momma jokes

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RE: yo momma jokes

Yo momma's so fat that when she sat on a rainbow she got Skittles.
RE: yo momma jokes

1.) Yo momma's so fat, when she sits around the house, she LITERALLY sits "around the house".

2.) Yo momma's so fat, she walked by the telivison and I missed a 5-Hour "I Love Lucy" Marathon.

3.) Yo momma's so fat, she had to use Saturn's rings as a belt.
RE: yo momma jokes

Yo momma's so fat, when she looks down she cant even see her toes!
RE: yo momma jokes


Yo momma so fat that there are jokes about her being so fat.
RE: yo momma jokes

yo mama is so fat, a kid with a stupid cap trew a tennis-ball at her and yelled "I'm going to catch you, snorlax"
i'm confused on post #1 do this mean we can we use "yo" momma?But just in genearl okay.
yo momma is so short i confused her as in elf.
darkrayquaza said:
i'm confused on post #1 do this mean we can we use "yo" momma?But just in genearl okay.
Dont post members names when saying a joke. You may use 'yo' or 'your' since that is how the cliche goes. Whenever you see a 'yo' or 'your', it is ONLY in general and not directing at someone.
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