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  • DNA, ok so i thought i was finally starting to get this stuff, i mean i should, i read your posts over and over..but then i tried to answer the test questions and.. :/. ok so q 1: they give the chem equation of some reaction and say that -delta[compound]/delta t = something M/s
    so how do i find what -delta bromide/ delta t is? do i need to know what order it is in order to calculate, or is that irrelevant? im so confused my brain is gonna explode :p
    also please tell me there is some trick to remembering and keeping straight the diff rate laws and concentration-time equations and half-life formulas.
    oh and the Arrhenius equation, and there is prob at least one more im forgetting. why are there so many darn formulas
    DNA, do you know if there is a difference/what the difference is between rate law, rate constant, and reaction rate?
    it all sounds the same XDD
    DNA, woah thanks for writing all that. i wish i could say that i understood it all -.- even after reading what u wrote and my notes a ton of times im confused. my notes have "rate" equaling a ton of diff things. rate= k * [A]^m * ^n rate=delta[A]/delta t rate=k[A] etc
    are they all the same thing or if not how do i know which one to use? :/
    DNA, whatever is easier for you, and thanks again. I will continue to stare at the take home test assignment thingy i have no idea how to do :)
    DNA, thanks! and it has to do with reaction rate, rate laws, 1st and 2nd order reactions, etc. im getting everything confused -.-
    hey um its me again.. its totally not like i only go here to ask for chem help :X

    do you think you could help me? please? i hate to have to keep bothering you with chem, but im having a uh kinda rough time with "chemical kinetics" T.T
    DNA it looks like you are having a rough time deciding which Pokemon (Including N) that you like. A Registeel Avatar/Signature would be pretty cool.
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