(1) Lost World and Other Cards Confirmed in 'Call of Legends' [1/23]

Thats got to be the dumbest justification for not reprinting older cards. Ovbiously any card reprinted would be given the new card layout.
That's because you obviously didn't grasp my point. I meant that those cards weren't from the HGSS series, and so far we had only seen reprints those series. There would be no point in reprinting DP series cards when we already moved to a new block (especially when the BW block is just around the corner). Not to mention, the GS block had resemblances to Base/Neo blocks (Rain Dance, DCE, Double Weakness, attack costs and so on), unlike the DP series.
I'm upset that there seems to be no DP reprints, but then I forgot that DP cards had variable weakness (pluses instead of multipliers), and maybe they're trying to get back to consistency.
Hello Lost World

Goodbye its hype after States.

I honestly don't think it is going to be that good, seriously guys chillax.


Honestly, I don't think it's going to go anywhere. All the hype people will play it, and they'll lose, and Lost World will be just another stadium that every laughs at because they used to be afraid of it.

However, I AM afraid of Lost Remover. That cards kills a lot of things. Like my poor Porygon-Z deck... <Sniff> Lets just hope it doesn't see play.


That guy didn't see if Lost World said 6 Pokemon, did he? Since Japan only has 4 prize cards, I wouldn't be surprised if Lost World will be upped to 8 Pokemon in the lost zone when it gets here.
I just realized something. There is every eevee evolution except Glaceon. Whats up with that?
@glaceon: There was never a Glaceon printed in any HGSS set. The reprinted HGSS Eeveelutions are only the UD Eeveelutions (from Revived Legends) and Leafeon (from Leafeon vs. Metagross).
3 days ago i decided that i wanted some Gengar prime in case lost world came out...confirmed, and i have no gengars...just not lucky.
Well, i like the trainers (maybe research documents would be playable if it would look to more cards) and ninetales, skarmory and houndoum are good reprints. The starter ones, bad choice -.-
glad they reprinted ninetales :)

Lost remover and lost world are out :(

But IDK if lostgar will win as much, b/c you can stall it out and win :p

still don't like it being printed though.
It is incredible that they would reprint Triumphant cards so quickly. There really isn't any intelligent point for that. I'm hoping that those HGSS reprints are just sort of a placeholder so the set isn't 20 cards. That would indicate there are other cards that aren't as disappointing for us to discover in the set later.
Mew the source of all said:
What are you talking about. This news thread is about the article directly referencing Lost World coming out. Why is talking about it a bad thing, no one's forcing you to read it.
I just saw this news thread degrading into a Lost World debate thread and how it's going to impact the meta, and I wanted to say something before it got really derailed. That's all.
I don't have a problem about Lost World talk in this thread - just making a big deal about it in the News forum.
I find it hilarious how many people think one card changes a game. It is a stadium card that requires a lot of set up. Even then if you run a stadium and they have placed it out. You have ways to get rid of it. It is far from the end of the world. It is another deck mechanic that people can use to win. But it is far from unbeatable. With Japan and it's current rule set trainers now covers stadiums and supporters. So Vileplume alone can stop it from coming out to the field of play. The game is rotating back to the original Base set rules for the most part.

All this does is open the field for fun decks. With Black and White coming out a month early in April we can see a significant change to the format. But is that really a bad thing? Let's look at the winning decks for the past 2 years. How many of them have been one of 5 decks? Where originality is out and being able to buy the cards you need is in. Even then it is hard to get a hold of many of them. Take Broken Time Space for a person just getting in that card alone is in every stage 2 deck along with rare candy's which are easier to get.

But not being able to get a hold of that card slows you down. With most kids not having the money to blow on buying the singles online or finding a store that does carry singles. His/her chances are slim of getting that card. If it does get reprinted great if not oh well. But do I see Garchomp, luxray, blazikien or any insanely powered SP coming back. No I do not their time has passed and for good riddance in my honest opinion. The game needs this change and we should welcome it. As it opens the field to every player to create the new it deck.

Let's look it at that way instead of saying Lost World will ruin the game. Let's say hey they don't take prizes and most of the deck has low hit points lets kill it. So is Lost World a game changer? Somewhat but every deck that is popular there is one that counters. That is the way the game is done and no one deck is completely unbeatable.
^130 is low hit points? The problem is LostGar has no damage output.
welll at least this will end all those "will lost world be printed?" debates. tbh, it was kinda silly to think it wouldn't have been printed after it was revealed we would be getting the rest of the lost link cards.

anyway, this is beyond a disappointment for me, even as a collector. reprinting cards that were just released not even two sets ago is stupid, especially when they appeal to almost no one. i guess the shiny legendaries are interesting for me as a collector, but a 117 card set with 40ish rares is not. (especially when most of them are uninteresting reprints from just the last year of releases!) unless the shiny legendaries are about as common as the arceus cards were in platinum arceus, i will be skipping this set almost entirely.

imho, they should have just released triumphant in december, (with all the lost link cards) and then gone straight to be black and white in april. (and then BW2 in august) if they absolutely had to, i suppose they could have released the shiny legendaries in tins, blisters, etc instead of this sorry excuse of a set.
Lol at all the people whining about Lost World. I'm glad it's coming out, I hate it when we don't get cards that japan gets.
knowing that all these cards have been reprinted, there is a possibility that primes could be reprinted as well, such as Meganium, Feraligator, Typhlosion, Umbreon, Espeon, and Houdoom