
86 Axew RH
92 N RH x1
Next Destinies
1 Pinsir
2 Seedot RH
7 Simisage x6 (3 RH)
10 Growlithe RH
12 Arcanine x2 (1 RH)
13 Arcanine RH x2
25 Lapras x2 (1 RH)
26 Lapras RH x3
27 Articuno
29 Simipour x2
30 Basculin RH
34 Frillish RH x2
35 Jellicent x4
37 Beartic x3
40 Raichu RH
45 Luxio RH x2
46 Luxray x2
47 Blitze RH
49 Emolga RH x2
53 Muk x3
56 Kirlia RH x3
59 Musharna
62 Beheeyem x2
64 Lucario
66 Hippowdon RH
70 Weavile x4 (2 RH)
71 Nuzleaf RH
72 Shiftry RH
73 Scraggy RH x2
76 Bronzong x2
78 Jigglypuff RH
79 Wigglytuff x3
81 Persian
84 Mincinno RH
85 Cinccino x2 (1 RH)
87 Exp. Share RH
88 Heavy Ball RH
90 Pokemon Center RH
Dark Explorers
2 Ivysaur RH
6 Leafeon RH
7 Dwebble RH
21 Larvesta RH
68 Scrafty RH
91 Cheren RH
95 Hooligans Jim & Cas RH
96 N RH
98 Professor Juniper RH x2
100 Rare Candy RH
101 Twist Mountain RH
Dragons Exalted
2 Skiploom RH
5 Yanmega
21 Magmortar
23 Magikarp RH
24 Gyarados
25 Wailmer RH x2
28 Milotic RH
29 Spheal RH x2
33 Floatzel RH
38 Mareep RH
39 Flaafy RH
40 Ampharos
45 Emolga RH
48 Shedinja x4 (1 RH)
54 Garbodor x2
57 Gothitelle
58 Golett RH
69 Sawk RH x2
75 Houndoom
76 Stunky RH x3
78 Aron RH
82 Probopass
83 Durant RH
90 Garchomp x4 (1 RH)
91 Garchomp x2
96 Zweilous RH x2
102 Vigoroth RH
105 Swablu RH
108 Audino RH x3
109 Minccino RH
112 Braviary x2
113 Devolution Spray RH
114 Giant Cape RH
115 Rescue Scarf RH
117 Blend Energy RH
Plasma Storm
7 Cherrim RH
10 Leavanny
12 Foongus RH
13 Amoongus RH
16 Monferno RH
23 Heatmor RH
27 Piloswine RH
31 Ludicolo RH
38 Frillish RH
40 Cubchoo RH
47 Magnezone RH
49 Rotom RH
50 Joltik RH
51 Galvantula RH
53 Zubat RH
54 Golbat RH
56 Koffing RH
58 Weezing RH
62 Giratina RH
63 Trubbish RH
66 Garbodor RH
67 Garbodor RH
68 Elgyem RH
71 Phanpy RH
79 Timburr RH
92 Durant RH
97 Clefairy RH
102 Togepi RH
103 Togetic RH
105 Whismur RH
109 Skitty RH
115 Rufflet RH
116 Braviary
119 Colress Machine RH
121 Ether RH
122 Eviolite RH
124 Plasma Frigate RH
Heart Gold Soul Silver Through Call of Legends
Diamond and Pearl Through Arceus
1. Currently only trading in US
2. I only want English, non-World Championship cards.
3. Most of my cards are mint or near-mint.
4. I expect your cards to be mint or near-mint. Let me know if they aren’t and how bad they are.
5. I prefer trades of at least 3-4 cards if they are lower value cards.
6. Cards must be sent in a top loader taped shut. I will do the same.
7. If you have a negative/neutral reference, you must send first.
Emerging Powers
5 Swadloon
17 Virizion
19 Simisear
21 Darmanitan
23 Simipour
35 Thundurus
37 Swoobat
47 Gothitelle
48 Gothitelle
56 Excadrill
62 Krookodile
72 Ferrothorn
76 Klinklang
94 Max Potion
Noble Victories
13 Virizion
14 Victini
21 Volcarona
34 Kyurem
41 Eelektross
52 Reuniclus
56 Beheeyem
