(1) 'Oha Suta' Airs New 15th Movie Trailer - New Scenes, Meloetta's Forme [4/11]

Keldeo fights Kyurem in a battle that will probably determine the fate of the planet in some way. The other 3 musketeers stand by and watch, and criticize Keldeo when he gets knocked down.

Best leaders ever.
DXM147 said:
Please no telepathic Pokémon in this movie.

Blui129 said:
to late, kyurem already has spoken.

Unfortunately, it looks like all the featured Pokemon will speak in this movie, not just Kyurem. We just heard Keldeo speak in the teaser, and even the other three musketeers (Cobablion, Terrakion, and Virizion). Yep, this looks this will be the first Pokemon where all the featured Pokemon will speak in telepathy.

As for the teaser itself, it does give some interesting information. We see how those cables on Kyurem's formes come to be. They pop out from the ice parts on Kyurem's arms and then attach to the tail. It looks like those cables could very well give the Kyurem fire/lightning power (depending on the form). If that's so, one theory that comes to me at the moment is that perhaps the new formes of Kyurem will have an ability that will allow it deliver STAB fire/electric type attacks despite not being the respective type for them (think of giving Kyurem a third type but only through an ability instead of by default).

Also in the trailer, the reason why normal Kyurem might be using the fire attack could be because it carried over the fire attack from White Kyurem. Perhaps in the games, Kyurem will be able to keep the moves of its previous form, much like what happens with Shaymin (Landmin can use Air Slash because of Skymin as an example).

According to Filb de, they also confirm that the ending theme song of the movie (played around the end of the teaser) will be called Memories and is sung by 22-year old model Rola.

Now I just hope the official website will reveal more info about the movies soon. I really want to know why is Kyurem battling Keldeo.

And now they also made the Pirouette forme of Meloetta just as cute as the Aria Forme. I'm loving it!:D

EDIT: Here is the link to some updated info from Filb de about the new movie.

Updated info about Movie 15 (at the moment, it is the first thing you'll see when you enter the link).

Apparently, Rola, the singer to Memories, will also voice a girl in the movie named Marin (supposedly a movie 15 character).
*_* The animation quality looks so amazing! Keldeo spinning in the air by blasting water from its hooves... Its defeated expression, and then its proud pose... Awesome! Though, unfortunately it probably doesn't reflect how the rest of the film's animation will look. (Or if any of this will even be included in the final version. Are we far enough out now that it's safe to assume these scenes have a good chance of appearing this way in the film?) I was a bit let down by the animation quality in Movie 14, so hopefully we see more animation of this quality throughout the film.

On the topic of the Kyurem formes' shoulder tubes, that's literally exactly how I imagined they'd make them appear.
<@ JPN Gallade> really? I know Keldeo has gon Ke-Keldeo! but not speaking.
Also when I saw the new trailer Virizion, Cobalion and Terrakion weren't attacking, and were watching Keldeo battle Kyurem and they were shaking their heads is dissapointment, that made me sad D:
Confirmed? Sorta?

New Coro scans show that
300 pokemon in B2 W2, from previous generations, ex: Riolu as 33, Psyduck as 26, Metagross as 254. New protagonists, new rival (lit Rival), new professor (?) Akuroma. Akuroma's description is "he seems like he's a new professor, but...?". Akuroma also says that he's "created pokemon" - no idea what to make of that. Bigger map that adds on to the Unova map from BW, primarily adding towns to the west of the main hexagon - the northeastern parts of Unova are frozen, presumably due to Kyurem. One of these is Hyougi (lit Hiougi) City, located on the very bottom left corner of the map - you'll start your adventure there. There's an underwater tunnel that has Mantines floating above it. Also located there is a Trainers School (another?). Two new gym leaders (maybe more, but unlikely) - Homika (poison) and Shizui (water). Black Kyurem and White Kyurem have Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare as signature moves.

