(1) ‘CoroCoro’ Cover Reveals Silhouetted Pokemon, More Leaks Soon [2/11]

If there's going to be a sound type this generation I definitely think they'd make a eevee for the new type. If it were normal type I think it'd keep the same color scheme(there's acually really nice looking fan made designs). And if it were to be flying type i don't think it'd be pink, maybe more of a white or cloudy feeling. As well as i'd think it would have wings.
Considering Ninfia's girly look and the fact that Virgil has all the eeveelutions (and all male) and a spare female Eevee, maybe only female Eevee may evolve through some new method into Ninfia.
Something tells me we may get to decide the sex of the Pokemon, that could also be supported by the names of the games.
I could be horribly wrong though.
So I think in order to find out the type of this new Eeveelution, we have to wait for the English name. Why? Well:


All of these names make it fairly (most blatantly) obvious as to the typing...something tells me that the English name won't be Nympheon because that would be vague as to the typing...we'll see though...maybe we're getting a Fairy type? :p Glacia became Glaceon, so it is plausible for Ninfia to become Nympheon; but that would leave the type question open.
Ninfia's design makes me think of a kite.
Traditional kites often have ribbons and bows on their string. Plus a kite would back up a pure Flying type Eeveelution as Normal/Flying seems to be exclusive for Pokemon based on birds. Furthermore the concept of the kite would cover the idea of wind and air without the need of adding wings to Eevee.
*Extreme girly moment begin* awwww Ninfia is soooooo cute! It has just been added to my fave eeveeloutions list along wit Vaporeon, Umbreon, & Glaceon (Umbroen is still my overall fave though) *Extreme girly moment over*

A showdown between Genosect & MewTwo, that's gonna be exciting to watch. It's a good way to portray TR vs TP (using their creations) if that's what they are trying to do.
Fennex said:
Ninfia's design makes me think of a kite.
Traditional kites often have ribbons and bows on their string. Plus a kite would back up a pure Flying type Eeveelution as Normal/Flying seems to be exclusive for Pokemon based on birds. Furthermore the concept of the kite would cover the idea of wind and air without the need of adding wings to Eevee.

I really like this; I think you're on to something.

Also, people seem to be associating the colors on Ninfia's ribbons with Skyla, when, in reality, I think those colors represent flying types in general. Look at Winona. I vaguely get a Winona Hey Gaiz! Hoenn remakes! vibe from Ninfia (not as much as Skyla, of course, but still). Either way, though, flying seems likely.
HeatRotomFTW97 said:
I really like this; I think you're on to something.

Also, people seem to be associating the colors on Ninfia's ribbons with Skyla, when, in reality, I think those colors represent flying types in general. Look at Winona. I vaguely get a Winona Hey Gaiz! Hoenn remakes! vibe from Ninfia (not as much as Skyla, of course, but still). Either way, though, flying seems likely.

I know it doesn't mean anything, but you'd have expected Ninfia to 'float' or be airborne in the in-game pictures if it was a Flying type. Still, I think a kite is what I'd been trying to think of when I first saw the design, so it would fit well.

What would cause it to evolve then? Level Up with Sky Bow attached? :p
Winona has no pink at all... If anything, a bright lavender represents Flying.
Flygon2071 said:
What is the Pokemon that Ninfia is battling? The one on the left-hand corner shows Ninfia and another Pokemon. I cannot distinguish it out.

I think Ninfia is battling Froakie.
Fennex said:
Plus a kite would back up a pure Flying type Eeveelution as Normal/Flying seems to be exclusive for Pokemon based on birds.

Its not "exclusive" for birds, its more that having wings is not enough to justify a primary Flying type, hence why they are merely secondary Flying.

A Normal/Flying bird-based Pokemon is no more Flying than Charizard etc.

A pure Flying type would mean it is MORE Flying oriented than all these secondary Flying types....which, if Tornadus is any good indication involves a heavy wind-specialization along with being airborne.

HeatRotomFTW97 said:
So I think in order to find out the type of this new Eeveelution, we have to wait for the English name. Why? Well:


All of these names make it fairly (most blatantly) obvious as to the typing...something tells me that the English name won't be Nympheon because that would be vague as to the typing...we'll see though...maybe we're getting a Fairy type? :p Glacia became Glaceon, so it is plausible for Ninfia to become Nympheon; but that would leave the type question open.

I could see it turn out as something along the lines Nineeon (Neineon?) or Noneon.. but it sounds more realistic it'll be inspired by its fantabulous look xD
What's that pokemon in the small battle screenshot in the top left of the main page on ninfia? I can't seem to make it out, its not very clear, it could be a new pokemon or i could just be not noticing what it really is... Anyone know about that?
Darkraian10 said:
What's that pokemon in the small battle screenshot in the top left of the main page on ninfia? I can't seem to make it out, its not very clear, it could be a new pokemon or i could just be not noticing what it really is... Anyone know about that?

Bulbapedia has a clear image of the page, and it seems to be Froakie it's battling :)
Mitja said:
Fennex said:
Plus a kite would back up a pure Flying type Eeveelution as Normal/Flying seems to be exclusive for Pokemon based on birds.

Its not "exclusive" for birds, its more that having wings is not enough to justify a primary Flying type, hence why they are merely secondary Flying.

A Normal/Flying bird-based Pokemon is no more Flying than Charizard etc.

A pure Flying type would mean it is MORE Flying oriented than all these secondary Flying types....which, if Tornadus is any good indication involves a heavy wind-specialization along with being airborne.

I just wanted to state that all Normal/Flying types so far are based on "normal" birds (without any elemental or otherwise special features). I would agree that the secondary Flying type just characterizes them as Normal type Pokemon with the less significant ability to fly.
An Eeveelution typed Normal/Flying wouldn't fit. So if Ninfia is Flying type I think it will be a pure Flying type.
steffenka said:
Darkraian10 said:
What's that pokemon in the small battle screenshot in the top left of the main page on ninfia? I can't seem to make it out, its not very clear, it could be a new pokemon or i could just be not noticing what it really is... Anyone know about that?

Bulbapedia has a clear image of the page, and it seems to be Froakie it's battling :)

Oh... Haha thanks for clarifying!

steffenka said:
Darkraian10 said:
What's that pokemon in the small battle screenshot in the top left of the main page on ninfia? I can't seem to make it out, its not very clear, it could be a new pokemon or i could just be not noticing what it really is... Anyone know about that?

Bulbapedia has a clear image of the page, and it seems to be Froakie it's battling :)

So its battling Froakie. It seems like Ninfia has some stars around it. Maybe its Froakie's attack or just its own.