Dialkia198's Scramble Run 2 - XD Edition [Complete]

RE: Dialkia198's Scramble Run 2 - XD Edition

I just finished more gameplay, so here is a log of my progress.

Once again, I shall skip through the boring details. Professor Krane sends me to Pyrite Town to this big fancy news company to get a Data ROM decoded. I drop the disk off there, then go over to a Pokespot, where there had supposedly been sightings of wild Pokemon, a rare sight in Orre. To my surprise, I find a man with a large multicolored afro there. He challenges me to a battle, and sends out his squadron of Lombre. After wiping the floor with him, Funguy evolves! I think it is about time to go back and get the Data ROM back. When I get to the tower, LE GASP! The Power Rangers have taken over! I fight my way through their ranks. Not a single one can stand against my trio of warriors. At the top of the tower, a big burly Power Ranger is holding a girl hostage. I fight him, but he manages to escape with the Data ROM. From the info that had already been taken off the disc, I find out that the Power Rangers are planning to attack Phenac City! We conclude this thrilling episode of XD: Gale of Darkness with our hero frantically running to Phenac, hoping he's not too late...

The team so far:
Spike the Jolteon lv.28
Funguy the Breloom lv.28
Pudgers the Spheal lv.26
RE: Dialkia198's Scramble Run 2 - XD Edition

You're already further than me. I haven't even faced Shadow Delcatty yet :(
RE: Dialkia198's Scramble Run 2 - XD Edition

Reshiwott said:
You're already further than me. I haven't even faced Shadow Delcatty yet :(

I see no shame in that. The reason I'm breezing through so quickly is because I only have a 3-Pokemon team so far, so they've all gotten overlevelled.

Anyway, I was bored, so I decided to play some more.
We left off with me rushing towards Phenac City, hoping to stop the impending Power Ranger invasion. As soon as I got there, they said I was the millionth visitor and sent me off to a colosseum. One of the people there claimed that he had been sent there after he was called the millionth visitor. I've been had! I rushed back to the city and managed to sneak past the welcoming committee. All the people there were acting suspicious, but I paid no attention... until they unmasked themselves and turned out to be Power Rangers! Or, maybe, masked themselves, because the citizens didn't wear masks and the Power Rangers did, but... whatever. I cleared the scum off the streets, then went to a large dome building, where more were likely to be hiding. I was right. In the heat of the battle, Pudgers evolved! After that, I went straight for the boss, Snapple. Actually, it was Snattle, but I'll just call him Snapple. His Pokemon were tough for their levels; they managed to KO Pudgers and Funguy before the end of the battle; but I still Snagged his Lunatone and beat him. During his escape, Snapple dropped the elevator key, which I used to free the hostages. So, I've just stopped a criminal syndicate from achieving control of one of the continent's biggest cities. My next mission: Save a little girl's pet. sigh..

The team so far:
Spike the Jolteon lv. 30
Pudgers the Sealeo lv 32
Funguy the Breloom lv. 30
RE: Dialkia198's Scramble Run 2 - XD Edition

Colosseum was so awesome.
I wish I got XD. Hopefully I can pretend I am playing it in your run. Haha yeah! Lunatone!
RE: Dialkia198's Scramble Run 2 - XD Edition

Delta said:
Colosseum was so awesome.
I wish I got XD. Hopefully I can pretend I am playing it in your run. Haha yeah! Lunatone!

I agree, Colosseum was awesome.. especially the fact that it had THE MOST OVERLEVELED FINAL BOSS OF ALL TIME OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO HARD

Anyway, I'm posting to say that I found a shocking discovery within the game. Contrary to what I believed at the time, I actually AM allowed to nickname Togepi! So, I need advice on what to name the little guy.

P.S. If I get no suggestions within an hour or so, I'll nickname it myself.
RE: Dialkia198's Scramble Run 2 - XD Edition

Reshiwott said:
Do it.

