Wi-Fi Trades Dracaufeu's IV and Shiny Trading Den LF:Competitive 5-6 IV H: 6 IV Spanish Ditto


Aspiring Trainer
Friend Code:4699.6110.6547
Time Zone: Mountain
Times Available: varies, but generally between 5pm to 6 and then 7 to 10 pm.

None of my pokemon are hacked in any way to my knowledge.


-Competitive Pokes


everything here will have to be bred unless it is mentioned on the list at the bottom. I request at least one day unless otherwise stated

Blaziken (HA) jolly/adamant
Charizard (HA) adamant/modest
Volcarona timid/modest
heatran calm
ninetales modest
Typhlosion modest
Infernape (HA) adamant
Politoed (Drizzle)relaxed/modest
Greninja (HA) timid/modest
lantern calm
EMpoleon (HA) mild
Blastoise (HA) quiet/calm
Crawdaunt adamant
Swampert adamant (HA)
Feraligatr adamant
Cloyster (skill link) Adamant
Gastrodon quiet/modest
Sharpedo (HA) adamant
Chesnaught (HA) impish
Sceptile mild
Serperior mild
Whimsicott calm
Torterra (HA) adamant
Breloom (poison heal/technician) adamant drain punch
Venusaur (HA) bold
Heliolisk (HA available) timid/modest
Ampharos modest
Jolteon (volt absorb HA available)
Eelektross quiet/modest
Magnezone modest
Hydreigon mild
Garchomp (HA available) jolly/adamant
Dragonite (HA) adamant/jolly
Noivern (Infiltrator) modest/timid
Tyrantrum adamant (dragon dance poison fang ice fang fire fang available)
Salamance (moxie) adamant/modest
Dragalge modest
Flygon adamant
Druddigon (rough skin) impish
Reuniclus (overcoat/magic guard) quiet/modest (acid armor)
Espeon (HA) modest
Malamar (contrary) impish
Meowstic (infiltrator) modest
Tyranitar (HA available) mild/impish/adamant
gigalith brave
rampardos adamant
Rhyperior brave
Mamoswine adamant
Nidoking adamant
Golurk impish
Aerodactyl adamant
Metagross adamant
Aggron sassy/adamant
Scizor (technician) adamant
Aegislash relaxed/brave
Mawile adamant
Hawlucha jolly/adamant (unburden +free power herb)
Crobat jolly
Staraptor adamant
Talonflame (HA) adamant
avalugg impish
Scrafty (moxie) brave
Toxicroak adamant (drain punch gunk shot ice punch x-scissor)
Conkeldurr brave
Heracross adamant
Zoroark modest
Houndoom naïve
Bisharp adamant
Krookodile adamant
Mighteyena adamant
Honhkrow adamant
Chandelure mild/quiet
Snorlax rash
Porygon2 calm
Accelgor modest
Sylveon (HA) modest
Milotic (Marvel Scale) bold
Gerdevoir calm
Azumarill adamant
Gengar modest
Togekiss modest
Rotom modest
Goodra modest
Exploud (scrappy) modest
Scolipede (speed boost) adamant
Excadrill adamant


Services Offered:
EV training and custom bred pokemon

Currently Breeding:
if something on this list interests you, I will have many of them and they will all have 5 iv just in varied places. let me know if you want one. Also, many will be shiny, I speak of this from experience

1. Impish Phantump with Harvest
RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread

I have some competitive Pokemon (Quint Gastly, Quint Drilbur, I Quint Noibat (has Atk, not HP for U Turn+Draco Meteor sets) and I'm interested in Shiny Talonflame. Can we work anything out?
RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread

I'm interested in a Tyrunt with Element Bites if you would like to take another look through my trade thread again for anything you may be interested in for one
RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread

Sorry SylveonsandEspurrs, I really didn't see anything I didn't already have
RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread

Which elemental fangs does the Tyrunt have? Also do you have a female one with the elemental fangs?
RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread

yes Dr. Mario, and Legend-tamer, I have three blazikenites as it is, sorry.
RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread

ok then. any other mega stones you don't have that you'd be willing to trade charizardite for?
RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread

I would like a female Tyrunt with those 3 elemental fangs please.
Look at my thread and let me know if we can work this out.
RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread

legend-trainer, my hope is tyrannitarite, but I also don't have blastoisite, amphorsite, heracrossite, houndoomite or scizorite
RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread

I'll trade you a tyranitar with tyranitarite for charizardite. maybe even for your shiny larvesta or greninja? :)
RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread

shiny poliwrath holding tyranitarite for either shiny larvesta or greninja holding charizardite x? your choice as to what one you want to trade.

so? deal or no deal?
RE: Dracaufeu's Trade Thread

ok well then can we just trade two crap pokemon then for the stones? I really just want the stone.