64 Conkeldurr
67 Archeops
73 Terrakion
79 Hydreigon
84 Cobalion
89 Druddigon
Next Destinies
98 Mewtwo EX FA
Dark Explorers
22 Volcarona
29 Empoleon x3
62 Sableye
106 Groudon EX FA
107 Darkrai EX FA
108 Tornadus EX FA
Dragons Exalted
119 Ho Oh EX FA
121 Terrakion EX FA
124 Giratina EX FA
Boundaries Crossed
134 Skyla x4
141 Celebi EX FA
142 Keldeo EX FA
143 Cresselia EX FA
144 Landorus EX FA
145 Black Kyurem EX FA
146 White Kyurem EX FA
147 Bianca FA
148 Cheren FA
149 Skyla FA
Plasma Storm
28 Mamoswine
61 Gallade
62 Giratina
67 Garbodor
90 Klinklang
107 Exploud
118 Colress x2
119 Colress Machine x2
120 Escape Rope x2
121 Ether
123 Hypnotoxic Laser
126 Virbank City Gym x3
127 Plasma Energy
129 Scramble Switch
131 Victini EX FA
132 Articuno EX FA
133 Cobalion EX FA
135 Colress FA
UD Houndoom Prime
Sealed Booster Packs:
Secret Wonders Booster Pack x2
Mysterious Treasures Booster Pack x2
Ultra Rares
Zekrom FA x3
Tornadus FA
Victini FA (Slightly damaged top left corner)
Zekrom EX Promo
Landorus FA
Ho-Oh EX
Registeel EX
Articuno EX
Cobalion EX
PLS White Kyurem EX
Prerelease Sleeves
Arceus Sleeves
Undaunted (Espeon & Umbreon) Sleeves x2
Triumphant (Celebi) Sleeves x2
Holo Energy
2006 Holo Energy Pack (1 each type, no Steel/Dark)
Energy Retrieval x8
Energy Search x12
Full Heal x3
PlusPower x6
Poke Ball x5
Pokedex x2
Potion x8
Bianca x3
Cover Fossil
Cilan x5
Exp. Share x6
Heavy Ball x5
Level Ball x2
Pokemon Center x13
Skyarrow Bridge x6
DCE x5 (1 HGSS, 4 ND)
Prism Energy x4
2 Snivy RH
4 Servine RH x2
12 Maractus
34 Simipour RH
39 Alomomola RH
41 Blitze RH x2
38 Munna RH
49 Musharna
51 Swoobat RH
52 Venipede RH
54 Scolipede RH
55 Solosis RH
59 Timburr RH
61 Throh
62 Sawk x3 (1 RH)
69 Scrafty
73 Mandibuzz
76 Klinklang RH
77 Patrat RH
79 Watchog RH
86 Unfezant x2 (1 RH)
91 Bouffalant RH
92 Energy Retrieval RH x2
93 Energy Search RH
94 Energy Switch RH x2
95 Full Heal RH x2
96 PlusPower
97 Poke Ball RH x2
98 Pokedex RH
99 Pokemon Communication RH x2
100 Potion RH
Emerging Powers
34 Galvantula RH
37 Swoobat RH
56 Excadrill RH
59 Sawk RH
63 Terrakion RH
65 Liepard
71 Ferroseed RH
Noble Victories
12 Accelgor RH
19 Larvesta RH
36 Zebstrika
37 Emolga RH
44 Yamask RH
53 Reuniclus
69 Mienfoo RH
79 Hydreigon RH
86 Axew RH
92 N RH x1
Next Destinies
1 Pinsir
2 Seedot RH
7 Simisage x6 (3 RH)
10 Growlithe RH
12 Arcanine x2 (1 RH)
13 Arcanine RH x2
25 Lapras x2 (1 RH)
26 Lapras RH x3
27 Articuno
29 Simipour x2
30 Basculin RH
34 Frillish RH x2
35 Jellicent x4
37 Beartic x3
40 Raichu RH
45 Luxio RH x2
46 Luxray x2
47 Blitze RH
49 Emolga RH x2
53 Muk x3
56 Kirlia RH x3
59 Musharna
62 Beheeyem x2
64 Lucario
66 Hippowdon RH
70 Weavile x4 (2 RH)
71 Nuzleaf RH
72 Shiftry RH
73 Scraggy RH x2
76 Bronzong x2
78 Jigglypuff RH
79 Wigglytuff x3