Games will take place two years after the events of Black and White. Games will sell for 4800 yen (60 usd).

post will be updated as i translate it. EDIT: Gonna stop - most of the stuff is TLed by serebii and I, and I can't quickly go through some small white text. Dang you, blur.
puddizzle said:
New Coro scans show that
Over 300 pokemon in B2 W2, from previous generations, new protagonists, new rival, new professor (?).

post will be updated as i translate it.

puddizzle's back. :D

Er, nifty trailer. Odd stuff that Kyurem is doing.
puddizzle said:
New Coro scans show that
Over 300 pokemon in B2 W2, from previous generations, new protagonists, new rival, new professor (?).

post will be updated as i translate it.

This information is currently unconfirmed. This came from someone's post over on Serebii's forums claiming that he is part of Game Freak, and was able to provide the information that would be provided in the newest CoroCoro.

Hello, I go by ganondolphin, an old user-name I created back in the early 2000s based off the old Gamecube trailer shown featuring Link fighting Ganondorf, mixed with the codename of the Gamecube, Dolphin. Just thought I'd explain the weird nickname.

Anyway, my connection to Nintendo is not limited to my name only, as I actually have connections inside the company due to my involvement with various Nintendo-sponsored publications, and actually have come across information regarding the upcoming Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, information that is quite surprising and possibly the biggest news involving the sequel. This information is planned to be published in the next CoroCoro as the "big scoop", and I have received descriptions, but no pictures, of what this news entails. All this information will be revealed in CoroCoro, but other sources may perhaps reveal it beforehand, such as the Pokemon Smash program. I have not seen this information first-hand, but have been corresponding with friends in other parts of the franchise, including some who are involved with the Japanese side of the franchise, so the information I have is second-hand, so not everything will be entirely accurate as some details may have been skipped over. Furthermore, I cannot reveal concrete info such as actual names of new Pokemon and characters appearing in the sequel but can reveal basic descriptions and general information.

So, what is this big news? Well, it turns out that, since Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 is the franchise's first official numerical sequel, just as Gold and Silver was originally planned as, it will, for the first time ever, be introducing completely brand new Pokemon to the franchise alongside the return of the Unova Pokemon. These Pokemon will apparently still be considered "Generation 5" Pokemon, although they will not be compatible with Black and White, akin to how RBY and GSC could link, but the new Pokemon could not be transferred. There are ten Pokemon set to be revealed this month, including a new set of Starters, with more apparently on the way, although no exact number is known to any of my correspondents. Some of them speculate that it will be around 50 or so, but will not be as many as a full generation, so probably not over 100.

Furthermore, I have also obtained preliminary information pertaining to the plot, setting, and characters as well that will be featured in Black 2 and White 2.

Here is a bullet-point summary of the general information CoroCoro is set to contain this month:

* A second set of Starter Pokemon will be making their debut in Black 2 and White, and will still be the traditional Grass/Fire/Water triad. The Grass Pokemon is a bird, pure Grass, like Piplup and Torchic. Resembles an owl with a flower on head, needle eyebrows, and cactus wings. Seems to be based off the owls that live in cacti. The Fire Pokemon is a little orange elephant, different body design from Phanpy, rounder. Flame pattern on inside of ears--reference to the use of ears to regulate heat? Holes where its tusk would be. I assume, like Chimchar, fire comes out when it battles. Water Pokemon is a platypus, very playful in its design. Beaver-tail is large and looks like a surf-board, with a v-cut at the end. Magazine makes a note about the Starter Pokemon being "imported", not sure what it means by this. Related to the region, I speculate.

* Two new Pokemon related to Unova Pokemon are revealed. First is pre-evolution of Heatmor, Normal, lacks the mechanical features of the former. Resembles a tea-kettle. Learns Scald as a move its evolution does not. No info given on how it evolves, but hints at Durant being involved. Second is an evolution of Swoobat, seems to be a reference to Crobat, very-feminine appearance, succubus like. Same type as Swoobat. No evolution method given yet. Hints at other pre-evolutions and evolutions appearing, but seems to specify only Unova Pokemon receiving them.

* Two version-exclusive counterparts. Pure Steel Pokemon, Black 2 exclusive apparently, a knight wearing a thimble with tiny needle swords. Pure Rock Pokemon, White 2 exclusive, human-shaped Smoochum-looking. Has a crown and brooch made of rock. Knight and maiden-themed duo.

