(1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

Maybe the boxes will function like the Storage in PMD II. Maybe after you beat the E4, you get more boxes, or they add more boxes to the PC Storage as you advance through Isshu.
@Psyburn: Yeah you would, since about 99% of the people here said they were. Really I don't know why I'm talking to you, like your opinion really matters. I'm finished with you.

Anyway to stay on topic(unlike certain people) I really like that electric eel thing xD
It's a lamprey, to be politically correct scuba stevee. And I too like the design, particularly the final form.
Wait what! 8 box limit :(

Is the dragon sort of thing with heads for hands near the end a pseudo legendary?
Maybe after you beat the E4, you get more boxes, or they add more boxes to the PC Storage as you advance through Isshu.

Would be interesting if they did something like, you had to pay for an extra box from some technical gizmo salesman.
It's the pseudo-legendary. It comes before the Bug/Fire Pokemon, just check the Isshu Pokedex post and see the 'Dark/Dragon Pseudo-Legendary'.
Am I the only one that thinks the legends revealed the other day that looked like dogs, weren't in fact the fighting legends. Look at the green, blue, and brown pokémon at the bottom that look like they are standing with their arms crossed - could these be the fighting legends they were talking about?
maybe there is only 8 boxes in the beginning because they are made to hold more pokemon then the previous ones. and you do get more after the e4.
Oh Ok thanks :D

The rajin trio look very very similiar, I still don't get why they are seperated :(
Things I like: the pokemon!!!!

Things I don't: Not enough fire types
Not enough electric types
and too many standalone pokemon (no evolution/prevolution)
Cool thanks SDB, I'm trying to decide to use it or denchura on my team.

Also there's a lot of mons here that look like they should be water type....

@psyburn: Ok you want to play, let's play. No whats pissing me off is that you're at smart ass, and you just have a egotistical way of thinking. Really, I highly dislike people like you.
@ Fire-ice: ummm.....I don't know what you got, but my count was about 15 fire types and about 15 fighting types. Last time I checked 15 = 15, which isn't bad considering that both those types needed quite a bit of fleshing out.....
Looks like most of you guys are getting the "Haters Forever" virus...*Sigh*
Looks like me and 14 more people are the only ones who love EVERY SINGLE Pokemon in this Gen. (Even though Gear final evo doesn't look like a Pokemon... o_O )
I mean,really.Remember when they said they are were going to make this Gen/Game similiar to Gen 1?Here are some examples:

Green Garbage Bag Pokemons = Grimer and Muk
Gochiruzeru line = Jynx
Tamagetake line = Voltorb Line
The water Pony = Ponyta
The Bug/Steel Pokemon = LOOKS a little bit like Mewtwo

I know I said many stuff about the designs about older Pokemon comparing them to new ones,but I said that before seeing these Pokemon.

In conclusion:Guys,try to check resemblances (spelling) beetwen New Pokemon and Old Pokemon before saying anything,I mean,its getting REALLY annoying. >_>
Most are pretty original. It seems like gamefreak was running out of ideas with the ice cream one though. But why are some of the legendary trios out of place? Like how come it goes 2 flying trio members, Reshiram, Zekrom, the last flying trio member, than the dragon ice legendary?
Alright, now that I've taken a minute to absorb all of this in, overall I'm really liking this now. There are quite a few that I cannot stand, and look like a preschooler put them together, there are many new monsters that I LOVE. Gear was RUINED by it's evolutions, imo. It's just Gear + another larger gear. I find that annoying.
Although the garbage pokemon is a bit strange though