Moderator Applications

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Yes it does scroll OK? I had to put it in code. I'm not THAT dumb. No need to start a conversation over it.
ArceusShayminLovr said:
Yes it does scroll OK? I had to put it in code. I'm not THAT dumb. No need to start a conversation over it.

Wow, I love how everyone starts yelling because of a scroll bar. If it doesn't scroll for you then press CTRL+A and paste it in a Word document. It should highlight the whole thing.
Ok, move it along people. Stay on topic with the Moderator Application. I wouldn't like to warn people for flaming in here. >__>

dmaster out.
Yay, it's done, and sent. <3333

Good luck to everybody who applied. :D May the force be with you.

What exactly do you put for MSN contact information ? Just your e-mail?
That is the general idea.
WPM just sent my application yesterday, hope i did it right :)
Also for yahoo IM, if you have a yahoo account do you automatically have that? I said i had aim in my application.(and is AIM acceptable BTW?)
also dmaster, that would be LOL if you had to report people who want to be a mod for flaming(defeats the purpose right?)
Yahoo and AIM are completely separate systems. AIM is their most preferred method of chatting; that or Skype.
oh, okay so i'm good then :)
Thanks, i was just confused by that because i don't do IMing much(or txting), i do have an aim account. Also WPM- thank you for doing this, i just hope that this has more succes than the trade council applications that they did(all the new TC members elected by that were demoted in like 3-4 months i believe)
Heh, not a problem. And the TC applications... oh dear I remember that time... :p Only thing I have to worry about is my extremely hideous post count, but I'm a lurker folk. does that count at all? :D
I hope it doesn't. I'm a lurker. If it does count I think we're all in trouble.
DNA said:
I hope it doesn't. I'm a lurker. If it does count I think we're all in trouble.

I think that it is more dependent on time spent online, because that would show that you are very knowledgeable about the forums, I mean Plato got Moded with what, like 245 posts? However he has spent a good amount of time online and makes meaningful posts, not just 17 post on the Moderator application thread. I don't except I will get accepted because I have only been on the forums for 7 months and I have a rather low post count, I just think this might be a good chance to get the staff to know about me. If I get accepted great, however I would be willing to bet right now that the people who get selected haven't posted on this thread more then twice and have at least 3 weeks of online time. We will all have to just wait and see.
However he has spent a good amount of time online and makes meaningful posts, not just 17 post on the Moderator application thread.

Am I being looked at here? I certainly hope not, I'm just retelling my experiences because I've actually done this stuff before and it is certainly not a walk in the park.
Ryukouki said:
Am I being looked at here? I certainly hope not, I'm just retelling my experiences because I've actually done this stuff before and it is certainly not a walk in the park.

No I was not directing that towards you and I respect that you have more moderating experience then me, your application may look better then other members because of that IDK I'm not WPM. Also I was curious to why it seemed you took so much offense to that part of my post, so I looked around and saw you had 17 posts on this thread, I was unaware of that, I just chose a random number, just mentioning that to clear things up.
Hahahaha I'm not mad, I'm laughing really hard because I did make a good 17ish posts here. :D Bahahaha no worries at all man, and I wish you the best of luck! :)
lol I use 17 as my random number all the time (not very random if you ask me)

I seriously think that everyone needs to realize that what you say here won't affect WPM's decision and it will entirely be based on his decision. Im not pointing out anyone in particular, it's just kind of ridiculous how argumentative people get over something they have no control over.
Oh I know that heh heh, had to go through the same job interview thing on DSDatabase, saying how much I wanted to participate on the team and all that stuff. And Xander, we're not arguing, we're "debating." :p It'll be fine, I'm sure WPM's decisions are gonna be sound ones.
Ryukouki said:
Oh I know that heh heh, had to go through the same job interview thing on DSDatabase, saying how much I wanted to participate on the team and all that stuff. And Xander, we're not arguing, we're "debating." :p It'll be fine, I'm sure WPM's decisions are gonna be sound ones.

Yeah lol for the most part. It was debating until dmaster had to step in and make threats (X_X)
There's a difference between debates and calling people idiots.

dmaster out.
I'm pretty sure WPM said he would stop reading this thread because of its steady degradation sooooooooooooo yeah.
And Vulpix Yolk your post count isn't that small. If you'll notice, it is greater than mine. It's just small by comparison to the older members of Beach, but not small in comparison to most of the other people applying here. Don't bash yourself so much; I'd say you have a decent chance.
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