(1) September's 'CoroCoro' Scans Apparently Leaking [9/10]

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Was it actually confirmed that this issue would only reveal 18 Pokémon? If so, the starter page probably is the fake. It is a little strange how it doesn't have the same background as the other pages and I still say the Tsutaaja2 back sprite looks bad.
I Like The Dog Artwork. Shikijika's Evolution Looks Awesome Love Details On It Mainly On The Seasonal Changes. Not Sure About The Pokeball Thing Though...
Dude really? I'm guessing you're in denial, but these scans are real. REAL! Serebii is also posting them and probably other sites are doing the same.

I'm not sure what to say about them, all this info is making my mind go bonkers. D: Lets just say this, I love them all.
the cat isn't exact. Look closely, they are obviously completely different pictures. The tail and eyes are strikingly different in my opinion. Hiro could have traced it though, as close as it is XD.
Maybe Because Hes Very Good At What He Does Or I Smell Something Fishy. (And I Can Smell A Hoax) :)
To kill any trace of doubt, or at least the "beta art's names and these are different", miju's and tsutarja's names are also different in the beta art, being rakkomaru and Aibii respectivelly
Ah i see wayward also i'm not in denial i'm just being logical they seem real but i don't want to get peoples hopes down. This might be right Onokussu is only dragon just like Kibago.
I wonder whatever happened to that Hajime guy. Where ever he is, i'm sure the Pokémon communities are hunting him down with pitchforks now.
Oh I didn't mean to sound negative there. I'm just excited that the frog one I did fan-art for is also pretty much confirmed to be real as well.
I Have Destroyed Your Hopes In The Past, But That Doesn't Mean Everything Is Fake. There Is A 90% Chance Its Real Playerking95.
Fine PK, if that makes you feel better.(Seriously, someone that took the time to fake all these has no life at all.)

Lol at the coffins' ability: mummy. xD
So Tabunne is the Clefairy of this generation, I don't like it too much
Dangoro also is one of the ugliest pokémon ever

Mebukijika is really cool. The winter form seems the best.
Tamageruke is funny <3

Basurao red version reminds me of a sailor
Yorterrie, Denchura and Doryuuzu are really cool, but I don't like Desukaan too much
You didn't crush my hopes i'm just being logical i agree it might be real, if this is real i might actually like Denchura and finally people can stop saying Denchura evolves from Ariados.
Baffalon somewhat seems wrong, Bufflon seems more like it(considering the Buffalo[TM] routers are called Baffaro-バッファロー in japan)
They can't possibly fake that many pokemon, seriously.
The only ones that may be fake are the starter's because the issue is confirmed to feature only 18 pokemon.
Though I may be wrong.
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