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RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

If it is a remake that is coming out, I want to see them take their time with the game and release the game when they feel as though it is ready to be released. I would much rather wait for a game that is has seen extensive testing and development than play a game that is incomplete and full of glitches. I am bitter about the battery problem that plagues the old GSC games, because I can't play them, as I don't have the skills to fix the games, and would be disappointed if a remake of the game did not realize its full potential. A game in development that experiences problems can be released at a later date, but a game that has been rushed cannot be fixed.
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

CCloud said:
This is a great day to be a fan of Pokemon.

yep. I had crystal the bat. died though :( This will be soo fun I mean look at platinum theres a boat load of hints! here are some to name a few of the top of my head,

1) theres a guy whos friends with prof. Elm in the contest town (Im having a brain fart ><)
2) they're all out of RAGE candy bars
3) something about slowpoke tails
3) red garydos story in DP plus the guy is in the surival zone again
4) you cant get the dogs in any other game except FR/LG A REMAKE
5)something about lance and drake....

theres more but thats off the top of my head :D

RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

Charging_Chimchar said:
CCloud said:
This is a great day to be a fan of Pokemon.

yep. I had crystal the bat. died though :( This will be soo fun I mean look at platinum theres a boat load of hints! here are some to name a few of the top of my head,

1) theres a guy whos friends with prof. Elm in the contest town (Im having a brain fart ><)
2) they're all out of RAGE candy bars
3) something about slowpoke tails
3) red garydos story in DP plus the guy is in the surival zone again
4) you cant get the dogs in any other game except FR/LG A REMAKE
5)something about lance and drake....

theres more but thats off the top of my head :D


Don't forget about Jasmine's appearance in Sunyshore City
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

Doesn't it seem a tad early to post something like this?
Currently it's just an assumption and we all now the hidden mean of the the word "Assume". (At least I hope)
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

It's so obvious at this point that there's no doubt.
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

Well you've had like 1 Clue so far. (I'm not sure if there's been more, I haven't realy checked arround in a while.) But if your wrong some people are gonna be pretty p/oed
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

I got a chuckle over people getting all excited over speculation. This is a pair of confetti balls on Pokémon Sunday. Of course it'd be Gold/Silver related, but there's no evidence that it'll be a remake of the Game Boy Color Pokémon games. To me, it's NOT obvious on what it is. It's only "obvious" if you've wished for a remake of Pokémon Gold and Silver and you've convinced yourself.

While I did enjoy my Silver version to pieces and a remake would be nice, I never wished for a remake. It would be redundant in exactly the way that Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen was not.
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

The Pokemon Sunday crew said it's a video game, so no, it's not really "speculation," "if," or "assumed" at this point. Unless they are releasing a game having to do with gold and silver balls, it's likely a GS remake. Hence the starters in the 12th movie, the lack of GS Pokemon in recent TCG sets, etc.
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

The Fallen One said:
Let's hope so.

And I do mean that everything has to be the same. Pokeballs as big as your head, psncurberries, Volty the Electrode, Slowpoke Tails, etc.

Amen to that. A remake of G/S/C is going to be the best thing that ever happened since G/S/C came out, though I want eveything to be exactly the same as it was. I'm still hooked on my Silver version, which still works. Nintendo better not mess up on this one, like they did with PBR...
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

At this point, any news is good news regarding Gold and Silver remakes. We've waited so long; I hope our patience is rewarded in the end.
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

*Sigh* I remember how good those games used to be, I would spend hours everyday playing and playing, the background music, the towns, it was all soo good.. I can't wait, i'm really exited
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

dude this better happen this had the best storyline of all the games 16 badges and the main character looks pretty sick, u battle ash at the end, the Shiny Red Gyarados, Ho-oh and Lugia ftw legendarys, the 3 dogs are awesome never knew bout the game that well was only in like 2nd grade but remember it being the best and when they made it they still had good imaginations with there drawings as the newer ones they got lazy and the bug catching contests were fun as well they can make some adjustments to make it better but best overall game they made so far imo
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

Honestly, I'll jsut have to see it to believe it. It's been what? 9 years since Gold/Silver was made and they neglected to remake it. There have been so many fake GS remakes and they've all come up not true.
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

10 years.

This is from an official show and its website, not from the interwebz.
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

So we can expect another Lugia LV X?

Oh god, I will hate it if those balls have no purpose at all and they are just announcing an RPG game for the Wii...
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

Didn't one of the previous fakes fool some of the "official" sites?
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

InuMimi said:
YES! gold and silver remakes! I seriously hope this is true. I will just love game freak if they made a remake. I think the graphics will be great in a gold/silver remake. Waaa! I'm just so excited now! Silver is my favorite pokemon game :D

I syre would because I have never actually played G/S except my friends messed up one for 5 minutes. I could not save the game because the internal battery was dead. I however started with Cyndaquil though. I sure hope it will be the same plot but with new additions like they did for FR/LG which I just found a few minutes ago with my GBA I might add. I loved FR/LG and if they keep the same idea then I sure hope I can get the chance to play them. Also on a side note I hope you are getting my PM's and messages. Thanks. Hope to hear from you soon.:)
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]


This is the best thing to happen since the creation of the Universe and TP!!!
RE: (1) GS REMAKE COMING!! [5/2]

i am so happy!!! <3
gold/silver was my favorite generation and i would love to have a remake
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