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    Old 4th Gen Player Help!

    Hey guys I used to play a lot in the Diamond/Pearl/Plat days and I would like to play a bit more in the 5th gen. What should I know that is different in the 5th Gen. I still have all my old pokes that are EV/IVed. Thanks a lot for any help

    Life Begins-Project Custom Challenge #7 Entry

    Ok hello everyone! This is my entrie for Project Custom and I would like to get this off my chest I do NOT plan on continueing this fic! That is because I am Planning on continuing The Birth of an Articuno, some of you may be happy for that. FYI I am a girl in this, it began...

    PBs Super Smash Brothers Brawl League

    Hello everyone! I was looking at all the infulux of threads about SSBB and I figured we could use a league to determine who is the best Brawler here! I also didnt put officla up there because I beleave you cant just create something and call it offical right off the bat, someone higher up need...

    Writing Everything Changes CH 1 is up!

    As some of you may know I have written another fan fic called The Birth of an Articuno. Don't worry , I just have had insperation for this fic, I have firther chapters planned for it, I just want to write this first. Well on with the fic. Intro- YA LOOKING AT IT CH 1- We Arrive I have...


    I always do this on forums when I reconize a name under the bday section. Its Sam von Noobenschtein's Birthday! Happy fourteenth SvN! OHHHHHH Happy Happy birthday, a happity happity hap! Happy happy birthday! I hope you take a NAP! Made that one up all by myself, and I always nap on my...

    Wi-Fi Trades MUCKSTER "My Player Thread"

    Welcome To My Payer Thread! Before you read on some of my pokemon are cloned via the GTS. If you have something against cloning tell me and I will direct you to what isn't cloned. Also I will clone for you if you ask, just as as long as I can keep a single copy (usually) My Info My...

    Pokemon Pokemon Songs

    I was wondering if anyone else here has any pokemon songs on their I-pod or in my case Zune. Also I was looking to have people post the songs in this thread so we can all share these songs and spread the pokemon joy. Yesterday I bought the pokemon CD it was one of the origionals and one became...

    Really annoying please help!

    Hello all. I have been spriteing for about 2 months now and I was wondering. Does everone get a black backround when they copy paist sprites off of It really makes it alot harder to do some sprites for me and it happens in pain and photoshop...

    Writing The Birth of an Articuno. Chapter Ten is in!

    Before I start with my story I would like to say a few things. First off the main charactor in my story is a girl, and I am not, I thought a girl fit the part I am giving her much better than a guy would have. Here is a picture of the main charactor: This is also my first Fan Fic so any...

    Ruling Baby Pokemon

    Ok thi is my first post of hopefully many post at this site ;) but I pplayed pokemon a long time ago, i stoped playing i think on the like 4th set? some time around there, it was right after gym leaders was released thats all i remember Bu i also played for like 2 weeks inbetween there and i...