(1) New Pokemon, Mamanbō, Revealed on 'Oha Suta' [7/22]

this pokémon is pretty okay, I guess its neat that luvdisc evolves now, but I'm not sure if I like it. I might just purposefully not evolve my luvdisc if I catch one now. luvdisc did need an evo though. And I'm curious about hatedisc's response.
Mucrush said:
Got around and made a sprite of it. REMEMBER THAT THIS IS A FAKE SPRITE AND NOT REAL. And ask for permission if you want to use it :b


Can I use that on my signature on another forum I go on? I will credit you if you want

Also, this is definitely a luvdisc evolution and i love it, Luvdisc is amazing!!!!
Twide said:
IMO i don't think is luvdisk evo

1:jewel on his head
2:the eyes ARE VERY DIFFERENT and mamanbo have eyebrows
3:luvdisk is useless

huh? is the far left pokemon on the enemy team ?,isn't the jelly thing

Yeah, because Gloom and Bellossom are so similar aren't they?

Anyway, I think it's about time Luvdisc had an evo. It sucked ever since it was revealed, and they are so similar GameFreak are absolute Magikarps if they don't evolve Luvdisc. They didn't even let it learn Hydro Pump.
Maybe they added 2 different evos? One before this and after Luvdisc?
It looks completely different than luvdisc.

@ Paddy185: Luvdisc did suck... It needs better moves lol
TheDarkLucario said:
•stages of greif•
1. Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
2. Anger (why is this happening to me?)
3. Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
4. Depression (I don't care anymore)
5. Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)

So far you guys are on stage one, denial! Did piloswine need a Evo? Did Aipom? It's not that bad! Mo pokemon mo discusion. Get over yourself and move on to stage 5. If it looked just like luvdisc, would it be a evo? And stop complaining about it's eyes not looking the same, just look what happened with porygon2 to porygon-z. Completly diffrent eyes. Get over yourself NOW! this isn't as crazy as the other past evo claims made. "omg this one looks like drowzee!" or "dude, probopass evo!" don't complain about 1 pokemon, they already revealed 30+. It kinda ammuses me that you guys can't face the truth. ;)

I'm going to quote my post since everyone ignored it D:
I honestly think that swan represents a Great Egret more due to the neck. Although, the feet may lead diffrent. The Deer one looks cute :D.
Oh no! I just though of something, it can be a luvdisc evolution unless there is no breeeding place until you get the new pokedex, because if you breeded a mamanbo wouldn't you get a luvdisc and wouldn't that be in the national dex because in pokemon black and white you can only have pokemon black and white pokemon in your pokedex! :O that sucks
Luvdisc is amazing said:
Oh no! I just though of something, it can be a luvdisc evolution unless there is no breeeding place until you get the new pokedex, because if you breeded a mamanbo wouldn't you get a luvdisc and wouldn't that be in the national dex because in pokemon black and white you can only have pokemon black and white pokemon in your pokedex! :O that sucks

You'll be able to get Luvdisc+Mamanbo after you get the National Dex. That is assuming it's the evo (highly likely).

dmaster out.