(1) ‘Plasma Blast’ Elite Trainer Box [5/30]

Reshiram EX and Zekrom EX didn't have a full art either one either, but they did get one when they were made in English. If a card has a regular EX but no full art it just makes TPCI look bad and lazy.
You do realize that set was created when EXs were first introduced over here and they had to make a good impression. Reshiram and Zekrom just got full-art EX versions out of necessity. After that, there's no reason to give EX an "English-exclusive" full-art when the Japanese didn't give them one.

Plus the fact that Kyurem has 6 EXs when The Regis, The Lake Trio, Arceus, Manaphy, and Phione don't have EXs is pretty stupid.
That's just because TPCI likes to parade Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem. It has nothing to do with whether or not a card gets a full-art version.
Frost said:
"Over 100 cards in all!"

Grimace. Frustration. Rage. If this is the last BW English set, we're losing out on so many cards. ;_; (No, none of them are playable, but I don't care about playability.)

Yeah, I'm disappointed... for the same reason you just said... It annoys me that they always do this... If this is the last BW set, I though they would take the opportunity to make one big final set by include as many cards as they could which would include the EBE decks (I don't care about playability too)...
If they didn't want to include everything in one set, they could have put some in Plasma Freeze and the rest in Plasma Blast and we would have 2 sets with about the same size and not too big by today's standards...
I mean, they didn't care about stuffing all of the Beginning Set National cards in Boudaries Crossed and make it awefully huge (and those cards are even worse than the card from the EBE decks, w/ the exception of the Grass, Fire and Water cards)...
But like I said, they always do this when an era is ending... They just ignore a bunch of cards either from decks or promos and just move on to the next era, leaving us even more behind japan...
hey, at least we get a bit more for our money. 8 packs for 40 isn't great, but the other items sound good. It looks like something to get someone started with, they get energy, packs, and counters!
Hi ! I'm from the Netherlands but I really need to get myself this Box !
Anyone of you guys know a great worldwide shipping store online ??
I hope you can help me out..
Unbroken, Unbowed, Undefeated - Unova Blasts Back!

Any Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire fans here? Reminds me of House Martell's words "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken."

Seems like a pretty cool collection. Wish they'd put stuff together like this more often!
The previous box came with a "deck box" which I was pumped for...only for it to be cardboard... weak. PLEASE dont let us down with the sleeves!!! :) *fingers crossed*