Pokemon Apprentice League, Jungle and Fossil Scans

Pokemon Apprentice League, Jungle and Fossil Scans
By: [Water Pokémon Master] — Friday – May 21st, 2004

»Pokemon Apprentice League: Unfortunately, PokeBeach cannot host for a Magic the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh Apprentice League. We do not have enough resources to do it, so we will only be sticking with a Pokemon Apprentice League. To sign up for the Pokemon Apprentice League and to download Apprentice with the latest Pokemon patch, you must sign up in the forums by [clicking here] and then going to Pokemon Apprentice League under Trading Card Game. Once you open the forum, read through all three topics in it and you will receive all instructions on what to do.

»Jungle and Fossil Scans: Shakespeare has promised to send me Fossil scans within the next few days. So, it is possible that by Saturday or Sunday we will have both Jungle and Fossil up. Once again, thank you Shakespeare!