Well then, LuckyFlier it is then. Wait a minute..

i c wat u did thar

I'll be back soon with more progress.
RE: Dialkia198's Scramble Run 2 - XD Edition

All right, I am now officially depressed. That Togepi has grown all the way to level 50 and has eaten over 65 things of the finest cologne. It still hasn't evolved. WROOOOOOOOOAAAAARRRRR peeko

Anyway, log time.
So, team Ketchum Snagem pulled a foolish stunt and stole my Snag Machine. Bad idea on their part. My Pokemon bravely fought their way to victory, and it was mine once more. But seriously, have you SEEN their boss? His muscles have muscles, and those muscles have muscles.... Anywho, then I had to go to the Cipher Key Lime Pie Lair. I was greeted by a bunch of Power Rangers, all of whom fell to my monstrously overleveled team. At the very top, this guy called Gorigan had his own throne room. Apparently, this ape is one of the Power Rangers' leaders. He challenged me to a battle.


After the battle, a video link starts up, and as it turns out, the true boss of the Power Rangers is...

The Old Man from the very first update! What a surprising plot twist! I mean, I NEVER could have known that, I obviously haven't played this game before.

Anyway, as Gorigan leaves, I here a computerized voice saying:
I quickly jump off the roof, land on a well-placed throw pillow, and get on my wimpy little hover-scooter to get out of the blast radius at the last second in an awesome act of awesomeness.

My next objective was clear: infiltrate the Power Ranger's main base at Citadark Isle.

The team so far:
Spike the Jolteon lv.42
Pudgers the Sealeo lv.41
Funguy the Breloom lv.41
LuckyFlier the Togepi lv.50(raeg)
RE: Dialkia198's Scramble Run 2 - XD Edition

Time for another update!
Okay, so now I have to get across terrible whirlpools to get to the Power Rangers' hideout at Citadark Isle. No normal boat could cross them. So, I borrowed a guy's robotic Kyogre and used that. Upon my arrival, I noticed that Citadark Isle was an active volcano, with lava spewing down the side.

Nice touch.

Also, I was greeted by a face I had been somewhat looking forward to. It was the face of Navigator Abson, who happened to have a Shadow Sableye in his possession. I beat him up and stole it, then went back to the mainland. After some intense training, Rocky, LuckyFlier, Funguy, Pudgers and Spike were ready to help me. Oh, and LuckyFlier FINALLY evolved. So, back to Citadark. The first 3 guards were a cakewalk. After that, my entrance into a deeper part of the island was blocked by the pink-haired girl from update 2! Her Pokemon spammed Attract, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. Then there was an absatively poselutely HUGE swarm of grunts, whose only real use was my training. And it was very good training; Rocky got up to around the same level as the rest of the team, and Pudgers evolved. Oh, and puzzles. Lots of puzzles.

At the very end of the sea of grunts, there was one last grunt, trying to be the one to stop me in my tracks. We squared off, each one awaiting the other's blow...
...but then I thwomped him and stole his Scyther. Back to the mainland I go!
After getting Crackers purified, I was ready to face some of the bosses. And up came Snapple, with the same ol' ??? Type Weather Ball strategy. He was actually pretty challenging, but only because of his Shadow Starmie. Then I faced Ardos.
..oh, right, you don't know who Ardos is. Ardos is one of Master Greevil's gummi bearsbodyguards, the blueberry flavored one. He challenged me to a battle. Even though he had more powerful Pokemon, Ardos was still much easier. Alright. I was about to charge at Greevil, but he used a glass wall to shut me out. Rocky, use Brick Break!
...oh wait, Brick Break isn't a field move. My bad. So, I tried to find a way around. No secret doors, and the one elevator I haven't used yet was locked. That is, until the Ape from my last update came and challenged me to a battle. My team destroyed his team. Even Crackers the Underleveled played a good role by taking out his Mr. Mime with Silver Wind. Gorigan was kind enough to leave the Elevator unlocked, so I went down on it. There was a lone Power Ranger there, so I got him out of the way before I went on.

The team so far:

Spike the Jolteon lv. 48
Pudgers the Walrein lv. 48
Funguy the Breloom lv. 47
LuckyFlier the Togetic lv. 57
Rocky the Sableye lv. 46
Crackers the Scyther lv. 43
We're in the final stretch now!
RE: Dialkia198's Scramble Run 2 - XD Edition

Really? No replies? I didn't expect any.
Anyway, the Grand Finale is here...

No it isn't.

So have a completely unrelated Intermission instead!

All right.

It's time.