* Pure-Ghost, possibly a new Gastly like Timburr/Machop and Roggenrola/Geodude. Classic cartoon ghost wearing a sheet. Sheet is cut into giving it the appearance of a tuxedo. Very classy looking and cute with a little bow-tie. Dragon/Fighting Pokemon, very fierce looking. Possibly a final form. Bipedal. Obvious Game of Death reference. Bug/Dark Pokemon. Looks bigger than a first form, but not final either. A cockroach. Its shell looks like a leather-jacket. Punk-inspired, it seems, 50s greaser as opposed to Scraggy's urban youth. Pose it's in is classic "crouched down" gangster. Very intimidating looking.

* No exact word given, but magazine seems to hint that none of the pre-Gen V Pokemon will appear once more during the main game. New Pokemon seem to be appearing alongside the Black and White Pokemon in the new region. Seems to be a nod to Gold and Silver containing a mix of Gen 1 and Gen 2.

*Pictures confirm Pokemon following you is back, but isn't elaborated on if there are any changes to it since HG/SS.

* Completely new region, with an official artwork map shown. Seems to be a bit on the small side at a glance. There looks to be 10 towns. Mix of modern cities, lots of bridges once more, and old world castles. Looks classic Final Fantasy-inspired almost. Other notable features seen are a giant Gothic-building, possibly a church, an airport (flying to Unova?), an aboveground train-line featuring prominently on the map, a shipyard, and a giant castle sitting on an island, surrounded by sharp rocks and with a storm-cloud above it. There is also an ice island up in the far north. No word given, but the general shape of the region, the castles, and the theme of the Pokemon hints towards being inspired by the U.K., but seems like an amalgam of Western Europe.

* In-game screen-shots show the starting town, which is very classy and seems to feature a Pokemon academy. One screen-shot shows the player character standing at what appears to be a graduation ceremony in a large garden. Other screen shots show the player climbing the inside of a clock-tower, and little transparent sprites of the previously mentioned tuxedo-ghost are dancing around the screen, looks neat. The probably-church is also shown, with the player talking to a robed-man in front of it, as well as the shipyard, with the player walking around a puzzle created out of girders being hoisted by cranes (a Gym Puzzle?), and a shot of the player walking on the inside of the train, with the windows being open and showing off a pre-rendered grassy field.

* Region seems to be steeped in history, and said to be important to unlocking various mysteries of the Pokemon world and so-and-so. Strong connection to Unova is implied. Also hints at having more differences between versions when it comes to layout than Black and White did, but no examples given or noticeable on the map, perhaps there are two maps for each version and they just chose one for the magazine?

* Brand New Gym Leaders, four are shown, but not sure if they are in order. First Gym Leader is a repeat of the Straighton Trio, but female waitresses. Relation to them? They appear to use the original Unova Starters based on a screen-shot, like how the brothers used the monkeys. Second Gym Leader shown is a woman in a ringleader outfit, like a circus. No information given on type. Shows her in-game standing in a circus tent. Coloring on outfit, purple and yellow, seems like Psychic. Third Gym Leader resembles the cue-ball trainer class. Rides a motorcycle. Probably Poison, or perhaps first Dark Gym Leader? Fourth Gym Leader is a very classy looking young man holding a rapier. No clue what type he uses, Steel? Looks a bit like N, but with shorter hair. The magazine mentions the Unova Gym Leaders, and I think they're once more hinting the G/S-nature of the game. Maybe we'll fight them again?

* New Player Characters. Looks same age as Hilbert and Hilda. Blond boy, with newsboy cap. Ginger girl, with flapper hat. Both wear nice clothes, and the girl has jewelry, so they seem to be rich. One screen-shot shows them together (the graduation ceremony), so they both seem to factor into the plot. Rival Character is shown, also at the ceremony. He's another character with green hair, probably related to the green-haired Gym Leader? Artwork shows him yawning, and he seems to fall asleep during the graduation. New Professor, fat, balding man, looks like the Penguin. Focuses on exploring the relationship between the development of human culture alongside Pokemon. Owns an academy for upcoming trainers, which is where the beginning of the game takes place.

