'Alter Genesis,' 'High Class Pack 2019' Sets Announced for Japan!

Holy moly that Ultra Necrozma is going to be broken with Galarian Weezing's inevitable Ability-blocking Ability

(Or ya know, in Expanded with Garbodor and DDE)
  • Golurk - 160 for 2 energy or I say... 1 Welder? Yes. Vulnerable to Item Lock, heck no! 3-4 Geodudes
  • Ultra Necrozma - alternate atkr for Malamar/Ultra Necrozma since it uses the same AC as the GX. 170 for 2 is enough, KOs Dedenne and most basic GXs and it can use Beast Ring then fire it if the opponent drops to 2 prizes left. Gusting will become difficult so this won't be easily gust out. 4-5 Geodudes
Holy moly that Ultra Necrozma is going to be broken with Galarian Weezing's inevitable Ability-blocking Ability

(Or ya know, in Expanded with Garbodor and DDE)

Galarian Wheezing will probably only block Pokemon V's abilities, and THAT better have a requirement.
Golurk - 160 for 2 energy or I say... 1 Welder? Yes. Vulnerable to Item Lock, heck no! 3-4 Geodudes

Card looks terrible to me. Once you play a supporter it will end up in the discard pile. Therefore the second attack will do nothing at all.

Ultra Necrozma looks awesome especially when you consider that we also get Beastite to increase damage by 40 once Ultra Necrozma is able to attack.
That's a hella interesting attack for Golurk. Might get better with SwSh base set, if we get our non-GX support and DCE back.
I'll be highly surprised if Ultra Necrozma isn't banned from Expanded right away. Being able to do 200 damage on turn 1 (Choice Band + Silent Lab + DDE) is insane.
So there is one GX left to be revealed? Hope it isn't Caracosta GX ...

It most likely will be. We already have 7 GX/Tag Team GX in Alter Genesis (assuming the baby trio is in fact one of them), I can't imagine there being anymore. Besides how else are we gonna get Carracosta GX when this is the final S&M set? If it was getting a promo box like the past gym Promo GXs recently it probably would've been announced by now.

Speaking of gym promos, they come around every main set so we should be getting one last S&M batch with the release of Alter Genesis. I bet there is where the Trevenant & Dusknoir GX comes from. If so it will be the first (and likely only) Tag Team GX promo in Japan.
It most likely will be. We already have 7 GX/Tag Team GX in Alter Genesis (assuming the baby trio is in fact one of them), I can't imagine there being anymore. Besides how else are we gonna get Carracosta GX when this is the final S&M set? If it was getting a promo box like the past gym Promo GXs recently it probably would've been announced by now.

Speaking of gym promos, they come around every main set so we should be getting one last S&M batch with the release of Alter Genesis. I bet there is where the Trevenant & Dusknoir GX comes from. If so it will be the first (and likely only) Tag Team GX promo in Japan.
I mean, we did get that Mewtwo-EX promo at the very end of the XY-era, so Carracosta could be getting a box by itself, but since Unidentified Fossil already is in the set with Anorith (and presumeably Lileep), I think it's a safe bet to say it's in.
Hopefully, Flygon's ability does something to help get 3 Fighting Energy onto it because right now that's a difficult task.
I'll be highly surprised if Ultra Necrozma isn't banned from Expanded right away. Being able to do 200 damage on turn 1 (Choice Band + Silent Lab + DDE) is insane.
What's funny about this is that I'd usually say that could be difficult to find all of those pieces on turn 1, but Guzma and Hala drop in and do exactly that. I'm not sure it's banworthy because it's still really reliant on a stadium, but it's definitely really powerful for a basic non-GX in expanded.

As for Golurk, it'd have potential to be the new Granbull in that it demands weird deckbuilding to hit for high damage, but we'll need more deck thinning and searching items in Sword and Shield for it to be a decent option. I guess a Supporter card that places itself in the Lost Zone or a Pokemon with an ability to place 1 of your discarded cards in the Lost Zone each turn would also work, but these are much less likely. It'd be fun to try getting a deck without supporters working.
Thank god alolan muk isnt in standard right now. If you or your opponent drops that this card becomes the most broken card
Hi yes I will like to take about ALL THE FLYGON GXs!! I never thought my favorite would get a GX.

Edit: too bad it's fighting and not dragon...3 fighting energy per attack hurts too BUT perhaps Red and Blue supporter can help with that. I guess we'll see maybe the ability will be amazing as well.
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