(3) English Names Confirmed, 3DS Date and Price, Best Wishes' English Name [1/19]

Nintendo's always shown off dozens of colors for their system prototypes with only a handful of them ever seeing the light of day (I want my lime green Wii! ;_; ). It'd be great if the 3DS came in a slew of colors but Nintendo always picks the most universal colors to release first. Nothing really surprising here.

Actually, I just like earthy colors, and that orange really stood out for me.

But the point about the Wii was one I had had in mind, myself, but I had forgotten to add it to my post. That made me mad, too. I had wanted a red Wii at launch, but we never really got them until recent.
*shakes head at the names...again*

i cant believe they are real....this is going to be a learning experience.

better start saving for my 3DS now...
With 3DS price being what it is, I will wait till a game I really want to play comes out in 3d. That might be a while.
That does it, I really don't see any reason to pick up a 3DS at launch anymore. XD

Took me a while to get a DS phat, and after that, the DS lite, so I think I'll live.

I like that the English names are finally set in stone, though. And they're pretty good overall, I'm pleased. Kinda wish they would have kept the title of "Best Wishes" for the anime, though...it's much more interesting than plain ol' "Black & White".
I think I will wait to see what titles come out for the 3DS before buying it.

Pokemon Trainer Rob said:
I'm mad about the color options. I remember seeing glorious pictures of a whole rainbow of 3DSs. There was a color for everyone! I wanted to get the burnt orange so bad! Now we get these lousy choices. I'm tired of black and blue/indigo.

Burnt orange color? D: Awww. Want... http://www.1up.com/media?id=3823244&type=lg *drool*

Nice to see the English names are pretty much confirmed. I'm happy for the most part.

I can't wait to see the first episode of Black & White in English!
The 3DS seems a bit pricy for now, but nothing too unreasonable given how it's only $250, the same price the Wii used to be when I got it. Still, I probably won't be getting it for a while since I'll be getting other games before then, and I'm kind of waiting for any "lite" model or anything like that, since I probably won't be needing this for a while anyways since no 6th Gen is confirmed yet.
@pokemon trainer rob-I see. It is a nice color. I am sure they will release a white 3DS eventually. Red will most likely appear in a Mario bundle. Maybe purple for Metroid (as blue will already be out).

Dang I gotta save me some money. I gotta get the new Iphone coming out for Verizon, Pokemon White, and the 3DS. Hopefully I can sell my Itouch and DSi for some cash.
Different colors of the 3DS will probably come out a couple months after the 3DS actually does come out. I really do like the colors and the blue one is my favorite one so far. I was watching a video of the games that are going to be for the 3DS and they seem exciting.
Pre-ordered my 3DS - its £229 here in the UK, convert that USD, and its almost $100 than the US price, but we have no other option of getting it in the Uk as its region locked...

It's 350-400 AUD according to GAME and EBGames, seeing as the Australian Dollar is 99cUSD, it's 100-150 more here too.

But it's not like Nintendo doesn't like price gouging in 'Not America'. I don't know about the UK, but in Australia, the DS line has been getting more and more expensive. ie, The DSl was 20USD cheaper in the US, it was 10 more expensive here, in comparison to the original DS. DSiXL is 300 here. 190USD. Funny though, other luxury items have gotten cheaper with a stronger dollar, not more expensive.

If it is 400(would not be surprised), or even 350, I think I'll get an American one and import all my games. 300(US250) I would not have minded paying, but 350-400 hurts. Hell, a 160GB PS3 is only 464AUD.

I wonder how much Canada is gouged.
When I first saw the name Eelektrik, I thought it was Elektrik. lol.
But they need to make it more creative, like Eeletroke or Teeljolt. Actually, those are kinda bad. It just feels like pokemon just distorted the word "Electric" and put an E before it. (To make it Eel.)
I like how they had Pansage, Pansear, Panpour is Hear No Evil, See No Evil, and Speak No Evil. Also, some of the names aren't really that bad once you get used to them. My favorite is Scraggy and Scrafty. At first I said,"These are definitely fake." Then, I found out it wasn't. I was so mad! Now, I've gotten used to them and now I will get one in Black and White.
@PokeStaraptor Of course that's what they did, duh. :p And it is impossible for it to be better, because no matter what people will ALWAYS complain. Of course there are actually less people that complain than people who like it, so we don't have to fret.
I think the current asking price for the 3DS is fair, given the technology it uses and the level of graphics available (that is, if the graphics really do look that good). The 3DS is the first autostereoscopic 3D device to be distributed on a non-corporate level in the United States, so it's a pretty cool advancement into future technologies (A3D televisions are predicted to be available at the consumer level in the states within two years, so having a portable A3D device is pretty cool). I won't be able to get one when they first come out, but I'd really like to get the Obsidian Black version, though my DS and DS Lite colors have always been silver.

As far as the names being pretty much confirmed, I'm already fairly used to them, so by the time the games come out I should be fluent in the new names.
True, true. I mean, even if Eelektrik were to be named Teeljolt, I'm sure people will still complain. I mean, how do you feel when you first saw the name, "Makuhita?"
PokeStaraptor said:
how do you feel when you first saw the name, "Makuhita?"

The same way I felt when I saw its name in Japanese of course :D

Which was a pretty normal feeling to be honest.
i actually like every name before gen 5 (some are good though) the reason for that was because i didnt have the internet until June 2010 ( im poor :(...) so i kind of spoiled myself this gen with the pre released info and since there was a possibility they could be fake i could make an opinion if i liked it or not ,but before i didnt have a choice because they are already confirmed. the first time i see new pokemon and names are when i see the playthrough at walmart and eventually buy the game...like i didnt even know D/P existed until a week before it came out....I could also pronounce them but i cant really pronounce some of these names. ill manage somehow...kind of hope some are changed though
There is an error in what WPM posted on the front page. It's not Obsidian Black. It's Cosmo Black. Go on nintendo's website and you will see. Apparantly its cover is somewhat shiny with little dots representing stars hard to describe but easy to see.