* N is shown, and they are strongly hinting that he'll definitely appear. Mentions the stinger ending of Black and White. The magazine also points out the green-hair trait of the rival and the Gym Leader, but doesn't say anything else. One screen shows the player battling a Seven Sage (not sure if it was one of the ones from Black and White), and the magazine mentions how you never fought them in BW. The cloudy castle seen on the map is used in the background of the page focusing on N, and an in game screen-shot shows the player standing in an old room inside. A beautiful woman who has N's hair is on a close-up of an old painting (very detailed) and there seems to be something extremely important about her.

* New Trainer Classes shown include a teenager in a black-white school uniform, a chic woman drinking coffee, and an actual mime trainer class. One sequence of screen-shots shows that even normal trainers have animated sprites, with the mime doing the "wall" motion with his hands.

That's all the main info my sources told me. There may be more they left out because they didn't think it was important, or their may be pages they have yet to see. All this info should be leaked any day now.
Rusticks said:
This information is currently unconfirmed. This came from someone's post over on Serebii's forums claiming that he is part of Game Freak, and was able to provide the information that would be provided in the newest CoroCoro.

Hello, I go by ganondolphin, an old user-name I created back in the early 2000s based off the old Gamecube trailer shown featuring Link fighting Ganondorf, mixed with the codename of the Gamecube, Dolphin. Just thought I'd explain the weird nickname.

Anyway, my connection to Nintendo is not limited to my name only, as I actually have connections inside the company due to my involvement with various Nintendo-sponsored publications, and actually have come across information regarding the upcoming Pokemon Black 2 and White 2, information that is quite surprising and possibly the biggest news involving the sequel. This information is planned to be published in the next CoroCoro as the "big scoop", and I have received descriptions, but no pictures, of what this news entails. All this information will be revealed in CoroCoro, but other sources may perhaps reveal it beforehand, such as the Pokemon Smash program. I have not seen this information first-hand, but have been corresponding with friends in other parts of the franchise, including some who are involved with the Japanese side of the franchise, so the information I have is second-hand, so not everything will be entirely accurate as some details may have been skipped over. Furthermore, I cannot reveal concrete info such as actual names of new Pokemon and characters appearing in the sequel but can reveal basic descriptions and general information.

So, what is this big news? Well, it turns out that, since Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 is the franchise's first official numerical sequel, just as Gold and Silver was originally planned as, it will, for the first time ever, be introducing completely brand new Pokemon to the franchise alongside the return of the Unova Pokemon. These Pokemon will apparently still be considered "Generation 5" Pokemon, although they will not be compatible with Black and White, akin to how RBY and GSC could link, but the new Pokemon could not be transferred. There are ten Pokemon set to be revealed this month, including a new set of Starters, with more apparently on the way, although no exact number is known to any of my correspondents. Some of them speculate that it will be around 50 or so, but will not be as many as a full generation, so probably not over 100.

Furthermore, I have also obtained preliminary information pertaining to the plot, setting, and characters as well that will be featured in Black 2 and White 2.

Here is a bullet-point summary of the general information CoroCoro is set to contain this month:

* A second set of Starter Pokemon will be making their debut in Black 2 and White, and will still be the traditional Grass/Fire/Water triad. The Grass Pokemon is a bird, pure Grass, like Piplup and Torchic. Resembles an owl with a flower on head, needle eyebrows, and cactus wings. Seems to be based off the owls that live in cacti. The Fire Pokemon is a little orange elephant, different body design from Phanpy, rounder. Flame pattern on inside of ears--reference to the use of ears to regulate heat? Holes where its tusk would be. I assume, like Chimchar, fire comes out when it battles. Water Pokemon is a platypus, very playful in its design. Beaver-tail is large and looks like a surf-board, with a v-cut at the end. Magazine makes a note about the Starter Pokemon being "imported", not sure what it means by this. Related to the region, I speculate.