81 Persian
84 Mincinno RH
85 Cinccino x2 (1 RH)
87 Exp. Share RH
88 Heavy Ball RH
90 Pokemon Center RH
Dark Explorers
2 Ivysaur RH
6 Leafeon RH
7 Dwebble RH
21 Larvesta RH
68 Scrafty RH
91 Cheren RH
95 Hooligans Jim & Cas RH
96 N RH
98 Professor Juniper RH x2
100 Rare Candy RH
101 Twist Mountain RH
Dragons Exalted
2 Skiploom RH
5 Yanmega
21 Magmortar
23 Magikarp RH
24 Gyarados
25 Wailmer RH x2
28 Milotic RH
29 Spheal RH x2
33 Floatzel RH
38 Mareep RH
39 Flaafy RH
40 Ampharos
45 Emolga RH
48 Shedinja x4 (1 RH)
54 Garbodor x2
57 Gothitelle
58 Golett RH
69 Sawk RH x2
75 Houndoom
76 Stunky RH x3
78 Aron RH
82 Probopass
83 Durant RH
90 Garchomp x4 (1 RH)
91 Garchomp x2
96 Zweilous RH x2
102 Vigoroth RH
105 Swablu RH
108 Audino RH x3
109 Minccino RH
112 Braviary x2
113 Devolution Spray RH
114 Giant Cape RH
115 Rescue Scarf RH
117 Blend Energy RH
Plasma Storm
7 Cherrim RH
10 Leavanny
12 Foongus RH
13 Amoongus RH
16 Monferno RH
23 Heatmor RH
27 Piloswine RH
31 Ludicolo RH
38 Frillish RH
40 Cubchoo RH
47 Magnezone RH
49 Rotom RH
50 Joltik RH
51 Galvantula RH
53 Zubat RH
54 Golbat RH
56 Koffing RH
58 Weezing RH
62 Giratina RH
63 Trubbish RH
66 Garbodor RH
67 Garbodor RH
68 Elgyem RH
71 Phanpy RH
79 Timburr RH
92 Durant RH
97 Clefairy RH
102 Togepi RH
103 Togetic RH
105 Whismur RH
109 Skitty RH
115 Rufflet RH
116 Braviary
119 Colress Machine RH
121 Ether RH
122 Eviolite RH
124 Plasma Frigate RH
Heart Gold Soul Silver Through Call of Legends
Ultra Rares/Promos
Kingdra Prime x2
Lanturn Prime x2
Steelix Prime x2
Tyranitar Prime x1
Magnezone Prime x2
Mew Prime x1
Yanmega Prime x2
HGSS15 Shuckle
HGSS21 Shiny Suicune
HGSS Trainer Kit Raichu
HGSS Trainer Kit Gyarados
Heart Gold Soul Silver
7 Ninetales
12 Slowking
15 Ariados
23 Hypno
27 Persian
28 Pichu
30 Smoochum
39 Delibird RH
9 Sudowoodo
15 Fearow
21 Poliwrath
22 Primeape
24 Steelix
26 Tyranitar RH
29 Dunsparce RH x2
34 Minun RH
35 Numel RH
43 Aipom RH
64 Stantler RH
66 Tropius RH
76 Good Rod RH
5 Houndoom x3
8 Smeargle
10 Umbreon
11 Dodrio
12 Drifblim
14 Hariyama
19 Mismagius
20 Rotom
21 Skarmory
24 Vileplume x2
25 Weavile x3
51 Hitmonchan RH
52 Hitmonlee RH
75 Legend Box RH
3 Celebi
5 Mamoswine RH
12 Victreebel x3
13 Ambipom x3
14 Banette x3 1RH
18 Dragonite
19 Dugtrio x2 (1 RH)
21 Elekid
22 Golduck
23 Grumpig x3 (1 RH)
25 Lunatone x2 (2 RH)
27 Magmortar
28 Nidoqueen
29 Pidgeot RH
30 Sharpedo x4
31 Wailord
33 Electabuzz RH
39 Luvdisc RH
42 Magmar RH
47 Pidgeotto RH
54 Yanmega RH
55 Aipom RH
56 Aron RH
57 Bellsprout RH
60 Cubone RH
62 Dratini RH
66 Lickitung RH
77 Spoink RH
78 Swablu x2RH
80 Tentacool x2RH
82 Volbeat RH
83 Voltorb x2RH
86 Indigo Plateau RH
90 Rescue Energy RH
Call of Legends
3 Dialga
4 Espeon
9 Ho-Oh
11 Jirachi
17 Ninetales
18 Pachirisu x2
