Max Payne

The Blind Side

I went to see this film today and was very impressed and I thought it had a great message and the showings of what some inoccent kids go through.
RE: Movies that make you cry..?

Marley and me.....i can't belive i watched it.
RE: Movies that make you cry..?

Forrest Gump, I haven't seen Blind Side yet but I heard it was pretty good. Tom Hanks was just phenomenal in Forrest Gump, one of my favorite movies of all time. I also liked Remember the Titans, that was another good movie.

I was going to mention "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" but it just couldn't get me the shed a tear...
RE: Movies that make you cry..?

Wow I'm surprised noone said twilight that made my gf cry so much
But to me it's boring
RE: Movies that make you cry..?

Zenith said:
There aren't any theatrical movies I can remember that made me cry. Bridge to Terabithia came darn close, though.


I really liked the movie though. It just had quite a depressing ending. :<

Cant think of much else though.. perhaps the first pokemon movie.. cause I saw that when I was about five.

I'm not saying I never cried much (that would be quite the understatement, actually), it's just that not many movies have made me cry.. that I can remember, at least.
RE: Movies that make you cry..?

Zenith said:
There aren't any theatrical movies I can remember that made me cry. Bridge to Terabithia came darn close, though.

I forgot that one too. Sad movie.

dmaster out.
RE: Movies that make you cry..?

Oh, I totally forgot!
Pictures of Hollis Woods (makes my eyes start to water just thinking about it.)
RE: Movies that make you cry..?

Pokemon: The First Movie: Who didn't cry when Ash died and all of the other pokemon started to cry?
Up: Beautiful Movie
August Rush: Touching
RE: Movies that make you cry..?

Eight Below, or something like that. When they found the dogs covered in snow, frozen and dead, I was crying and spilling my guts out. Such a sad movie, especially when I saw it when I was 10. I'm emotional when it comes to animals.
RE: The Blind Side

gengar the baller said:
I went to see this film today and was very impressed and I thought it had a great message and the showings of what some inoccent kids go through.

I saw this movie also, it was a really good movie and tells people different messages to understand.
RE: The Blind Side

Yeah Sandra Bulluck is a great actress. From what I have seen it looks like a Football movie or something and heard this is a pretty good movie too.:)
RE: The Blind Side

Yeah, get your facts right :p

I want to see this really badly- it looks like an amazing movie.
RE: The Blind Side

This is the story of Micheal Oher, now a starting offensive linemen for the Baltimore Ravens. I would like to see this movie as it portrays an image; any person can be successful, no matter where they come from.
RE: The Blind Side

He's an amazing player BTW- anyone on the Ravens line is seriously talented.

My friends tell me this is a "feelgood movie". So I hope I can see it soon.
RE: The Blind Side

gengar the baller said:
I went to see this film today and was very impressed and I thought it had a great message and the showings of what some inoccent kids go through.

I haven't seen it yet but I'm raring to go and see it. I don't know why some people don't recieve the same treatment and respect as others. This movie is mist likely to make a box office record!!
Saddest Movies

What is the saddest movie you have seen?

Mine are things like The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas and Rabbit-Proof Fence, which are based on real things, or in the latter's case, things that actually happened-there WERE 3 girls who were kidnapped by the government, and walked 1,500 miles to get home.
RE: Saddest Movies

The Boy in Stripped Pajama's was pretty sad. I have never cried at a movie, but Eight Below, and Where the Red Fern Grows are some of the saddest I've seen. (Besides those foreign exercise videos my mom got from my cousin :3)