* Two new Pokemon related to Unova Pokemon are revealed. First is pre-evolution of Heatmor, Normal, lacks the mechanical features of the former. Resembles a tea-kettle. Learns Scald as a move its evolution does not. No info given on how it evolves, but hints at Durant being involved. Second is an evolution of Swoobat, seems to be a reference to Crobat, very-feminine appearance, succubus like. Same type as Swoobat. No evolution method given yet. Hints at other pre-evolutions and evolutions appearing, but seems to specify only Unova Pokemon receiving them.

* Two version-exclusive counterparts. Pure Steel Pokemon, Black 2 exclusive apparently, a knight wearing a thimble with tiny needle swords. Pure Rock Pokemon, White 2 exclusive, human-shaped Smoochum-looking. Has a crown and brooch made of rock. Knight and maiden-themed duo.

* Pure-Ghost, possibly a new Gastly like Timburr/Machop and Roggenrola/Geodude. Classic cartoon ghost wearing a sheet. Sheet is cut into giving it the appearance of a tuxedo. Very classy looking and cute with a little bow-tie. Dragon/Fighting Pokemon, very fierce looking. Possibly a final form. Bipedal. Obvious Game of Death reference. Bug/Dark Pokemon. Looks bigger than a first form, but not final either. A cockroach. Its shell looks like a leather-jacket. Punk-inspired, it seems, 50s greaser as opposed to Scraggy's urban youth. Pose it's in is classic "crouched down" gangster. Very intimidating looking.

* No exact word given, but magazine seems to hint that none of the pre-Gen V Pokemon will appear once more during the main game. New Pokemon seem to be appearing alongside the Black and White Pokemon in the new region. Seems to be a nod to Gold and Silver containing a mix of Gen 1 and Gen 2.

*Pictures confirm Pokemon following you is back, but isn't elaborated on if there are any changes to it since HG/SS.

* Completely new region, with an official artwork map shown. Seems to be a bit on the small side at a glance. There looks to be 10 towns. Mix of modern cities, lots of bridges once more, and old world castles. Looks classic Final Fantasy-inspired almost. Other notable features seen are a giant Gothic-building, possibly a church, an airport (flying to Unova?), an aboveground train-line featuring prominently on the map, a shipyard, and a giant castle sitting on an island, surrounded by sharp rocks and with a storm-cloud above it. There is also an ice island up in the far north. No word given, but the general shape of the region, the castles, and the theme of the Pokemon hints towards being inspired by the U.K., but seems like an amalgam of Western Europe.

* In-game screen-shots show the starting town, which is very classy and seems to feature a Pokemon academy. One screen-shot shows the player character standing at what appears to be a graduation ceremony in a large garden. Other screen shots show the player climbing the inside of a clock-tower, and little transparent sprites of the previously mentioned tuxedo-ghost are dancing around the screen, looks neat. The probably-church is also shown, with the player talking to a robed-man in front of it, as well as the shipyard, with the player walking around a puzzle created out of girders being hoisted by cranes (a Gym Puzzle?), and a shot of the player walking on the inside of the train, with the windows being open and showing off a pre-rendered grassy field.

* Region seems to be steeped in history, and said to be important to unlocking various mysteries of the Pokemon world and so-and-so. Strong connection to Unova is implied. Also hints at having more differences between versions when it comes to layout than Black and White did, but no examples given or noticeable on the map, perhaps there are two maps for each version and they just chose one for the magazine?

* Brand New Gym Leaders, four are shown, but not sure if they are in order. First Gym Leader is a repeat of the Straighton Trio, but female waitresses. Relation to them? They appear to use the original Unova Starters based on a screen-shot, like how the brothers used the monkeys. Second Gym Leader shown is a woman in a ringleader outfit, like a circus. No information given on type. Shows her in-game standing in a circus tent. Coloring on outfit, purple and yellow, seems like Psychic. Third Gym Leader resembles the cue-ball trainer class. Rides a motorcycle. Probably Poison, or perhaps first Dark Gym Leader? Fourth Gym Leader is a very classy looking young man holding a rapier. No clue what type he uses, Steel? Looks a bit like N, but with shorter hair. The magazine mentions the Unova Gym Leaders, and I think they're once more hinting the G/S-nature of the game. Maybe we'll fight them again?

