Since HGSS, I have one "stock" name for a single pokemon: Azby
HGSS: Sandshrew (the first one!)
Platinum: Masquerain (my favorite bug-type pokemon)
And next, BW my Oshawott will be the Azby, meaning that will be the first starter pokemon to have my stock name.
I also like to put girls names at my female pokemon: Jess (Togekiss), Melissa (Mismagius) (as the Japanese name of Gym Leader Fantina), Carol (Lopunny), Shirona (Garchomp) (as the Japanese name of the Champion Cynthia), and many more.
@thefleeee: My Zapdos is Sprite, as a type of lightning bolt.
@BlueEyedSteelix: My suggestion is Rotastill. Is a mix of the words Rotation and a variant of Steel.