(1) BW54 Pikachu and BW55 Elgyem in 'Boundaries Crossed' Two-Pack Blisters [10/23]

Why are promos such utter garbage nowadays? It's like they're not even pretending to look like they're good.
I thought pika would look awesome, but now... The background looks like someone quickly made it. I don't like them
Hopefully we get these fairly quickly. Liligant for DRX just started showing up a few weeks back (first week of Oct)
I was hoping that they would be resuing #52 Lillipup as the box doesn't look like it's making it here, like they've done with over unavailable promos before.

But I guess at least it's new things that are part of the actual promo set and not just set-redoes.
What's the point of Elgyem's Ability? If it has an energy attached, Mewtwo EX still donks it. Pikachu art is decent.
What are you talking about, the Raichu art is really nice, I love it. It looks pretty GS retro.
They finally brought that Pikachu... And Elgyem is the second of 4 promos that were released in Japan that are coming to the west, but at a really slow rate, it seems (first was Empoleon)... Yet, there are still 4 more similar promos that didn't arrive here for now...

I don't really like holo reprint promos... I'd only buy that for Pikachu and Elgyem since they're actually new cards...
I like Pikachu and Elgyem's Artwork and Well I guess Elgyem is okay.....But If you were going to play Elgyem you should probably play the one with first contact.
Pikachu's artwork... Seriously. Look at [link=http://www.trollandtoad.com/images/products/pictures/163402.jpg]this[/link].

Seriously, 5ban Things?
Thank God I'm not the only one that noticed the artwork. These are useless, but oh well, nothing we can do about it.
Delta Nite said:
Pikachu's artwork... Seriously. Look at [link=http://www.trollandtoad.com/images/products/pictures/163402.jpg]this[/link].

Seriously, 5ban Things?

lol it does look rather similar, I bet they were doing something like this:

5bangraphics: "Ugh, I can't think of anything to draw for this new pikachu promo!"

Random pokemon TCG kid: "WOOT WOOT! I finally got pikachu delta species RH. it's the last card I need for my RH collection, YES!"

*5ban artist snatches card from unsuspecting kid*

5bangraphics: "hrm I can use this, thanks kid!"

Random pokemon TCG kid: "..."