21 Smeargle RH
22 Umbreon
23 Ampharos
24 Cleffa x2
27 Meganium x2
29 Mr. Mime x2
30 Pidgeot
32 Slowking
33 Snorlax
34 Tangrowth
38 Weezing
39 Zangoose
40 Bayleef RH
43 Flaafy RH
48 Pidgeotto RH
50 Riolu RH
51 Seviper RH
53 Chikorita RH
55 Cyndaquil RH
58 Hitmonlee RH
62 Magmar RH
71 Snubbull RH
73 Teddiursa RH
74 Totodile RH
75 Vulpix RH
82 Professor Elm’s Training Method x3 RH
86 Special Dark Energy RH
87 Special Metal Energy RH
Kingdra Prime x2
Lanturn Prime x2
Steelix Prime x2
Tyranitar Prime x1
Magnezone Prime x2
Mew Prime x1
Yanmega Prime x2
HGSS15 Shuckle
HGSS21 Shiny Suicune
HGSS Trainer Kit Raichu
HGSS Trainer Kit Gyarados
Heart Gold Soul Silver
7 Ninetales
12 Slowking
15 Ariados
23 Hypno
27 Persian
28 Pichu
30 Smoochum
39 Delibird RH
9 Sudowoodo
15 Fearow
21 Poliwrath
22 Primeape
24 Steelix
26 Tyranitar RH
29 Dunsparce RH x2
34 Minun RH
35 Numel RH
43 Aipom RH
64 Stantler RH
66 Tropius RH
76 Good Rod RH
5 Houndoom x3
8 Smeargle
10 Umbreon
11 Dodrio
12 Drifblim
14 Hariyama
19 Mismagius
20 Rotom
21 Skarmory
24 Vileplume x2
25 Weavile x3
51 Hitmonchan RH
52 Hitmonlee RH
75 Legend Box RH
3 Celebi
5 Mamoswine RH
12 Victreebel x3
13 Ambipom x3
14 Banette x3 1RH
18 Dragonite
19 Dugtrio x2 (1 RH)
21 Elekid
22 Golduck
23 Grumpig x3 (1 RH)
25 Lunatone x2 (2 RH)
27 Magmortar
28 Nidoqueen
29 Pidgeot RH
30 Sharpedo x4
31 Wailord
33 Electabuzz RH
39 Luvdisc RH
42 Magmar RH
47 Pidgeotto RH
54 Yanmega RH
55 Aipom RH
56 Aron RH
57 Bellsprout RH
60 Cubone RH
62 Dratini RH
66 Lickitung RH
77 Spoink RH
78 Swablu x2RH
80 Tentacool x2RH
82 Volbeat RH
83 Voltorb x2RH
86 Indigo Plateau RH
90 Rescue Energy RH
Call of Legends
3 Dialga
4 Espeon
9 Ho-Oh
11 Jirachi
17 Ninetales
18 Pachirisu x2
21 Smeargle RH
22 Umbreon
23 Ampharos
24 Cleffa x2
27 Meganium x2
29 Mr. Mime x2
30 Pidgeot
32 Slowking
33 Snorlax
34 Tangrowth
38 Weezing
39 Zangoose
40 Bayleef RH
43 Flaafy RH
48 Pidgeotto RH
50 Riolu RH
51 Seviper RH
53 Chikorita RH
55 Cyndaquil RH
58 Hitmonlee RH
62 Magmar RH
71 Snubbull RH
73 Teddiursa RH
74 Totodile RH
75 Vulpix RH
82 Professor Elm’s Training Method x3 RH
86 Special Dark Energy RH
87 Special Metal Energy RH
Diamond and Pearl Through Arceus
Ultra Rares/Promos
RR Charon's Choice
DP41 Toxicroak G Promo
DP46 Garchomp C Lv. X
Diamond and Pearl
111 Pokedex Handy 910is RH
Secret Wonders
19 Suicune
Mysterious Treasures
23 Crobat
30 Mr. Mime
60 Quilava RH
Majestic Dawn
15 Aerodactyl
31 Toxicroak
33 Unown P RH
64 Electrike RH
84 Old Amber RH
Legends Awakened
7 Kingdra x2
10 Metagross (Theme Deck Non-Holo)
12 Politoed (RH)
17 Yanmega x2 (2x Theme Deck Non-Holo)
27 Ditto x2
28 Forretress
30 Heatran x3 (2x Theme Deck Holo)
31 Jirachi x2
32 Kyogre RH
35 Poliwrath
36 Regice
40 Shedinja
45 Vileplume RH
68 Persian RH
77 Unown R
