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  • Snivylover555, Oh okay, well like I said there are a few that should be sticking around so that's good news for you. =D (As long as you're interested in one of the ones that stay...)

    Awwh, that's no fun. :[ Do you know why you're sick? Or is it just one of those days where you feel sick...? :[
    Snivylover555, Haha okay, well then we'll probably be seeing a lot of each other because I don't plan on leaving anytime soon either. ^.^

    Well I'm pretty sure some are staying. Lets hope that one of the ones that you like stays. =]
    Glad to hear that, Snivy. =D But "never ever ever ever"? You sure about that? xP All I can say is that it may be sad to see all of the many games going. But, I think if everyone just gives it some time Pokebeach will start to get to be even better. And who knows, maybe sometime in the future we'll see a new game forum. :O
    And just foor the timing of this moment, 2 things:

    1.) I'll never ever ever ever leave PB never. ;D
    This site is my live! xP
    And you all mean too much to me! ^_^
    All you peoples are dear to me! :3
    And I love talking to everyone! *o*

    2.) If everyone misses The Ban Game so much, make a new one. Logic. °~°
    Snivylover555, Oh okay great! Chatting with you is pretty fun so that's good to know. =] Yeah I understand, a lot of people really liked the Ban Game. :/ I don't think you should leave for good though... Maybe just come on less frequently? But if you think it's better to just leave completely I'll accept it...
    Snivylover555, Great! I'm wondering why default title was changed to "Bug Catcher" instead of Magikarp Bait.
    Snivylover555, Yeah, that could be a problem... You really liked the Ban Game didn't you? I've thought about the changes a lot and even though I'm not in love with them or anything I'm ready for them and will be sticking around for a while. Well, if you do decide to leave, I think you should at least stop by chat once in a while. =]
    Snivylover555, no, no they do not. Ok im like dead tired so im gonna go to sleep.

    Nice talking to ya :)
    Snivylover555, *Afro-G pokes Snivy back and notices something's wrong*

    Awwwwh, is something the matter? :[

    /me covers grave with dirt
    /me falls to the ground, hugging the grave marker and weeps
    Snivylover555, you and me both.

    /me lowers Ban Game into grave
    /me takes a tissue cries into it and gives another to snivy

    Yeah, it probably will be, I think we should hold a funeral

    Dearest Ban Game,

    It was so sad to see you go so soon
    Yet, we cherish the moments we had with you

    (Noaw you continue wit speach)
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