* New Player Characters. Looks same age as Hilbert and Hilda. Blond boy, with newsboy cap. Ginger girl, with flapper hat. Both wear nice clothes, and the girl has jewelry, so they seem to be rich. One screen-shot shows them together (the graduation ceremony), so they both seem to factor into the plot. Rival Character is shown, also at the ceremony. He's another character with green hair, probably related to the green-haired Gym Leader? Artwork shows him yawning, and he seems to fall asleep during the graduation. New Professor, fat, balding man, looks like the Penguin. Focuses on exploring the relationship between the development of human culture alongside Pokemon. Owns an academy for upcoming trainers, which is where the beginning of the game takes place.

* N is shown, and they are strongly hinting that he'll definitely appear. Mentions the stinger ending of Black and White. The magazine also points out the green-hair trait of the rival and the Gym Leader, but doesn't say anything else. One screen shows the player battling a Seven Sage (not sure if it was one of the ones from Black and White), and the magazine mentions how you never fought them in BW. The cloudy castle seen on the map is used in the background of the page focusing on N, and an in game screen-shot shows the player standing in an old room inside. A beautiful woman who has N's hair is on a close-up of an old painting (very detailed) and there seems to be something extremely important about her.

* New Trainer Classes shown include a teenager in a black-white school uniform, a chic woman drinking coffee, and an actual mime trainer class. One sequence of screen-shots shows that even normal trainers have animated sprites, with the mime doing the "wall" motion with his hands.

That's all the main info my sources told me. There may be more they left out because they didn't think it was important, or their may be pages they have yet to see. All this info should be leaked any day now.

I forgot to add the unconfirmed tag. Sorry.

Gonna shower, translations will stop for a bit. EDIT: Back, gonna go back to TL and TLCing.
Ignore all that stuff I posted before. Here's what we know from the leaked scans of CoroCoro.

-the game takes place 2 years after the events of Black and White
-there are 2 new playable characters
-half of the Unova region is frozen over in ice (gee thanks Kyurem)
-there are 300 Pokemon in the Unova dex
-there are various new areas in Unova including Hiougi City, where you begin your journey
-one specific area has a gym leader named Homika, and uses Poison types; we will see him in the anime in June
-another leader is named Shizui, and uses Water types
-we have a new rival
-new professor, his name is Akuroma, and he studies Pokemon Strength
-Hiougi City has a Pokemon Center and a Trainer School and areas where you can look upon the areas
-Black Kyruem will know Freeze Shock
-White Kyurem will know Ice Burn
-Pokemon from older generations will be in the Unova dex; Psyduck is #026, Riolu is #033 and Metagross is #254


EDIT: I'd also like to apologize to puddizzle for not believing in his information :p
Rusticks said:
* New Player Characters. Looks same age as Hilbert and Hilda. Blond boy, with newsboy cap. Ginger girl, with flapper hat. Both wear nice clothes, and the girl has jewelry, so they seem to be rich. One screen-shot shows them together (the graduation ceremony), so they both seem to factor into the plot. Rival Character is shown, also at the ceremony. He's another character with green hair, probably related to the green-haired Gym Leader? Artwork shows him yawning, and he seems to fall asleep during the graduation. New Professor, fat, balding man, looks like the Penguin. Focuses on exploring the relationship between the development of human culture alongside Pokemon. Owns an academy for upcoming trainers, which is where the beginning of the game takes place.

Artist's rendition:


Can someone link to the scans? I don't care about the information that'll be translated later, I just want pictures.
Chariblaze said:
Artist's rendition:


Can someone link to the scans? I don't care about the information that'll be translated later, I just want pictures.

http://is.gd/nAlKQd http://is.gd/4ylzDq http://is.gd/bB5nEx http://is.gd/SQNA2H
I think most of the information has been translated by serebii and I already. I can't discern much more quickly with the blur on the text, but if any more stuff pops up, I'll be back (hopefully).
Longer 15th movie trailer is available on the Japanese Pokemon movie website (just click the play button located on the bottom-left): http://www.pokemon-movie.jp/
i hated all 4th gen movies, 5th gen movies have been ok so far, im really looking forward to this movie though looks really interesting. And imo keldeo is freaking cool XD