This is when I finally beat Platinum.
I have been trying at to beat this game since the day it came out. Time and time again I gave up, and time and time again I was drawn back to it. But this is when all that is finished.

My Flareon blazed, if you'll excuse the pun, through Aaron's team. My Torterra and Octillery crushed Bertha. Flint lost to my Electivire and the previously mentioned Octillery, with his Infernape taken out by my Altaria. Lucian was the most troublesome of the 4, but Gallade, Altaria and Flareon pulled through in the end. Noe it's time for Cynthia.

First Pokemon up: Spiritomb. Torterra dealt with it using STAB Wood Hammer and Earthquake.
Next was Togekiss. Electivire would have gotten rid of it right off the bat using Thunderpunch, but it switched into Garchomp. Just great. So I sent Octillery in.
Garchomp went first and Dragon Rushed, but my little cannon squid tanked the hit and retaliated with an Ice Beam, bringing the monster Garchomp to half of its original HP.
I hit Ice Beam again, hoping for the best.
That was when Octillery's Quick Claw activated.
Garchomp went down.
After that, I was pretty much home free; Flareon torched the Roserade with Fire Fang, Electivire zapped Togekiss and Milotic.
Then the final matchup, Gallade vs. Lucario. Lucario went first and hit with Shadow Ball, but Gallade tanked it all the same and hit back with Close Combat for the win.

I won. All my Pokemon were level 55-56 when I started the battle, but I still won.

I recorded my Pokemon in the Hall of Fame, and the credits began to roll.
It's finally over.
Told you it was unrelated. Yeah, this was just an excuse to tell somebody that I finally beat this game. But now, we'll get back to the real run.

I snuck my way into the central area of the hideout. But then, I was confronted by Eldes, Greevil's cherry flavored bodyguard. Most of his Pokemon were easy, but his Ninjask, Marowak and Lapras took a bit of a toll on my team. After a quick trip to the mainland, I am now ready for the final battle...

Oh, wait, I forgot the healing supplies.
And now, a team overview.
Spike lv. 48
-Thunder Wave
-Quick Attack

Spike has been with me from the very beginning, and man is he awesome. He destroys pretty much any flying, ghost, psychic or water type. Spike will undoubtedly be of a lot of use in the final battle. Articuno and Moltres, you are going DOWN.

Pudgers lv. 47
-Ice Beam
-Body Slam

Pudgers was my second team member. His Ice Beam is so powerful that it can 2HKO just about every Forretress I see ingame, not to mention flying and ground types. Overall, easily one of my best team members.

Funguy lv. 46
-False Swipe
-Mach Punch
-Sky Uppercut

Oh man, Funguy. You started out incredibly weak, but you eventually blossomed into one of the best Pokemon I've ever used. False Swipe has helped me catch many a comrade, and Headbutt, Mach Punch and Sky Uppercut dish out huge amounts of damage. Originally, I had been a little against Breloom, seeing as grass moves are Special in Gen III, but Funguy doesn't need them to be awesome.

Togetic (animated sprites don't seem to work for Johto Pokemon)
LuckyFlier lv. 57
-Tri Attack

LuckyFlier is just amazing. Even though it took a while to evolve, he became a killing machine upon evolution. The only times LuckyFlier has fainted has been during Boss Battles. One Tri Attack is usually all it takes to remove an enemy from existence. Enough said.

Sableye (they don't work for Sableye either)
Rocky lv. 46
-Shadow Ball
-Brick Break
-Confuse Ray

Rocky only recently joined the team, but she's already proven herself time and time again. Before my Black Scramble Run, I had almost no respect for Sableye. That run gave me a newly found respect for them, and this has only increased it. Shadow Ball tears a hole in anything that isn't a normal or dark type, and those two are taken out with Brick Break. Easily one of the best members... which isn't saying much, because they're all awesome.

Crackers lv. 47
-Morning Sun
-Razor Wind
-Silver Wind

Alright, I'll say it. Crackers is probably the weakest member of the team. But that's only because she's been with me such a short time. There isn't exactly much to say, but from what I have seen, Crackers is a powerful battler if given a chance. I'm looking forward to hitting Greevil's Exeggutor with a STAB and 4X Super Effective Silver Wind.
Well, that's all, folks! Be sure to come back for the Grand Finale next time!
RE: Dialkia198's Scramble Run 2 - XD Edition

All right. The GRAND FINALE OF GRANDNESS is here...