82 Unown ? RH
111 Oddish x2 (2 RH)
120 Sneasel RH
129 Bubble Coat
130 Buck's Training x2 RH
5 Magnezone
6 Magnezone
18 Gengar
20 Machamp
27 Staraptor
28 Steelix x2 (1 RH)
69 Onix x2 (2 RH)
18 Altaria
19 Banette
20 Bastiodon
24 Dugtrio
31 Infernape
35 Luvdisc
37 Palkia
39 Torterra x2
40 Toxicroak G
48 Flaafy RH
49 Grotle RH
56 Monferno RH
60 Probopass RH
65 Wartortle RH
77 Honchkrow G x5
81 Lotad RH
90 Remoraid RH
101 Turtwig RH
108 Life Herb RH
118 Poke Turn RH
Rising Rivals
3 Darkrai G
4 Floatzel GL
5 Flygon RH
6 Froslass GL
7 Jirachi
9 Luxray GL RH
12 Roserade GL RH
17 Drapion 4
19 Flareon
22 Gastrodon - West Sea
27 Mamoswine GL
29 Nidoking
30 Nidoqueen
32 Rhyperior 4 x2 (1x Theme Deck Holo)
36 Walrein
42 Hippowdon 4 RH
49 Sharpedo RH
53 Vibrava RH
59 Eevee RH
86 Weedle RH
92 Lucian's Assignment x2 RH
102 Upper Energy RH
Supreme Victors
11 Staraptor FB RH
12 Swampert
24 Dewgong
25 Dodrio
28 Exploud
29 Honchkrow
40 Roserade C
57 Drifblim RH
98 Chingling RH
110 Magikarp RH
134 Battle Tower RH
1 Charizard x4
16 Gengar
26 Porygon Z G
27 Raichu
32 Spiritomb x4
91 Ultimate Zone RH
RR Charon's Choice
DP41 Toxicroak G Promo
DP46 Garchomp C Lv. X
Diamond and Pearl
111 Pokedex Handy 910is RH
Secret Wonders
19 Suicune
Mysterious Treasures
23 Crobat
30 Mr. Mime
60 Quilava RH
Majestic Dawn
15 Aerodactyl
31 Toxicroak
33 Unown P RH
64 Electrike RH
84 Old Amber RH
Legends Awakened
7 Kingdra x2
10 Metagross (Theme Deck Non-Holo)
12 Politoed (RH)
17 Yanmega x2 (2x Theme Deck Non-Holo)
27 Ditto x2
28 Forretress
30 Heatran x3 (2x Theme Deck Holo)
31 Jirachi x2
32 Kyogre RH
35 Poliwrath
36 Regice
40 Shedinja
45 Vileplume RH
68 Persian RH
77 Unown R
82 Unown ? RH
111 Oddish x2 (2 RH)
120 Sneasel RH
129 Bubble Coat
130 Buck's Training x2 RH
5 Magnezone
6 Magnezone
18 Gengar
20 Machamp
27 Staraptor
28 Steelix x2 (1 RH)
69 Onix x2 (2 RH)
18 Altaria
19 Banette
20 Bastiodon
24 Dugtrio
31 Infernape
35 Luvdisc
37 Palkia
39 Torterra x2
40 Toxicroak G
48 Flaafy RH
49 Grotle RH
56 Monferno RH
60 Probopass RH
65 Wartortle RH
77 Honchkrow G x5
81 Lotad RH
90 Remoraid RH
101 Turtwig RH
108 Life Herb RH
118 Poke Turn RH
Rising Rivals
3 Darkrai G
4 Floatzel GL
5 Flygon RH
6 Froslass GL
7 Jirachi
9 Luxray GL RH
12 Roserade GL RH
17 Drapion 4
19 Flareon
22 Gastrodon - West Sea
27 Mamoswine GL
29 Nidoking
30 Nidoqueen
32 Rhyperior 4 x2 (1x Theme Deck Holo)
36 Walrein
42 Hippowdon 4 RH
49 Sharpedo RH
53 Vibrava RH
59 Eevee RH
86 Weedle RH
92 Lucian's Assignment x2 RH
102 Upper Energy RH
Supreme Victors
11 Staraptor FB RH
12 Swampert
24 Dewgong
25 Dodrio
28 Exploud
29 Honchkrow
40 Roserade C
57 Drifblim RH
98 Chingling RH
110 Magikarp RH
134 Battle Tower RH
1 Charizard x4
16 Gengar
26 Porygon Z G
27 Raichu
32 Spiritomb x4
91 Ultimate Zone RH