‘Heaviest Pokemon’ Quiz

Boohoohoo suckas! The quiz question asked last week was, “Which of the following Pokemon is the heaviest?” The correct answer was Groudon, which 47% of the voters answered correctly. This is the first time the correct answer has been in first place, since in previous weeks, wrong answers were selected overwhelmingly over the correct answer by the majority. Unfortunately, half of the voters STILL did not get the question right! That means it counts as a loss! 7-0 WPM.

At least you are all improving, albeit the fact that last week’s question was super easy and no one should have gotten it wrong. (I know, I’m mean to you all, but that’s so you get mad and start improving!) This week’s quiz question is now up. Remember, 51% or more of the voters need to choose the correct answer for it to count as a win.

Have you chosen most of the answers correctly in these past few months? Are you tired of getting grouped in with the losing majority? Are you reading my posts thinking to yourself, “YOU [bleep]! I ALWAYS CHOOSE THE RIGHT ANSWER! STOP TALKING DOWN TO ME!” Think you’re smart when it comes to Pokemon? Well then, you should join the PokeBeach forums, where the majority of our members choose the right answers on these quizzes! If you join, be sure to introduce yourself in the “Welcome to the Beach” subforum! Joinnnn usssss…

I might consider changing the win rule to, “If the correct answer is in first place, it counts as a win,” but I’ll think about it and post my decision next week. It seems like the majority will never answer the quiz questions right 51%+ of the time, which is why I might have to reconsider what counts as a win. We’ll see…