...For real this time!
Greevil sat there, monologuing to me about his master plan, to create an army of heartless killing machine Shadow Pokemon. Why he can't just use regular Pokemon, we'll never know, but that's irrelevant. Anyway, at the push of a button, he opened up the roof, and down came Shadow Lugia. Greevil intends to make me fight it in an epic duel to the death.

...I would've, but I snagged it with my masterball. Ain't I a stinker?

So the old dude is apparently really angry that I ruined his master plan. Geez, just get another Shadow Lugia. Is it really that big of a deal? Then he sends out 6 more Shadow Pokemon, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Exeggutor, Tauros, and Rhydon. It was an evenly matched battle, with me Snagging Moltres and Tauros and KO-ing Zapdos, Exeggutor and Rhydon, and him defeating all of my Pokemon, with LuckyFlier as the only one left standing *changes avatar to Togetic*. Articuno was crippled. This was my chance to finish it.
And with a few Ultra Balls, that was done.

After that, Greevil went to pieces. Ardos came up on the elevator, cursing me, and tried to convince the old man to blow up the island. When all hope seemed lost, Eldes came in, and in a cliche moment, reminded his father (What kind of father would use his son as a bodyguard?) of the good inside everyone. Greevil changed his mind about killing me, and Ardos stormed off, never to be seen again. As I got into the robotic Kyogre, I saw the clouds above Citadark Isle opening up for the first time in years.
Crackers honed her skills and became a Pokeathlon Fencer. After earning many gold medals, she decided to retire undefeated and became a Safari Zone tour guide.

After the final battle, Rocky disappeared without a trace. There have been sightings of her in Meteor Falls, Cerulean Cave, Mt. Silver and Navel Rock, but they are usually just passed off as nonsense.

LuckyFlier entered many battling tournaments. He eventually got so powerful that he was completely banned from tournament battling worldwide. Scientists believe that this may be because he probably broke the level 100 barrier.

Funguy, using an Amulet Coin he borrowed from LuckyFlier, bought a big farm and cultivated many rare berries. Eventually, Funguy expanded the farm into a smoothie stand, and people from across the world came there to try them. To this day, he still makes the best Salac Berry smoothies around.

Pudgers discovered that his Ice Beam, when fired at just the right frequency, created a form of ice that could never melt. Using this knowledge, he created amazing ice sculptures, which he sold for moderate prices. He is currently using the income to give his friends back at Shoal Cave many modern conveniences such as TV, plumbing and potato chips.

Spike stayed by Adam's side for a couple years, but eventually became a wandering adventurer. Wherever there is a mystery, he is sure to be found.

Returning back home, Adam received a hero's welcome. He was showered with affection and cash rewards and people looking to do a documentary of his life. However, Adam soon grew tired of being in the limelight and set off on more adventures.

But that's another story.
So yeah, I beat the game. Speaking of other adventures, I have a couple ideas for my next run. They are:

Black Durant Sololocke
SoulSilver Nuzlocke
SoulSilver Scizor Sololocke
Platinum Scramble Run
Black Eevee(lution) Sololocke

So, I'll leave it up to the people who gave me this awesome team. What will I do next?
Reshiwott said:
Hmm. What games do you have?

Just about all of them, except Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver and Crystal, all of which I could easily just download on an emulator.
Puff said:
You should do a Pokemon Colliseum nuzlocke.

That seems like a good possibility, even though I would probably have to grind to 65 for the final boss if I didn't want to lose anyone. Heck, I'd have to get to 35 just to survive Miror B., and you can't train Shadow Pokemon (initiating Espeon solo). However, I would totally name the Bayleef Michael, because MICHAEL BAYLEEF.

Anyway, still accepting suggestions.
Just bumping to say that I will be taking suggestions for about 2 weeks before I begin my next run, so if you want me to do something other than a Colosseum Nuzlocke, be sure to get votes in before then.
Black/White 2 nuzlocke. I know it comes out in a little longer than two weeks, and it's up to you, but thats what I'd like to see, even though others might do it.